1. What a companion, who has no companion
The stallions were enraged by his courage
١. ما أَنسَ لا أَنسَ له مَوْقفاً
والعِيسُ قد ثَوروهُنَّ الحُداهْ
2. When his face appeared radiant
And the gazes of the onlookers drifted
٢. لمّا تجلَّى وجهُه طالعاً
وقد تَرامَتْ نَظَراتُ الوُشاه
3. He met me until my tears
Appeared on his polished cheek like a mirror
٣. قابلَني حتّى بدَتْ أَدمُعي
في خَدِّه المصقولِ مِثْلَ المِراه
4. Making my companions think
He sympathizes with tears he did not shed
٤. يُوهِمُ صَحْبي أَنّه مُسْعِدي
بأدْمُعٍ لم تُذْرِها مُقْلتاه
5. But he only did me a favor
With the tears from my eyes that he borrowed
٥. وإنّما قلَّدني مِنّةً
بدَمْعِ عَينٍ من جُفوني مَراه
6. Not a drop fell on his cheek
Except the illusions of my teary eyes
٦. ولم تقَعْ في خَدِّه قَطرةً
إلاّ خَيالاتُ دُموعِ البُكاه