
O how I wish my heart had declared its passion

ألا ليت قلبي يوم أعلن وجده

1. O how I wish my heart had declared its passion
And chosen to wander far from all other affections

١. ألا ليت قلبي يومَ أعلنَ وَجْدَهُ
وآثَرَ من بينِ الجوانحِ بُعْدَه

2. The jealous blamed it and set their steeds to pursue it
So it took fright and quickly returned to the wilderness

٢. رآه غَيورُ الحَيَ يَتْبَعُ ظَعْنَهم
فشَنَّ عليه الخيلَ خوفاً فَرَدَّه

3. But how can a heart be forced back to the thickets
If it has once taken wing out of passionate love?

٣. وكيفَ يَرُدُّ القلبَ قَسْراً إلى الحشا
إذا طارَ يوماً من هوىً قد أَجَدَّه

4. Above that fount how many bright moons arise
Lighting the traveller's way if their radiance is veiled

٤. وكم فوقَ تلك العيسِ من بَدْرِ هَوْدَجٍ
إذا لاحَ للسّارى رأَى الغَيَّ رُشْده

5. A wild onager, chased from his thicket by night
Seeks the shelter of dawn lest the spears overtake him

٥. وذى طُرّةٍ إن طاردَ الليّلَ هازِمٌ
من الصُّبحِ وافَى صُدْغُه فأَمَدّه

6. Unescorted by hounds a hero came riding
On a sleek mare, safe from the pack though they raged for his blood

٦. أتَى دونَ تَشْييعِ الظّعائنِ باسلٌ
بهِنْديّةٍ يَحْمِي من الظّعْنِ هِنْده

7. While Waran, grown tame, held the reins for his masters
A gift of his grace had made the halter his crown

٧. وغَيْرانُ أضحَى للحِفاظِ بكَفِّه
زِمامٌ بفَضْلٍ منه سَوَّر زَنْده

8. A steed when the sword has inflamed his excitement
Will straighten the lance though it bow to his chest

٨. غلامٌ إذا ما ماثَلَ السيفُ لَحْظَهُ
غَداةَ هِياجٍ طاوَلَ الرُّمْحُ قَدّه

9. His kick makes the white spear crimson with blood
And swerves from the blade as it sweeps to his cheek

٩. إذا شاء رَدَّ البِيضَ حُمْراً ضِرابُهُ
وغادَرَ حَدَّ السّيفِ يُشْبِهُ خَدّه

10. Then my heart, when I said it was lost in the dark,
Revived by the whispering winds in the blackness of night,

١٠. فقَلبِيَ من شَوقٍ إذا قلتُ قد خَبا
مَع الليّلِ أحيا ناسِمُ الريحِ وَقْدَه

11. And when gloom was unfurled, who was left me for company,
Lonely, now passion had severed the ties of old friendship?

١١. ومَنْ لي إذا آبَ الظّلام بهَدْأةٍ
ولو أنّ ما بي كان بالطّودِ هَدّه

12. But then came Love, a bold guest, to beset me
When Night had dispatched her armies across the wide world,

١٢. تَحَمّلَ أصحابي فأصبَحْتُ ناظراً
إلى شَمْلِ أنْسٍ حَلّلَ الدّهْرُ عَقْده

13. I broke my own ribs and went swiftly to meet him,
Taking from lightning the sparks of its glowing ember,

١٣. وقد تركوني بالجِبالِ مُدَلّهاً
وهم أَخَذوا غَوْرَ العراقِ ونَجْده

14. And lit up my heart with a fire in the darkness
That my melancholy guest might discern his intention,

١٤. وبالرَّغْمِ منَى سَيْرُهم وإقامَتِي
وَحيداً وقد جازَ الهَوى فِيَّ حَدّه

15. A foe who presumed to call himself guest! His name
Was unwelcome, yet I did not spurn him away.

١٥. وإذ لم يَقُمْ عِنْدِي سوى الطّيْفِ منهمُ
وإذْ لم يَسِرْ منّي سوى القلبِ وَحده

16. O who but a flash of lightning that pierced through my eyelids
Could take to swift flight after wounding my eyes!

١٦. فيالَكَ من قلبٍ تَمنّيتُ بُعْدَه
فلمّا نأَى عنّي تَذكَرْت عَهْده

17. More ardent than hand-clapping, their vanishing image
Opened the way for my tears in unceasing flood,

١٧. أرَى أعجَبَ الأشياء ذَمّاً لصاحبٍ
وعَوْداً إلى صَفْوٍ إليه فحَمْده

18. Breaking down restraint between a lover's eyelids
When the tears from his eyes responded to their light.

١٨. يَرى الشّيءَ شَرّاً كُلّهُ المَرءُ قائماً
وشَرّاً منَ الشّرِّ الّذي فيه فَقْده

19. Yet how sweet is the pain of love! How intense its delight!
And how pleasing the anguish that absence evokes!

١٩. أنِسْتُ بِرَوْعاتِ الليّالي كأنّني
صَفاً تحت صَوْبِ القَطْرِ قد صَفَّ صَلْده

20. O a wild gazelle with languishing eyes, cropping
My heart for his pasture instead of brooks by the valley,

٢٠. وفارَقْتُ حتّى أنّني ما يَعودُني
من الدّهر غيري عاجزاً أن يَعُدّه

21. A thirsty one, lapping the wine of soft music,
Cooled for him in the goblet of vines by the winter,

٢١. ولكنّ شوقاً طارقاً حينَ ضافَنِي
إلى نازعٍ والليّلُ قد بَثَّ جُنْده

22. Let others envy me, gaunt-ribbed and famished,
My fate and his by those cool waters are equal.

٢٢. حطَبْتُ ضلوعي ثُمّ أقبلتُ قابساً
من البَرْقِ لَمّا بات يَقْدحُ زنْده

23. Seeking fulfilment, the two stand on common ground,
The goal is attained by those God has destined to win.

٢٣. وأضرمْتُ ناراً في سوادِ جَوانحي
لِيُبْصِرَ ضَيْفُ الهَمِّ بالليّلِ قَصْده

24. So the horses relieve their own cares when they gallop
And carry the heroes whose love the fair lost to gladness

٢٤. عَدوٌّ تَسمّى لي بضَيْفٍ فلاسْمُه
وإنْ لم أُرِدْه زائراً لم أرُدّه

25. While the steeds of the knights, trampling hard through the nightlands
Scattered the dark with the stirrups' rich jingle, till sunrise

٢٥. ألا مَن لبَرْقٍ خالَس العينَ غُمْضَها
فطار وأعطى خَرْق جَفْنيَّ سُهْده

26. Came, bringing glory and victory, and any who doubted
The power to conquer the legions of darkness were silenced.

٢٦. وأكثَر من لَمْعِ اليدَيْنِ مُفَتِّحاً
لدمْعِي طريقاً طَيْفُهم كان سَدَّه

27. For long my heart wished to attain this glory
Till now, in my life's final days, I have reached its zenith.

٢٧. مَدافِعَ سَيْلٍ بين أجفانِ مُغْرَمٍ
إذا جاد منها خَدَّه الدمْع خَدّه

28. The glory I sought has appeared to my eyes, arising
In full, as no vision before had power to perceive.

٢٨. وللهِ تَعليلُ المُنَى ما ألذّهُ
وللهِ تَبريحُ الجوى ما أشَدّه

29. As though all others had tasted its sweetness in jest
While we were reserved till in truth we could feel it,

٢٩. وللهِ ظَبْيٌ أحْورُ العينِ يَرْتَعِي
فؤاديَ لا ماءَ العقيقِ ورنْده

30. As though their pursuit of glory was merely pretended
While ours was the true goal, the sincere intention.

٣٠. شَهِيّ الّلمَى يَجْلو بعُودِ أراكةٍ
له بَرَدٌ يَحْمِي من الصّبِ بَرْده

31. O brother in lofty ambition, the stars in their setting
Attend your triumph, though night has enveloped your ranks,

٣١. فواحسَدا منّي لأشعثَ ناحِلٍ
سِوايَ رأي في ذلك الماءِ وِرْده

32. While the heavens revolve in exaltation around you,
Girding their loins to recite your great virtues,

٣٢. وقد يتَساوى الطّالبانِ وإنّما
يَنالُ المُنى مَن يُسْعِدُ اللهُ جَدّه

33. By God, did he not transcend even heaven
His feet would not tread but the Empyrean floor,

٣٣. فعَلَّ المَطايا أن يُسَلِّيَ وخْدُها
فتىً ما شَفى وصْلُ الأحبّةِ وجْده

34. And he whose rank issublime as celestial mountains
Is lowered sometimes to walk upon earth with mankind,

٣٤. وطَيّاً بأخفافِ الرّكائبِ لِلفَلا
إذا الظِلُّ أبدتْ صَحْرةُ الشّمْسِ طَرْده

35. A hero whose promise cannot be broken by waiting,
For kindness has killed all the rancour within.

٣٥. بمُنتضَياتٍ للسُّرىَ أرحبّيةٍ
متى تَعْلُ هام البِيدِ وخْداً تَقُدّه

36. His people know no distress that his hands cannot rescue
However much the eyes yearn to look on his face,

٣٦. طوالعَ من أعلامٍ نِجدٍ طوائراً
بكُلِّ ابْنِ عَزْمٍ يَجعلُ السّيْرَ وكْده

37. He outstrips all petition, munificent even before
The plea has been voiced, nor waits to be asked.

٣٧. وقاسَيْنَ ليلاً دونَ قاسانَ جُبْنَهُ
طويلاً على الآفاقِ قد زَرَّ بُرده

38. The throngs that he welcomes o'erflow his pavilions,
Yet awe of his presence reveals them like deserts.

٣٨. فوافَيْنَ مَجدَ الدّينِ صُبْحاً ومَن يَخَفْ
عنادَ الليّالي نَوَّخَ العيسَ عِنْده

39. His arrogance humbles the proud even while they oppose him,
Forced to concede, should they dare disavow his repute.

٣٩. وكم وَدَّ قلبي أن يَرى المجدَ رُؤيةً
إلى أن بَلغْتُ اليوم بالقلبِ وُدّه

40. A foolish pretender to royalty needs but his gesture
To strip the vain tyrant of sceptre and crown.

٤٠. بدا المَجْدُ شَخْصاً مِلْء عَيْنيَّ طالعاً
وما اسطاع قَبْلي ناظرٌ أن يَحُدّه

41. No flatterer ever acclaimed him in hope of his favour,
But the truth leaves his rivals ashamed to deny his renown.

٤١. كأنّ الورى نالوا من المجدِ هَزْلَهُ
وأبقَوا لنا حتّى بلَغْناه جِدّه

42. The cheeks of earth's kings are envious of his shoes
That tread, in their glory, soil his feet have ennobled.

٤٢. كأنّا قصَدْنا المجدَ نحن حقيقةً
وكان مَجازاً ما يرومون قَصْده

43. Let him who aspires to surpass his sublime rank
Confess itenhanced by his faith in the name of his God.

٤٣. أخو همّةٍ فَخْرُ النّجومِ بأنّها
إذا اسودَّ جُنْحُ الّليلِ سايَرْن وَفْده

44. Can servants of God compare in their glory and grandeur
If he in his pride should enumerate whom he has raised?

٤٤. غدا الفَلكُ الأعلى وقد شَدَّ خَصْرَه
بمِنْطَقةٍ عَمْداً لِيحكِيَ عَبْده

45. He cares not for praise that is given for favours,
Or thanks that are owed him for kindnesses shown.

٤٥. وأُقسِمُ لولا فَرْطُ علْياهُ لم يكُنْ
لِيُنْعِلَ إلاّ بالأهلّةِ جُرْده

46. Affairs of the state- he entrusts to the worthy,
Content with repute that no panegyric can match.

٤٦. وذو رتْبةٍ قد حَلَّ مِن قُلَلِ العُلا
ذُرا مَنزِلٍ ما حَلّتِ الشّمْسُ وَهده

47. Joining fair deeds to his fear of the Lord, he attains
A degree that no man has equalled in courtesy.

٤٧. فتىً لا يُعِلُّ الوعْدُ بالمَطْلِ جُوده
ولكنْ يُميتُ العَفْوُ في الصّدرِ حِقْده

48. What praise he deserves for enabling the pilgrims!
What thanks for preparing to stand before God!

٤٨. ولا تَعْدَمُ الأيدي نَداهُ بحالةٍ
وإن كان يُعْيي أن تَرى العَيْنُ نِدّه

49. Making might in the land a support for religion,
Grace for people, and favour for virtue and knowledge,

٤٩. ويَسبِقُ منه الرِّفدُ للوفْدِ طالِباً
ومن أجلِ ذا لا يَطلُبُ الوفْدُ رِفْده

50. Transcending the toils that consume common mortals,
His zeal is for God, and God singles him out.

٥٠. وأبلَجُ بالزُوّارِ غَصَّ فِناؤه
وهَيبتُه تُجَلِّي من الغابِ أُسده

51. The brother who quells any rebel sedition,
Comes armed with a forest of lances to aid you.

٥١. يظَلُّ على الأعداء في السِّلْمِ هامُهم
مُعاراً له إن أنكَروهُ استَردّه

52. The monarch of monarchs is ruled by his vision,
Stretching out a hand till the kingdom was secured,

٥٢. ويَكْفى عَقيمَ المُلْكِ إيماءُ رأيهِ
إذا كان يومٌ يَسلُبُ النَصْلَ غِمْده

53. And now like Alexander in retaining possession,
Since strategy served as the ladder to triumph.

٥٣. وما اعترف الحُسّادُ حُبّاً بفَضْلِه
ولكنّهم لا يَستطيعون جَحْده

54. I see glory sprout two branches of high renown
Each casting a shadow that covers the world.

٥٤. خُدودُ مُلوكِ الأرضِ تَحسُدُ نَعْلَهُ
من العِزِّ بل ما يُوطِئُ الأرضَ نَهده

55. Most wondrous in any age, two heroes advancing
Of equal in scale whenever their merits are weighed.

٥٥. ومَن يتَمنّى أن يُطاوِل فَضْلَه
إذا كان دِينُ اللهِ يُسْمِيهِ مَجده

56. O my friend, while your glorious qualities dazzle,
I hone the keen wit of my songs for your name.

٥٦. وهل لِعُبَيْدِ اللهِ في المجدِ والعُلا
شَبيهٌ إذا شاء المُفاخِرُ عَدّه

57. I compose them deliberately, wasting no labour,
And draw on the richest preserves of my art,

٥٧. تَزهّد إلاّ في اتِّخاذِ صنيعةٍ
وفي نَيْلِ شُكْرٍ من فتىً نال شُكْده

58. Writing proudly in gleaming and exquisite metres,
Admitting the effort would daunt even David.

٥٨. وولّى أموراً مَن تَولّى فحَسْبُه
على حَسَبٍ لا يَنزِفُ المَدْحُ عِدّه

59. Reproach for a noble is manifold increase
Of my zeal, though my hands cannot match the attempt.

٥٩. وضَمّ إلى جُودٍ تُقَى اللهِ فانتَهى
إلى مَذْهَبٍ في المكرماتِ استَجدّه

60. Tormenting my readers, but deeper the anguish
Of cares that have poisoned the joy of my life.

٦٠. فكم من ثناءٍ للوفودِ استَفادهُ
وحُسْنُ اقتناءٍ للمَعادِ استَعَدّه

61. I have genius to choose apt words for my verses
With potent effect when I stir it to action,

٦١. أيا جاعِلاً في الدّهرِ للدّينِ نَصْرَه
وللخَلْقِ نُعْماه وللفَضْلِ وُدّه

62. And a heart ever brimming, like the hive of the bee, with
Sustaining sweetness to lavish its treasure.

٦٢. ومَن جَلَّ عن شُغْلٍ يَجُلّ بهِ الورى
وإن لم يَنلْ صاعَ المُجارِين مُدّه

63. My thoughts were to meet you, fulfilling their promise.
Now time has arrived to accomplish that vow.

٦٣. أخوك الّذي إن ثار شَيطان فِتْنةٍ
أتاه بأشطانِ الرِّماحِ فشَدّه

64. The world and its changes are nothing to me
If you are still there. Let existence exhaust itself!

٦٤. ومَن شام سُلطانُ السّلاطينِ رأْيَه
فَمدَّ يَداً للمُلْكِ حتّى أسَدّه

65. To me all its phases are clothes to be worn for awhile
And discarded, decayed by the years and the seasons.

٦٥. فأصبح كالإسكَنْدرِ المَلْكِ عِزّةً
لأنْ جَعَل الرّأْىَ المُعِينيَّ سُدّه

66. You attained the sublime rank, and so became its adornment.
We excelled, and you were the sum of our glory.

٦٦. أرى الفَضْلَ أصلاً مَد فَرْعَيْنِ للعُلا
وكُلٌّ له ظِلٌّ على الأرضِ مَدّه

67. What you now have received is a token of blessings to follow
When Morning unveils what the new day will bring.

٦٧. ومن عَجَبٍ في عَصْرٍ اثْنانِ أقبَلا
وكُلٌّ إذا ما قِستَه كان فَرْده

٦٨. أيا صاحِباً ما زال باهرُ فَضْلِه
يُجِدُّ له نَظْمَ القريضِ ونَقْده

٦٩. جَعلْتُ له قَصْدِي وغُرَّ قصائدي
وأحضَرْتُه طُرْفَ العلاء وتُلْده

٧٠. وقَرّطْتُه بالدُّرِّ ممّا نظَمْتُه
وقلتُ له فاعذِرْ مُقِلاً وجُهْده

٧١. دِلاصٌ على عِرْضِ الكريم مُضاعَفٌ
وإن لم تُقَدِّرْ كَفُّ داودَ سَرْده

٧٢. عِذابٌ قوافيها ولكنْ وراءها
هُمومٌ أمرَّتْ لي من العَيْشِ رغْده

٧٣. ولى فِكَرٌ يُشتارُ من كَلماتها
مُجاجٌ إذا ما شِئْتُ أبدعْتُ نَضْده

٧٤. وصَدْرٌ كبيتِ النَحْلِ تَكْمُن دائماً
لَواسِعُه فيه ويُعطيك شُهده

٧٥. لقد كان تَأميلي بلُقياك واعِدي
فهذا أوانُ استَنجَز العَزْمُ وَعْده

٧٦. ولست أُبالي بالزّمانِ وصَرْفِه
إذا كنتَ لي فليَجْهَدِ الدَّهْرُ جَهْده

٧٧. وما الدّهرُ عندِي غيرَ ثوبٍ كُسيتهُ
لِتُبلِيَه في دولةٍ وتُجِدّه

٧٨. أصَبْتَ العُلا عُطْلاً فأصبَحْتَ حلْيَها
فخِلْنا العُلا جِيداً وخِلْناكَ عِقْده

٧٩. وما نِلْتَه بُشْرى بما ستَنالُه
إذا الصُّبحُ وافىَ كانتِ الشّمْسُ بَعْده