
The trace of her is gone though her fall took long in coming,

أثرها فقد طال الغداة وقوعها

1. The trace of her is gone though her fall took long in coming,
And she decays not save her decay is long in duration,

١. أَثِرْها فقد طالَ الغَداةَ وُقُوعُها
ولا تَخْدُ إلاّ أَنْ تَطولَ نُسوعُها

2. Moving lightly she outstrips lightning in her going,
When the guide calls how swift is her course,

٢. طِراباً يفوتُ البرقَ خَطْواً بَطيئُها
إذا غرَّد الحادي فكيف سَريعها

3. Attractors of bounty's remains in the encampments
Baring their profits however small they be,

٣. جَواذِبَ فَضْلاتِ الأزِمّة في السُّرَى
تَكشَّفُ عن أَقطاعِهنّ قُطوعها

4. Lamps that direct the light to her band
At night with their trotting and the darkness lit with their torches,

٤. قَوادِحَ ما يُهدِى الضّياءَ لرَكْبِها
بأَخفافِها واللّيلُ داجٍ شُموعها

5. Breaking the ropes violently in their haste
When their herd appears in the dawn with its foremost,

٥. تَقطَّعُ أثناءَ الحبالِ تَعجْرفاً
إذا ما بدا في الصُّبْحِ لاحَ قطيعها

6. Over it are the youths of Yemen, slaves
Taking booty and plunder, wanton in greed,

٦. عليها من الحَيِّ اليمانينَ غِلْمةٌ
يُنيلُ المَعالي وَخْدُها ووُلوعها

7. When the days of glory are recalled they are cut to the heart
So that their litters toss with the writhing of their ribs,

٧. إذا ذكَرتْ عهْدَ المعالي تقطَّعَتْ
حَمائلُها مِمّا تَلَوَّى ضُلوعها

8. A company aspiring to glory essayed it and all
Were desirous of the rising of the noble stars,

٨. عِصابةُ مَجدٍ حاولَتْه وكُلُّهمْ
طَلوبُ ثَنيّاتِ العلاءِ طَلوعها

9. They pass the night, their pillows the palms of their hands
On the bare earth, the open desert their couch,

٩. تُبِيتُ ومن أيدي المطايا وِسادُها
بقَفْرٍ ومن بيضِ المَواضي ضَجيعها

10. She cast at the breast of the foe seeking demands
Hoping after despair her dawn might draw nigh,

١٠. رمَتْ بصدورِ العيسِ تَبْغي مَطالِباً
عسى بَعْدَ يأسٍ أن تَدانَى شُسوعها

11. A threat from the days of evil omen and this
Is the land of glory where eyes weep in dread,

١١. وعِيدٌ من اليومِ المُناخِ وهذه
ديارُ العلا يُبكي العيونَ خُشوعها

12. Shall I seek to replace the generous? But they are gone
And their meadows are left empty and waste,

١٢. أَأطلُبُ إبدالَ الكرامِ وقد مضَوْا
على حينَ أضحَتْ مُقْفِراتٍ رُبوعها

13. And command my age to restore their days?
But that, by my life, is a thing it will not obey,

١٣. وآمرُ دَهْري أن يُعيدَ زَمانَهمْ
وتلك لعَمْري أَمرةٌ ما يُطِيعها

14. May God water the season of the noble ones in their bounty
With the first rains, initiating their pouring,

١٤. سقَى اللهُ عهدَ الأكرمِينَ وحُسْنَه
بَواكرَ مُزْنٍ يَستهِلُّ هُموعها

15. But it went not save with tears whose clouds
Rained them down, or with clouds raining tears,

١٥. ولا زالَ إلاّ من دموعٍ سَحابُها
يَجودهمُ أو من سَحابٍ دموعها

16. The eras of generous kings have passed away
And so my eyes for them are little given to weeping,

١٦. عُهودُ مُلوكٍ مُحْسِنينَ تَصرَّمَتْ
فباتَتْ لهمْ عَيْني قليلاً هُجوعها

17. It is nothing but the soul whose going has undone me
And naught will revive me save its returning,

١٧. وما هيَ إلاّ الرُّوحُ أَودَى ذَهابُها
بجِسمي ولا يُحيِيهِ إلاّ رجوعها

18. I guarded the love of the fair lady, loving, nor wasted it
Though among men there was both guardian and squanderer,

١٨. رَعيتُ هوَى الحسناء حُبّاً فلم أَضِعْ
وفي النّاسِ راعِي خُلّةٍ ومُضِيعها

19. No soul safely contended against its contention
Unless it strongly strove in its resolve,

١٩. فلا سَلِمَتْ نَفسٌ شديدٌ نِزاعُها
إذا هي لم تُصبِحْ شديداً نُزوعها

20. Among men is he who freely assents, patient in spirit
Unless a grave event occurs whereat he is perturbed,

٢٠. وفي النّاسِ راضي النّفسِ طَوْعاً صَبورُها
إذا ما عدا خَطْبٌ وفيهمْ جَزوعها

21. The zeal of Zayn al-Mulk's generosity has protected my thoughts
So no terrible misfortune disquiets them,

٢١. حمَى جُودُ زَينِ المُلْكِ سَرْحَ خواطري
فلا رائعٌ بالنّائباتِ يَروعها

22. Suffice this noble state pride he restores it
That you, O son of the generous, obey it,

٢٢. كفَى الدّولةَ الغَرّاءَ فخْراً تُعيدُه
بأنّكَ يا ابنَ الأكرمينَ مُطيعها

23. For if you be in war, you are its swords,
And if you be in dearth, you are its springtide,

٢٣. فإنْ تك في حَرْبٍ فأنت حُسامُها
وإن تَكُ في جَدْبٍ فأنتَ رَبيعها

24. It knows if you were the first to rise up
To save it till its fearful were reassured,

٢٤. وقد عَلِمَتْ أن كنتَ أوّلَ قائمٍ
إلى نَصْرِها حتّى اطْمأنّ مَروعها

25. And the first victory to bring victory to its rule
And war was plied with bared blades,

٢٥. وأوّلُ نَصْرٍ جَرَّ نَصْراً جُنودُه
لسلطانِها والحَربُ تُمرَى ضُروعها

26. And the first openings, from Father of Openings brought,
With the dawn its horsemen came forth,

٢٦. وأوّلُ فَتْحٍ من أبي الفَتْحِ جاءه
وسُمْرُ القَناسَدّ الفَضاءَ شُروعها

27. So how many a battle after battle it sufficed
Leaving the dead poured out in pools,

٢٧. فكم قد كَفى من وَقعةٍ بعدَ وَقْعةٍ
وغادَر من قَتْلَى يُخاض نَجيعها

28. With steeds white of flank as though they were
Secrets of the mouths of lances they proclaimed,

٢٨. ببِيضٍ صَقيلاتِ المُتونِ كأنّها
سَرائرُ أفواهِ الغُمودِ يُذيعها

29. And horses challenging with necks forward, their charge
As lightning flashes in the night with its glare,

٢٩. وخَيْلٍ تَهادَى بالكُماةِ سِراعُها
كما مَرَّ ليلاً من بُروقٍ لُموعها

30. Coming on indifferently though when arrows were shot
They struck not but glanced from their coats,

٣٠. تَجيء سَواءً والسّهامُ إذا رُمُوا
عليها فلا تَعدو المُروحَ وُقُوعها

31. On the morrow as though the necks were a loved one caressed
And their harvest was reaped by the swordsman,

٣١. غداةَ كأنّ الهامَ حَبٌّ نَدوسُه
وقد حُصِدَتْ بالمَشرفيِّ زُروعها

32. As though the battle steeds were the enemies' throats
So they did not remain save bowing knees,

٣٢. كأنّ محاريبَ القنا ثُغَرُ العِدا
فما أَصبحتْ إلاّ وفيها رُكوعها

33. Sublime days when numbered, ears would wonder
At their tales when heard in their entirety,

٣٣. سَوابقُ أيامٍ إذا هي عُدِّدَتْ
تَعجّبَ من أخبارِهنَّ سَميعها

34. If you describe Khurasan's harvest which
Your pens defend today from all who would covet,

٣٤. فإنْ تُصْفِ خُوزِسْتانَ أقلامَك الّتي
بها اليومَ تَحمي أن يُرامَ مَنيعها

35. In this is no glory, before you described it already
In your labors the realms all together,

٣٥. فلا فَخْرَ في هذا ومن قبلُ قد صفَتْ
بسَعْيكَ للمُلْكِ البلادُ جَميعها

36. With the aid of Banu Mansur their affairs coincided
Else their structures would have collapsed in ruins,

٣٦. بنَصْرِ بنِ منصورٍ تَلاقَتْ أُمورُها
ولولا نَداهُ لاستطارَتْ صُدوعها

37. Far reaching in might and generosity but
Only the vicious and benefiters rule the earth,

٣٧. بَعيدُ المدَى بأْساً وجُوداً وإنّما
يَسودُ الورَى ضَرّارُها وَنفوعها

38. How oft he poured on the weak torrents of gifts
With a hand whose clouds of favor rained on the infants,

٣٨. فكم أَمطَر العافينَ غُزْرَ نَوالهِ
بكفٍّ له صَوبُ الغوادي رَضيعها

39. And how oft he cast down the enemies by his assaults
Casting them down in death without hope of revival,

٣٩. وكم طَرَحَ الأعداءَ من سَطَواتهِ
مَطارِحَ لا يرجو انتعاشاً صَريعها

40. O glory-winning he arises while the cold of dawn
Cloaks him, unique on earth in might and valor,

٤٠. أيا ماجِداً يغدو وفي طَيِّ بُردهِ
فريدُ بني الدّنيا عُلاً وقَريعها

41. Bringing glad tidings of hope to men by his good tidings
As the dawn has spread its lights abroad,

٤١. يُبَشّرُ آمالَ الرّجالِ ببِشْرِهِ
كما بَثَّ أنوارَ الصباح سُطوعها

42. And makes the prices of praise his possessions
If he spares wealth one day in its assemblage,

٤٢. ويجعلُ أثمانَ المحامدِ مالَهُ
إذا ضَنَّ بالأموالِ يوماً جَموعها

43. Who shall buy the noble ones, most generous in manner
When the noble offer themselves, or who shall sell them?

٤٣. أمَنْ يَشترى الأحرارَ أَكرمُ عادةً
إذا عرَض الأحرارُ أم مَن يَبيعها

44. Incline your protected hearing to the plaint of events
From a soul little accepting of time's abasement,

٤٤. أَعِرْ سَمْعَكَ المَحْروسَ شَكْوى حوادثٍ
لنَفْسٍ قليلٍ للزّمانِ خُضوعها

45. My free time in your days of busyness, a sickness
That will ring loud in the ears of the noble,

٤٥. فَراغِيَ في أياّم شُغْلِكَ هُجْنةٌ
سَيَقْرَعُ أسماعَ الكرامِ شَنيعها

46. In me cities flourished when their lofty ones declined
Out of confusion, their nights and honour lost,

٤٦. نَبتْ بي بلادٌ حين ذَلَّ رَفيعُها
لرَيْبٍ لياليها وعَزَّ وضَيعها

47. We deferred what the people advanced ahead of us
By the vicissitudes of wondrous time's contriving,

٤٧. وأَخّرَنا ما قدَّم القومَ دُونَنا
تَقلُّبُ أيّامٍ عَجيبٍ صَنيعها

48. The excuse of the sons of the age, an insolence
Stripped bare, frustrating hopes by its intercession,

٤٨. ذَريعةُ أبناءِ الزَّمانِ وَقاحةٌ
مُجَرَّدةٌ يُدني الأماني شَفيعها

49. By my life that is the path to wealth in the age
But where is one who is able to walk it?

٤٩. وتلك لعَمْري في الزّمانِ إلى الغنى
سَبيلٌ ولكنْ أين مَن يَسْتَطيعها

50. I will traverse the horizons of the lands on a journey
Surveying them to gather spoils or prove my excuse

٥٠. سأَقطَعُ آفاقَ البلادِ برِحْلةٍ
يُؤَمِّمُ أقصاهنّ أَرضاً مُريعها

51. By a striving, perhaps the vast world will not straiten,
The brilliant night is nothing but the truth

٥١. لأَِحْوِيَ غُنْماً أو لأُبْليَ عِذْرةً
بسَعْيٍ عسى ألا يَضيقَ وَسيعها

52. That a dejected dawn will be revealed from it,
Your thanks are my provision wherever I went, a eulogy

٥٢. وما اللّيلةُ اللّيلاءُ إلاّ حقيقةٌ
بأن يتَجلّى عن صباحٍ هَزيعها

53. As befits its admiration and composition,
For you I will compose every ode

٥٣. وشُكرك زادي حيث سِرْتُ ومِدْحةٌ
كما يُرتَضى إعجابُها ونُصوعها

54. And rhyme whose beauty enraptures minds,
Abbreviated in verses, appearing as if they were

٥٤. سأنظِمُ في عُلياكَ كُلَّ قصيدةٍ
وقافيةٍ يَسْبى العُقولَ بَديعها

55. The stars of nightfall, singular and coupled,
When the battle of tongues bears witness to censure

٥٥. مُخصَّرةِ الأبياتِ تُمسِي كأنّها
نُجومُ الدُّجَى إفْرادُها وشُفوعها

56. And the lances of blame were shaken, they were its armor,
Still you remain in fortune's shadow, pasturing

٥٦. إذا شَهِد الأعراضَ مَعرَكُ ألسُنٍ
وهُزَّتْ رِماحُ الذّمِّ فهْيَ دُروعها

57. The meadows of bliss that never dry,
Nor have your noble sons ceased to be a band

٥٧. فلا زلْتَ في ظلِّ السّعادةِ تَرتَعي
رياضَ نعيمٍ لا يَجُفُّ مَريعها

58. Before the lofty, their assemblage unbroken,
Like a necklace of pearls whose band is not parted

٥٨. ولا بَرِحَتْ أبناؤكَ الغُرُّ عُصبةً
أمامَ المعالي لا يَفَضُّ جُموعها

59. By any state, nor is its height feared to diminish,
Theirs are lofty souls, so from prohibitions

٥٩. كعِقْدِ الثُّريّا لا يُفرَّقُ شَمْلُها
بحالٍ ولا يُخشَى انخِفاضاً رفيعها

60. Their adornment, and in knowledge's garden their pasturing,
You were generous and excelled in merit yourself and people

٦٠. لهمْ أنفُسٌ عُلْويّةٌ فمِنَ النُّهَى
حُلاها وفي رَوْضِ العلومِ رُتوعها

61. Else boughs would not have leafed from their roots,
Still you are to the exalted a shining sun

٦١. كَرُمْتَ وحُزْتَ الفضلَ نفْساً ومَعشراً
ولولا أُصولٌ لم تُورَّقْ فُروعها

62. Adorning the sky of graces with its rising,
When witnessing of bodies is the battlefield of tongues

٦٢. فلا زِلْتَ للعلياءِ شَمساً مُنيرةً
يَزينُ سَماءَ المكرماتِ طُلوعها