1. Tell the keeper of the kingdom, about his servant,
Words that are true to whoever utters them.
١. قُل لأمينِ المُلْكِ عن عَبْدِه
مَقالةً يَصْدُقُ مَن قالها
2. I mean Abu Harb, ally of the sublime,
And conveyor of hopes to the people.
٢. أعني أبا حَرْبٍ حليفَ العُلا
ومُبلِغَ الأقوامِ آمالَها
3. Glory prides itself on attaining him,
And the exalted flourish because he reached them.
٣. يَفتخِرُ المجدُ بأنْ حازَهُ
وتَزدَهي العَلياءُ أنْ نالها
4. Remaining as he was in his generosity, though
The days have changed their circumstances.
٤. باقٍ على حالِ العَطايا وقد
غَيَّرتِ الأيّامُ أحْوالها
5. The most magnificent thing about him is an ambition
That bewilders whoever witnesses its virtues.
٥. أَرْوعُ ما زالتْ له هِمّةٌ
يَحارُ مَن شاهدَ أفضالها
6. The kings of the earth placed in his palm
The treasuries and riches of the world.
٦. ألقَتْ مُلوكُ الأرضِ في كَفِّهِ
خَزائنَ الدُّنيا وأَمْوالها
7. So his palm was busy with bounty,
Permitting whatever its request encompasses.
٧. فكَفُّه مشغولةٌ بالنَّدى
تُبيحُ ما تَملِكُ سُؤّالها
8. Thus no day was his safeguarding of their wealth
More effective than his squandering of his own.
٨. فليس يوماً حِفْظُه مالَهمْ
أبلغَ من تَضْييعِه مالها