1. Your abode is glory, and traveling with you is the highest honor,
Your days are days of elevation and majesty,
١. مُقامُك مَجدٌ والمَسيرُ مَعالِ
ويَوماكَ يوما رِفعةٍ وجَلالِ
2. You stand like an ocean or walk like a graceful gazelle,
Never is a person, even for a day, bereft of your generosity,
٢. تُقيمُ كبحرٍ أو تَسيرُ كمُزْنَةٍ
فما المَرءُ يوماً من نَداكُ بخال
3. You are a heaven, lofty above all creation,
In it shone the stars of your virtues,
٣. سَماءُ سُمُوٍّ أنت تَعْلو على الورَى
وقد طلَعتْ فيها نُجومُ خِصال
4. O noble one whose generous nature enlivens,
And whose beautiful deeds have filled the world,
٤. أيا ماجِداً يُحْيي كريمُ طِباعِه
وقد ملأَ الدُّنيا جَميلَ فَعال
5. You went forth while the lands were not devoid of grandeur,
Though many you see while the lands are empty,
٥. وسارَ ولم تَخْلُ الدِّيارُ جَلالةً
وكم مَن تَراهُ والدِّيارُ خَوال
6. You have the nobility of soul and origin that we aspire to,
No eye has ever seen your equal,
٦. له شَرَفا نَفْسٍ وأَصْلٍ تَقارنَا
فما اكتحلَتْ عَيْنٌ له بمِثال
7. You adorn the atmosphere, your house with construction,
And every oath, its beauty with fulfilment,
٧. يَزينُ فَضاءً بيتُه بعِمارةٍ
وكلُّ يمينٍ حُسْنُها بشِمال
8. The people's blessings are but a loan,
Gratitude is but binding them with reason,
٨. وما نِعمةُ الأقوامِ إلاّ مُناخةٌ
وما الشُّكْرُ إلاّ شَدُّها بِعِقال
9. Your justice spreads, leaving no injustice of an oppressor,
And the clouds of your spring rain continually pour,
٩. فشَا عَدْلُ والٍ لم يدَعْ ظُلْمَ ظالمٍ
وسُحْبُ ربيعٍ قَطْرُها مُتَوال
10. Alive are you, and your life embraces all creation,
As the taste of reunion was sweet after separation,
١٠. حَياً وحياةٌ للخلائقِ شامِلٌ
كما لَذَّ بعدَ الهَجْرِ طَعْمُ وِصال
11. O benefactor, your hearing never ceases to be graced,
With a pair of earrings of gratitude and supplication to you,
١١. أيا مُنْعِماً ما زال يُتْحَفُ سَمعُه
بقُرطَيْنِ من شُكْرٍ له وسُؤال
12. Help me against an eye whose lids are heavy,
With burdens of worries weighing on the heart for so long,
١٢. أَعِنّي على عَيْنٍ قِصارٍ جُفونُها
بحَمْلِ هُمومٍ في الفؤادِ طِوال
13. Tomorrow my days will be dark nights of anxiety,
Devoid of any phantom of your generosity,
١٣. غدا زمَني لَيْلاً من الهَمِّ مُظلِماً
ومِن كرَمٍ ما فيه طَيْفُ خَيال
14. Until today, after hesitation,
I saw among the people a singular man of nobility,
١٤. إلى أن رأيتُ اليومَ بعدَ تَحفُّظٍ
خِلالَ الورَى فرداً كريمَ خِلال
15. Seeking my Master Saad, I set out hopeful,
Thus his vision came to confirm my divination,
١٥. لِقَصْدي أبا سَعْدٍ تَفاءلْتُ راحلاً
فأصبحَ مَرْآه يُصدِّقُ فالي
16. My soul calmed upon seeing this youth,
When it saw him, it was burnished with polish,
١٦. وقد صَدِئَتْ نَفْسي بناشئةِ الورَى
فلمّا رأَتْه حُودِثَتْ بصِقال
17. The spreading of praise is like gardens when
The morning breeze awakens them,
١٧. ونَشْرُ ثناءٍ كالرّياضِ إذا غدَتْ
يُنَبِّهُها صُبْحاً نَسيمُ شَمال
18. I wish for love that I may befriend the most noble one,
For we are both enamored of the same beloved for life,
١٨. أَراني وِداداً كي يُواليَ أَنعُماً
كِلانا مُوالٍ دَهْرَه لِمُوال
19. And here is a string of organized eulogy to you,
With some scattered rhymes as well.
١٩. ودونَكَ عِقْداً من ثناءٍ مُنظَّماً
وبعضُ القوافي الشارداتِ لآل