
White tents from black tents were raised for your eyes from the farthest parts

بيض طوالع من خيام سود

1. White tents from black tents were raised for your eyes from the farthest parts
If torn, we would mend them with cords

١. بِيضٌ طَوالعُ من خيامٍ سُود
رُفِعَتْ لطَرْفِك من أقاصي البِيدِ

2. Or if collapsed, we would prop them up with poles
You see a tent - if you visit it in its courtyard

٢. لو مُزِّقَتْ لرقَعْنَها بذَوائبٍ
أو قُوَضَتْ لدعَمْنَها بقُدود

3. Traces of dragging ropes and pulling poles
It meets the lions of darkness among its walls

٣. خِيَمٌ تَرى إن زُرتَها بفِنائها
آثارَ جَرِّ قناً وجَرِّ بُرود

4. Bodies for the glances of roaming gazelles
The intoxication of glances does not awaken from youth

٤. تَلقَى أُسودَ الغِيلِ بين عِراصِها
صَرْعَى لأحداقِ الظِباءِ الغِيد

5. From every passionately amorous and heavily perfumed one
Bewitching with magic, some with kohl

٥. سَكْرَى اللّواحظِ ما يُفِقْنَ من الصِّبا
من كُلِّ هيفاءِ المُوَشَّحِ روُد

6. My eyes were lined for it with smearing
They secretly bid farewell when the caravan with the voice of the driver calling departed

٦. مَكْحولةٌ بالسِحْرِ منها مُقلةٌ
كُحِلَتْ لها عَيْنايَ بالتَسهيد

7. Their breaths and their passions competed
So they scattered the pearls of tears and necklaces

٧. خالَسْنَ تسليمَ الوَداعِ وقد هَفا
بالرَكْبِ شَجْوُ السائقِ الغِرّيد

8. As if they had taken those necklaces from their steeds
And hung them on cheeks

٨. وتَنافَسَتْ أنفاسُها وشُؤونُها
فَنَثَرْنَ دُرَّىْ أدمُعٍ وعُقود

9. And I am tormented - neither distance comforts me nor
Does your nearness fulfill what is promised

٩. وكأنّهُنّ نَزعْنَ من أجيادِها
تلك العقودَ ونُطْنَها بخُدود

10. So if he becomes distant he becomes a prisoner of love
And if he comes near he becomes a victim of rejection

١٠. ومُعذَّبٌ لا البُعْدُ يُسليهِ ولا
في القُرْبِ منك تَجودُ بالموعود

11. How strange is the specter that meets some youth
Disheveled on the edges of the wilderness, lost

١١. فإذا نأَى أمَسى أسير صَبابةٍ
وإذا دنا أضحَى قَتيل صُدود

12. The morning is the first to breathe, rising
And the night is like the exhaustion of effort

١٢. عجَباً من الطَّيفِ المُلِمِّ بفتْيةٍ
شُعْثٍ بأطرافِ الفلاةِ هُجود

13. It brings your visit near while the aim is within reach
The distant one is not far from wishes

١٣. والصبْحُ أوّلَ ما تَنفّسَ طالعاً
والليّلُ مِثْلُ حُشاشةِ المَجْهود

14. O night of the heart's joy at the mention
If you are fortunate, return

١٤. يُدْني مَزارَك والمهامِهُ دُونَه
ليس البعيدُ على المُنى ببَعيد

15. I am the one you knew, and if I met with misfortunes
The times brought that unlike what was familiar

١٥. يا ليلةً طَرِب الفؤادُ لِذكْرِها
إن كنتِ مُسعِدةَ المَشوقِ فَعُودي

16. Every day I gain new ambitions
That refuse to flee from the abode of humiliation

١٦. أنا مَن عَهِدْتِ وإن لَقِيتُ حوادثاً
حالَ الزّمانُ بها عنِ المَعْهود

17. My head, the burning of its gray hairs has lasted long
It is my wish and time for it to settle down

١٧. في كلِّ يومٍ أستَجِدُّ مَطامِعاً
يأبَيْنَ عن دارِ الهَوانِ شُرودي

18. The hair is like hair, it is not denied
Whitening after the advance of blackening

١٨. والرّأسُ قد طالَ اشتِعالُ مَشيبِه
منّى وآن له أوانُ خُمود

19. If the absence of my onlooker lifted from me
I would see the place of my desired propriety

١٩. والشِّعْرُ مثْلُ الشَّعْرِ ليس بمنكَرِ التْ
تَبْيِيضِ بعدَ تَقَدُّمِ التّسْويد

20. And I would spurn a world that is stingy with its gifts
And if it is generous it does not give except to the ascetic

٢٠. ولَوِ انجَلَتْ عنّى غَيابةُ ناظري
لرأيتُ مَوضِعَ رُشْدِيَ المَنْشود

21. And I would cut off, in seeking salvation, my ties
And I see the flash of the sword in detachment

٢١. وزَهِدْتُ في دُنيا تَشُحُّ بنَيْلِها
وإذا سَخَتْ لم تُولِ غيرَ زهيد

22. Why should I compete with every inferior society
That falsely boasts without merit a second excellence

٢٢. وقَطَعتُ في طَلَبِ النّجاةِ عَلائقي
وأرى مَضاءَ السّيفِ في التّجْريد

23. He is deluded by a chest that he adorned from a session
Go away, you are not up to it, leave it

٢٣. مالي أُنافسُ كلَّ ناقصِ مَعْشَرٍ
يَزْورُّ دونَ الفَضْلِ ثانيَ جِيد

24. If precedence was obtained through merit
It would not have existed at the start of creation

٢٤. يُزْهى بصَدْرٍ حَلَّه من مجْلسٍ
أقْصِرْ فلستَ عليه بالمَحْسود

25. And I obeyed as I disobeyed my critics
So they did not need to blame or refute me

٢٥. لو كان بالفَضْلِ التّقدُّمُ يُقْتَنى
ما كان لا في أوّلِ التَّوحيد

26. And I slipped off the saddlebags of the riding beast
And tightened my legs on their straps

٢٦. ولقد أطَعْتُ كما عَصيْتُ عَواذِلي
فغَنيِنَ عن عَذَلي وعن تَفْنيدي

27. In the darkness of night that spread its breadth over the plains
Wandering and turning, circling around without direction

٢٧. وحَللْتُ من عُقْلِ المَطّيِ مُشيحةً
وشَددْتُ فوق سِراعهنّ قُتودي

28. To the immaculate court we went together
A delegation and a delegation of glory and delegation of good fortune

٢٨. في غلْمةٍ ذرعَتْ بهم عَرْضَ الفَلا
هُوجٌ تَلُفُّ تَهائماً بنُجود

29. The feast and the caravan that approached through the light
Of its honor, the daughters of the feast

٢٩. وإلى صَفىِ الدّولةِ اصسطحَبا معاً
وَفْدان وَفْدُ عُلاً ووفْدُ سُعود

30. So they came while the auspicious one was the delegate of a group
Hope came through him to the fortunate one

٣٠. العيدُ والركْبُ الذين دنَتْ بهِم
من نُورِ غُرَّته بَناتُ العيد

31. They came as humble delegations and woke up
From his sword while they were vanquished delegations

٣١. فأتَوْه والمَسعودُ وافِدُ مَعْشَرٍ
قَدِمَ الرَّجاءُ بهِ على مَسْعود

32. And they drew the clouds of gifts from the hand
White, created for bounty and generosity

٣٢. أمسَوا وفوداً مُعتفِينَ وأصبحوا
من سَيْبِه وهُمُ مُناخُ وُفود

33. May its consecutive feasts gladden him, for his house
From every feast has touched the joyous one

٣٣. واستَمطَروا سُحُبَ المواهبِ من يَدِ
بَيضاءَ صِيغَتْ للنَدى والجُود

34. A Persian feast following an Arab one
After a complete calculated month

٣٤. فَلْيَهنِه عِيدانِ أمَّا بَيتُه
من كُلِّ عيدٍ قد ألمَّ سعيد

35. A king whose armies of victory spread
Wherever he went, right and left beneath his hoisted banner

٣٥. عَجميُّ عِيدٍ تابِعٌ عَربيَّهُ
من بَعْدِ شَهْرٍ كاملٍ مَعْدود

36. And if he girded the land with armies, it was certain
That the sky reinforced him with soldiers

٣٦. مَلِكٌ جُيوشُ النّصرِ حيث سَما له
يسْرِين تحت لوائه المَعْقود

37. And if the secret of intentions frowned upon it
He cast his spear at it - the secret of mucus

٣٧. وإذا أزار الأرضَ جُنْداً أيقنَتْ
أنّ السّماءَ تُمِدُّه بجُنود

38. As for the caliphate, it harbors glory
From it to a pillar that a mighty one roams around

٣٨. وإذا تَجّهَم فيه سِرُّ ضمائرٍ
ألقَى إليه سَناهُ سِرَّ غُمود

39. He inherited sovereignty from one great to another
So he soared with blazing and continuous glory

٣٩. أمّا الخلافةُ فَهْي تَأْوِى عِزّةً
منه إلى رُكنٍ يَتيهُ شَديد

40. Not like one who his ancestors settled
With worries, but coincidence of forefathers erected

٤٠. وَرِثَ السّيادةَ كابِراً عن كابِرٍ
فَسما بِمجْدٍ طارِفٍ وتَليد

41. You fulfilled the crown of the two nobles with determination
That cut off the hatred of the resentful one

٤١. لا كالّذي قَعَدتْ به أجدادُه
لُؤْماً وأنْهَضه اتِفّاقُ جُدود

42. And you united the realm after its disunity
And ignited the flame of generosity that the jealous smothered

٤٢. أوفَيْتَ تاجَ الحَضْرتَيْنِ بهِمّةٍ
قطَعَتْ نياطَ الحاسدِ المَكْبود

43. And you suppressed the enemies of the faith so their necks bowed
Whether standing or lying flat

٤٣. ونَظمْتَ شَمْلَ المُلْكِ بعد شَتاتَهِ
وشَبْبتَ نارَ الجُودِ غِبَّ هُمود

44. And you subjugated them all with the loftiness of your ancestry
And from suffering is the enmity of the detested

٤٤. وقَمعْتَ أعداءَ الهُدى فتَطأْطَأَتْ
أعناقُهم من قائمٍ وحَصيد

45. And you raised the banners of science so its people
Spread under the shade of your extended porch

٤٥. وقَهرْتَهم بعُلُوِّ جَدِّك كلَّهم
ومن العَناءِ عَداوةُ المَجْدود

46. And they understood you from the secret of hearts and necessitated
Your love through effort, not conformity

٤٦. ورفَعْتَ أعلامَ العلومِ فأهْلُها
يَغْشَوْن ظِلَّ رِواقِك المَمْدود

47. And they saw you greatest in resolve, so they competed
Around the basin of your streaming reward

٤٧. وألَوكَ من سِرّ القلوبِ وأوجَبوا
بالاجتهادِ هَواك لا التَقْليد

48. And if I found the sea forbidden
Against being made permitted is one performing dry ablution with sand

٤٨. ورأوْك أكبرَ هِمّةً فَتَزاحَموا
من حَولِ حَوضِ نَوالِك المَوْرود

49. May the two consecutive ones gladden you - their good tidings
Of victory and support alternated

٤٩. وإذا وجَدْتُ البحرَ كان مُحرَّماً
أن يُستباحَ تَيمُّمٌ بصَعيد

50. Two feasts from a feast shaded the giver of glad tidings
Of fortune, and from a necklace you strung a new one

٥٠. ولْيَهنِكَ المتَجدّدِان تَتابَعَتْ
بُشْراهُما بالنّصْرِ والتّأييد

51. You adorned your crown of glory with a pearl from it
That exhausted the resolves of kings hunting

٥١. عِيدانِ مِن عيدٍ أظَلّ مُبَشّرٍ
سَعْدٍ ومِن عَقْدٍ عقَدْتَ جَديد

52. Noble, testifying to a caliphal one
Growing in counting and numbering

٥٢. رَصّعْتَ تاجَ عُلاكَ منه بدرَّةٍ
أعْيَتْ على هِمَم المُلوكِ الصِّيد

53. So congratulate it with blessings that overflow upon the youth
Among the peerless, the envied cloak

٥٣. شَرَفيّة شَهدَتٌ علي خَلَفِيّةٍ
تَنْمِى على الإحصاء والتّعديد

54. So I ask Allah to increase your esteem
As long as there is room for increase

٥٤. فتَهنَّها نِعَماً تَفيضُ على الفتى
بينَ الأماثلِ بُردةَ المَحْسود

55. Until, when increase becomes unattainable to an end
It rests in the settlement of eternity

٥٥. فاللهَ أسألُ أن يَزيدَكَ رِفْعةً
مادامَ يُوجَدُ مَوضِعٌ لمَزيد

٥٦. حتّى إذا امتَنع المَزيدُ تَناهِياً
ألقَى المراسِيَ في قَرارِ خُلود