
If you two cannot make me happy,

إذا لم تقدرا أن تسعداني

1. If you two cannot make me happy,
Leave me to my passion and go away.

١. إذا لم تَقْدِرا أَنْ تُسعداني
على شَجَني فَسِيرا واتْرُكاني

2. You blamed me for being foolish in love,
While yearning itself called me to it.

٢. دَعاني من مَلامِكُما سَفاهاً
فداعي الشَّوقِ دُونكُما دَعاني

3. Where is blame for one suffering sorrows,
Who spends the night tossing restlessly?

٣. وأينَ منَ الملامِ لقَى هُمومٍ
يَبيتُ ونِضْوُه مُلْقَى الجِران

4. Lightning flashes as he lies grieving,
With two lightning bolts in his eyelids.

٤. يَشيمُ البرقَ وهْو ضجيعُ عَضْبٍ
ففي الجَفْنَينِ منه يَمانيان

5. I stopped but no tears fell from me
To reproach those who were dry to me.

٥. وقفْتُ ولم تَقِفْ منّي دُموعٌ
لأجفاني تُعاتِبُ مَنْ جَفاني

6. I won't forget even if my vows are forgotten
The morning the two feet sped away.

٦. ولا أَنسَى وإنْ نُسِيَتْ عُهودي
غداةَ حدا الرِّكابَ الحادِيان

7. The sandy hill flowed toward farewell
While the crooked stick inclined to embrace.

٧. فماج إلى الوَداعِ كثيبُ رَمْلٍ
ومال إلى العناقِ قضيبُ بان

8. A lover sought from it a scented keepsake
So it gave its cheeks, a pair of carnelians.

٨. وحاول منه تَذكرةً مشوقٌ
فأعطى خدَّهُ عِقْدَيْ جُمان

9. It clad its heart with patience until
It pelted me with youthfulness and perfection.

٩. ودرَّعَ قلْبَهُ بالصّبْرِ حتّى
رماني بالصَّبابةِ واتَّقاني

10. I turn from sobriety though it has healing
And cling to love though it has destroyed me.

١٠. أميلُ عن السُّلُوِّ وفيه بُرْؤٌ
وأعلَقَ بالغرامِ وقد بَراني

11. You're amazed at my yearning in separation
While I'm amazed at your aloofness in nearness.

١١. وتَعجبُ من حنيني في التّنائي
وأعجبُ من صُدودِكَ في التَّداني

12. Oh God, what the charms of that Yemeni
Did to my reason, those soft gazelles!

١٢. ألا للهِ ما صنعَتْ بعَقْلي
عَقائلُ ذلك الحَيِّ اليَماني

13. Beauties lying in wait on a cheek
That quivers and smiles with dimples.

١٣. نَواعمُ ينْتَقِبْنَ على شَقيقٍ
يَرِفُّ ويبْتَسِمْنَ عنِ اقْحُوان

14. They approached me the eve of farewell
While I had eyes flowing with blood.

١٤. دنَوْنَ عشيّةَ التّوديعِ منّي
ولي عينانِ بالدّمِ تَجْريان

15. They did not gently wipe my eyelids in kindness
But perfumed my fingers with henna.

١٥. فلم يَمْسحْنَ إكراماً جُفوني
ولكنْ رُمْنَ تَخْضيبَ البنان

16. How much intimacy absence made me forget
While my ribs circle a blazing fire.

١٦. وكم إلْفٍ حَواني البُعْدُ عنه
وأضلاعي على كمَدٍ حَوان

17. I pine for those days of separation
Even if I saw no days of nearness.

١٧. أذُمُّ إليه أيّامُ التّنائي
وإن لم أحظَ أيّامَ التّداني

18. If I could, I would make my eyelids
A path for night visitors to my cheeks.

١٨. وأجعَلُ لو قَدَرْتُ على جُفوني
طريقَ الطّارقينَ إلى جِفاني

19. One night when meteors were falling
Sparks of grief scattered in smoke,

١٩. وليلٍ خِلْتُ لَمْعَ الشُّهْبِ فيه
شَرارَ غضاً تَطايرَ في دُخان

20. I circled the neighborhood on a wakeful steed
With teeth gleaming ahead of its bridle,

٢٠. طَرقْتُ الحيَّ فيه على سَبوحٍ
يلوحُ أمامَ غُرَّتِه سِناني

21. As if the sheen of this one and the whiteness of that
Were two stars coupled with the night.

٢١. كأنّ بَريقَ ذا وبياضَ هذي
إذا اقْترنا بلَيْلٍ كَوكبان

22. And a time when the brilliance of my sword was lost
Like the loss of a sword in a coward's hand.

٢٢. ودهْرٍ ضاعَ فيه مَضاءُ حَدّي
ضياعَ السَّيفِ في كفِّ الجَبان

23. I suffered every disgrace of a worthless people
Who became insolent when honored by me.

٢٣. أُكابدُ فيه كُلَّ وضيعِ قومٍ
إذا بهرَتْهُ رِفْعتيَ ازْدَراني

24. He sits head raised though more loyal to me,
And readier with the threads of his turban.

٢٤. يُطَيْلِسُ منه رأْساً فيه أوفَى
وأكثرُ من خُيوطِ الطَّيْلَسان

25. In his ample wrap is a true right hand
Meet to be cut off with a Yemeni blade.

٢٥. وفي الكُمِّ العريضِ له يمينٌ
حقيقٌ أنْ تُقطَّعَ باليَماني

26. I say, when they envied my position,
"Come look at who tested me!"

٢٦. أقولُ إذا همُ حَسدوا مكان
تعالَيْ فانْظُري بمَن ابتلاني

27. And if they attributed power to me I would humiliate them in revenge
But there is no humiliation for the disgraced.

٢٧. ولو عَزّوا أهنْتُهمُ انْتِقاماً
ولكنْ لا إهانةَ للمُهان

28. Your time has no flaw but me
While my flaw is nothing but my time.

٢٨. زمانُكَ ليس فيه سِواكَ عَيْبٌ
وعيبٌ ليس فيَّ سِوى زَماني

29. A group who hastened a period and drove
Their steeds toward it, bounding smoothly,

٢٩. وركْبٍ آنسوا أمَداً فحَثّوا
إليه العِيسَ تَمرَحُ في المَثاني

30. With hopes like the leagues they traversed
To it, and the pacts they tied there.

٣٠. بآمالٍ كما قَطَعوا طِوالٍ
إليه ومثْلما عَقَدوا مِتان

31. I guaranteed its imminent success but
Fulfilling the guarantee rests in your hands,

٣١. ضَمِنْتُ لها وَشيكَ النُّجْحِ لكنْ
على كفَّيْكَ تَحقيقُ الضَّمان

32. Through the aid of the trusted companion it became
The abode of kingship, home of songs.

٣٢. بيُمْنِ الصَّاحبِ المأمولِ أَضحَتْ
دِيارُ المُلْكِ آهلةَ المَغاني

33. And the joy of life returned to it
Though it had been among false hopes.

٣٣. وعادَتْ بَهجةُ الدُّنيا إليها
وكانَتْ مِن أكاذيبِ الأماني

34. Goodness and justice spread over the land
With the rise of brilliant Mansur,

٣٤. وعمَّ الأرضَ إحساناً وعَدْلاً
طُلوعُ أغرَّ مَنْصورٍ مُعان

35. Who triumphed with a rise that has no peer among people
In good fortune that embraces all.

٣٥. وباهَى طَلْعةَ السَّعْدَيْنِ منه
بسَعْدٍ ما لَهُ في النّاسِ ثان

36. Even if the nights had shown humility
Two servants would brand him lord.

٣٦. ولم يَكُ لو تأدَّبتِ اللّيالي
ليُوسَمَ باسْمِ مَوْلىً خادمان

37. He has two days: a day for gifts
He distributes, and a day for spears.

٣٧. له يومان يومٌ للعَطايا
يُفَرِّقُها ويومٌ للطّعان

38. May he ransom one who seeks his extension
As the bay horses are paired with the chestnuts!

٣٨. فَداهُ مَنْ سعَى يَبْغي مَداهُ
كما قُرِنَ الهَجينُ إلى الهِجان

39. The star said, "Do not aspire to one
Whom you see lofty as I."

٣٩. وقال النَّجْمُ لا تَطمَحْ إلى مَنْ
أراهُ في العُلُوِّ كما تَراني

40. Vying with him, between you is difference
Beyond the ken of mathematicians.

٤٠. تُباريه وبينكما قياساً
تَفاوُتُ ما تَعُدُّ الخِنْصِران

41. You spread the pillars of God's religion in a palm
That bestows on the destitute without unease.

٤١. بَسطْتَ قِوامَ دينِ اللهِ كَفّاً
تَمُنُّ على العُفاةِ بلا امْتنان

42. The lines of your signature come from it
Gifted with the magic of eloquence,

٤٢. وتأتي أسطُرُ التَّوقيعِ منها
وقد أُوتينَ من سِحْر البَيان

43. In a more wondrous script than the risings
Of planets in the cheeks of heavenly nymphs.

٤٣. بأحسنَ من خُطوطٍ للغَوالي
لوائحَ في خُدودٍ للغواني

44. When the kings of earth boast
Of the traces their benevolence leaves,

٤٤. إذا افتخرَتْ مُلوكُ الأرضِ قِدْماً
بآثارٍ تُخَلِّفُها حِسان

45. With might you brought down the lofty citadel
To make its mortar the abode of disgrace.

٤٥. قَلعْتَ القلعةَ العَلْياءَ بأساً
أحلَّ قطينَها دارَ الهَوان

46. It had been a sedentary lair for gluttons
Who controlled its reins.

٤٦. وكانتْ للطّعامِ قُعودَ عِيٍّ
وقد مَلكوا لها طَرَفَ العِنان

47. They did not dismount until
The circles gathered around it.

٤٧. فلم يَترجَّلوا عنها إلى أنْ
تَلاقَتْ حولَها حَلَقُ البِطان

48. You took the fortress then made it
A ruin destroying fortresses in vengeance.

٤٨. فَتحْتَ الحِصْنَ ثُمّ جعَلْتَ منه
بثأْرِ الحِصْنِ تَخْريبَ المباني

49. So the hooves of the steeds still pound them
With a pounding that exhausted the gazelles.

٤٩. فظلَّ تَدُقُّ أيْدي الخيلِ منها
مَراقيَ أعيَتِ الحَدَقَ الرَّواني

50. You took leadership of their obedience with wisdom
Blending for it sternness and gentleness.

٥٠. مَلكْتَ قِيادَ طاعتِهمْ برَأيٍ
مَزَجْتَ له الخُشونةَ باللُّيان

51. Like the opening of Mecca when God's Messenger
Gave protection to those who sought immunity,

٥١. وشابَه فتْحَ مكّةَ حينَ أعطَى
رسولُ اللهِ مَطْلوبَ الأمان

52. So that after a short time
The idolaters' eyelids drooped in sleep.

٥٢. فما دَرَجَ الزّمانُ بها قليلاً
وللكُفّارِ تُطْرِقُ مُقْلَتان

53. Yes they opened, but from a slumber
To the worst of trials.

٥٣. نعَمْ فَتحوا ولكنْ من رُقادٍ
عُيونَهمُ إلى شَرِّ امْتِحان

54. They complained of barrenness so it let loose upon them
The hemlocks' hissing and howling,

٥٤. شكَوا جَدْباً فأعشَبَ بالأفاعي
لهمُ مُلْسُ الثَّنايا والرِّعان

55. And its stabbing of you became for them
More deadly than the fangs of asps,

٥٥. وطاعنَهمْ لكَ الإقبالُ منها
بأقْتلَ من شبَا الصُّمِّ اللِّدان

56. With the deaf adders' deafly hissing
When they declined the peace of treacherous snakes.

٥٦. بحيّاتِ الصِّمام الصُّمِّ لمّا
رَقَوا بالسَّلْمِ حيَّاتِ الطِّعان

57. It was as if the camel, enraged when
Their ignorant lie cast it away,

٥٧. كأنّ الطّودَ غَيْظاً حينَ ألقَى
بإفكِهمُ الجَهولَ أخا افْتِتان

58. Pelted them from its mouth with each handful
So the tyrants were seized by snakes.

٥٨. رَماهمْ منه كلَّ مكانِ كَفٍّ
لتَلْتقِفَ الطّغاةَ بأُفْعُوان

59. It made every rugged path smooth when
Each twisting approach was leveled.

٥٩. تثَعْبَنَ كلُّ صَعْبٍ منه لمّا
تفَرْعَن كلُّ عِلْج ذي امْتِهان

60. Its conquest was blessed by a feast
As the range is preceded by the winning steed.

٦٠. وزارَكَ في زمانِ الفَتْحِ عيدٌ
كما ابتدَر المدَى فَرَسا رِهان

61. This is for pure praises recited
Embroidered, and this for melodies.

٦١. فهذا للمدائحِ يَجْتليها
مُدَبَّجةً وهذا للأغاني

62. The days have not ceased to be propitious for you
Crested at their start with congratulations.

٦٢. فلا زالتْ لكَ الأيّامُ طُرّاً
مُتوَّجةَ المطالعِ بالتَّهاني

63. Look, the new moon of feast days appears
On the sky's horizon like a line of splendor.

٦٣. أعِرْ نظَراً هلالَ العيدِ يَبْدو
على أُفُقِ السَّماءِ كسَطْرِ حان

64. It's as if when you secured the pillow of might
For the world's sultanate, lofty before all,

٦٤. كأنّك إذ شدَدْتَ مهادَ عِزٍّ
لسُلْطانِ الوَرى فوقَ العِيان

65. You marked the bright fortune of glorious sultanate
On its everlasting sphere like the marking of a steed.

٦٥. وسَمْتَ بنُونِ سُلْطانٍ مَجيداً
أديمَ سمائهِ وَسْمَ الحِصان

66. Oh, most noble minister, days still
Crest each horizon near and far for you!

٦٦. ألا يا أشرفَ الوزراء طُرّاً
إذا عُدُّ الأقاصي والأداني

67. You were created supported by the loftiness of rank
That lowers before you every person of status.

٦٧. خُلِقتَ مؤيَّداً بعُلُوِّ شَأنٍ
يُذِلُّ منَ الورى لك كُلُّ شان

68. If your whip is cracked over a foe
He will not escape with a shred of clothes

٦٨. إذا شُنَّتْ سُطاكَ على عَدُوٍّ
فلا يَنْجو بقَعْقَمةٍ الشِّنان

69. Or the onslaught of a heavily armored knight
Or the attack of a mailed soldier.

٦٩. ولا بِنزالِ أرْعَنَ ذي جيادٍ
ولا بنُزولِ أجْيدَ ذي رِعان

70. You struck the people of unbelief with it until
You left them in the depths of annihilation.

٧٠. رمَيتَ بها بني الإلْحادِ حتّى
تركتهمُ بمدرجةِ التّفاني

71. They hoped for the Quran's rule but you went against them
With your sword, executing the Quran's decree,

٧١. رجَوا حكْمَ الِقران ورُحْتَ فيهمْ
بسَيْفِكَ مُمْضياً حُكْمَ القُران

72. So that you appeared in a stance that gave victory
To God's religion, honoring the place.

٧٢. ليَهْنِكَ مَوْقفٌ أظهرتَ فيه
لدينِ اللهِ إعزازَ المكان

73. Your presiding over the council of review is a matter of pride
While owning a day of bounty is your habit.

٧٣. وعَقْدُكَ مجلسَ النَّظَرِ افْتِخاراً
ومالكَ يومَ مكرُمةٍ مُدان

74. The gathering of imams in your presence
As they gather around you from far and near

٧٤. ومُجتمَعُ الأئمّةِ في نَدىٍّ
وقَد وافَوْكَ من قاصٍ ودان

75. Is like stars with you as the full moon
When two gazers look upon you.

٧٥. كأنّهمُ النُّجومُ وأنتَ بدْرٌ
إذا نظَرتْ إليكمْ مُقْلَتان

76. When their problems make you frown, you are guided
By the light of your thoughtful brow.

٧٦. إذا غمَضَتْ مَسائلُهمْ تَهدَّى
بضوء جَبينِكَ المُتناظِران

77. You see two disputants vying over them
As if competing for distance, a prize at stake.

٧٧. تَرى الخَصْمَيْنِ يَسْتَبِقانِ فيها
كما طلَب المدَى فَرسا رِهان

78. It's no wonder with you being a sea
That they dive for the pearls of meanings.

٧٨. وليس منَ العجيبِ وأنتَ بحْرٌ
إذا غاصوا على دُرَرِ المَعاني

79. For every issue they have disagreement
With arguments from both sides.

٧٩. لهمْ في كُلِّ مسألةٍ خِلافٌ
يَقومُ بحُجَّتَيْهِ الجانبان

80. But their love for you when you decide
Is agreed upon by both creeds.

٨٠. فأمّا حُبُّهمْ لك حينَ تَبْلو
فَمُتّفِقٌ عليهِ المَذْهبان

81. So union has not ceased among you
Safe from the separating days.

٨١. فلا زال اجْتماعُ الشَّمْلِ منكمْ
من الدَّهرِ المُفَرِّقِ في أمان

82. To you they are the greatest inheritance from your father
And the highest elevation built by the Creator.

٨٢. فهمْ لكَ في أبيكَ أجَلُّ إرْثٍ
وأعلَى سُؤْدَدٍ يَبْنيهِ بان

83. May God's prayers ever be upon him
Granting him the most honored place in the Gardens.

٨٣. صلاةُ اللهِ دائمةٌ عليه
مُبوِّئةً له زُلَفَ الجِنان

84. The days have not failed to be auspicious for you
Crested at their start with congratulations.

٨٤. فلا بَرِحَت لك الأيّامُ غُرّاً
مُتوَّجةَ المطالعِ بالتَّهاني

85. Oh my master, how much suffering
The events make me suffer!

٨٥. فكم يا أيُّها المَولَى تُراني
أُعاني للحوادثِ ما أُعاني

86. And I'm ashamed of a time in which you are
When I give free rein to complaining.

٨٦. وأستَحْيي زماناً أنت فيه
إذا أرخَيْتُ للشَّكْوَى عِناني

87. So provide me deliverance from its hands
And provide deliverance from my tongue.

٨٧. فأوجِدْني خَلاصاً من يدَيْهِ
وأوجِدْهُ خَلاصاً من لِساني

88. Be my supporter in my profession
So my beginnings are backed by your help,

٨٨. وكُنْ لي كالمُؤيَّدِ في اصطناعي
لِيُعْضَدَ أوّلٌ منكمْ بِثان

89. In creating a poem in which I showed
A thousand refinements after a thousand trials.

٨٩. بقولٍ قصيدةٍ أبدَعْتُ فيه
رجَعْتُ لها بألْفٍ قد حَباني

90. If you applied your mind to my rights
You would care for me tomorrow as you cared yesterday.

٩٠. ولو أعملْتَ فكْرَكَ في حُقوقي
رَعيْتَنيَ الغداةَ كما رَعاني

91. A glance from you is a thousand years
Lived through, releasing a thousand sighs.

٩١. فأدنى نظرةٍ لكَ ألْفَ عامٍ
تَعيشُ به وتُطلِقُ ألْفَ عان

92. Have kings seen the likes of your forbearance?
Which you show us plainly before our eyes.

٩٢. وهل رأتِ الملوكُ خلالَ حُلْمٍ
نظائرَ ما تُرِينا في العِيان

93. You solved the knot of Shahidiz
And you untied the magic of Masrutan.

٩٣. وأنت حلَلْتَ عُقْدةَ شاهِديزٍ
وأنتَ عَقْدْتَ سِكْرَ المَسْرُتان

94. They began while you complete each work
For they had no two hands for perfection.

٩٤. هَمُ بدأوا وأنت تُتِمُّ كُلاًّ
فلم يَكُ بالتّمامِ لهمْ يَدان

95. An honored army deserves the right to specialization
So there should be no delay in its affairs.

٩٥. لعسكرِ مُكْرَمٍ حَقُّ اخْتصاصٍ
فلا يَكُ في مَصالحها تَوان

96. Then order the building of its barracks
To make it one of your excellent projects.

٩٦. فَمُرْ بعمارةِ الدُّولابِ فيها
تكُنْ إحدى صَنائِعكَ الحِسان

97. You graced your time with great deeds
As you graced my poetry with great meanings.

٩٧. لقد زَيَّنْتَ عَصْركَ بالمعالي
كما زَيّنْتَ شِعريَ بالمعاني

98. One like me is lost in the land of Khuzistan
Lost like a sword in a coward's grasp.

٩٨. يَضيعُ بأرضِ خُوزِستانَ مِثْلي
ضَياعَ السّيْفِ في كَفِّ الجَبان

99. I hope from the inclusiveness of justice
To be aided against the wonders I suffer.

٩٩. وآمُلُ من شُمولِ العَدلِ أنّي
أُعانُ على عجائبِ ما أُعاني

100. I will defeat my enviers for they have grown insolent
And were it not for you they would not envy my rank.

١٠٠. وأُرغِمُ حُسَّدي فَقَدِ اسْتَطالوا
ولولا أنت ما حَسدوا مكاني

101. They saw my honor like theirs but
Over two states that cannot be brought together.

١٠١. رأوْا عِرْضي كعِرضهم ولكنْ
على حالَيْنِ لا يَتَقاربان

102. Blame struck me when my money ran low
Though it is the age that is to blame.

١٠٢. رَماني العَيبُ لمّا قلّ مالي
على أدبي وهمْ عَيبُ الزَّمان

103. I say to them when they move to blame me,
"Come look at who tested me!"

١٠٣. أقولُ لهمْ إذا عَرضَوا لذَمّي
تعالَيْ فانْظُري بمَنِ ابْتلاني

104. I swear there is nothing finer than your praise
Even if a sevenfold poem were composed.

١٠٤. وأُقسِمُ ما فِرِنْدٌ في حُسامٍ
بأشْرفَ من مَديحِكَ في لساني

105. Muhammad's religion in every case
And Muhammad's kingdom are thankful to you.

١٠٥. وخُذْها من فَمِ الرّاوي نَشيداً
ألذَّ منَ الرَّحيقِ الخُسْرُواني

106. May you and your blessings endure forever
As the two bright stars have befriended each other!

١٠٦. بلا لفظٍ على الأسماعِ بكْرٍ
إذا جُليَتْ ولا مَعْنىً عَوان

١٠٧. ومَنْ يُرضي علاءكَ في ثَناءٍ
ولو نُظِمَتْ له سَبْعٌ مَثان

١٠٨. ودينُ مُحمّدٍ في كُلِّ حالٍ
ومُلْكُ مُحمّدٍ لكَ شاكران

١٠٩. فدامَ ودُمْتَ في نَعَمٍ جِسامٍ
كذلكَ ما تَواخَى الفَرْقَدان