1. The blush of cheeks and under it the thorns of spears,
So who would dare to pluck it?
١. وَرْدُ الخُدودِ ودُونَهُ شَوْكُ القَنا
فَمنِ المُحَدِّثُ نَفْسَهُ أن يُجْتَنَى
2. Stretch not your hands toward it, for oft
They have waged wars because we stretched our eyes.
٢. لا تَمدُدِ الأيدي إليه فطالما
شَنُّوا الحُروبَ لأنْ مدَدْنا الأعيُنا
3. A rose chose to hide itself in the veil's leaves
Casting off its garb in the dark, wearing it back at dawn.
٣. وَرْدٌ تخَيَّر من مَخافةِ نَهْبِه
باللّحظِ في وَرَقِ البَراقعِ مَكْمَنا
4. Oft accord and discord were creeds of passion, my friend,
And whichever she wished became our faith.
٤. يُلْقي الكِمامَ معَ الظّلامِ إذا دَجا
ويَعودُ فيه مع الصَّباح إذا دنا
5. Say to her who did wrong and was tempting,
"If you were just, you'd be more tempting."
٥. ولطالَما وُجدَ الخِلافُ وإلْفهُ
دِيناً لعَمْرُك للحسانِ ودَيدَنا
6. When I asked her lips for a pearl,
She said, "Aren't your eyelids treasure enough?"
٦. قُلْ للَّتي ظلَمتْ وكانتْ فتنةً
لو أنها عَدلتْ لكانتْ أفْتَنا
7. Is your modesty meant erringly with the veil?
Yet nakedness for your beauty I see more modest.
٧. لمّا سألتُ الثّغرَ منها لُؤلؤاً
قالتْ أما يَكْفيكَ جَفْنُكَ مَعْدِنا
8. Like the sun - impossible to unveil her face,
Unless with a thin cloud she dresses.
٨. أيُرادُ صَوْنُكِ بالتَّبرقُعِ ضَلّةً
وأرى السُّفورَ لمثْلِ حُسنِك أصْوَنا
9. She grew stingy in the sanctuary of her greed.
Ask the guards of the tribe - what turned her away from us?
٩. كالشّمسِ يَمْتنعُ اجْتلاؤك وَجْهَها
فإنِ اكتسَتْ برَقيقِ غَيْمٍ أمْكَنا
10. Still the specters of her imagination refused us.
How long will lances of horsemen point our way?
١٠. غدَتِ البخيلةُ في حمىً من بُخْلها
فسلُوا حُماةَ الحيِّ عمَّ تَصُدُّنا
11. Can the living tribes of Al-Amiriyya
Do more than what she did to us?
١١. وأَبتْ طُروقَ خيالِها فإلى متى
جَرُّ الرّماحِ من الفوارسِ نَحْوَنا
12. They are no greater menace than if they fought
Than the blow of the dark-moled one when she refused us.
١٢. هل عنْدَ حَيِّ العامريّةِ قُدرةٌ
أنْ يَفْعلوا فوقَ الَّذي فعلَتْ بنا
13. If my murder is their aim, then let them raise
The crowns and leave her and I alone.
١٣. ما هُمْ بأعظمَ فَتكة لو بارزوا
من طَرْفِ ذاتِ الخالِ إذ برْزتْ لنا
14. What shielded us from the departure of the lovely ones
Were it not for the watching eyes that checked us?
١٤. إن كان قَتْلي قَصْدَهمْ فلْيَرفَعوا
كِللَ الظّعائنِ ولْيُخلُّوا بَيْننا
15. My friend, fill up with travellers heading their land,
For their long absence now shares our sorrow.
١٥. ماذا كفَونا من لقاءِ فَواتنٍ
لولا مُراقَبةُ العيونِ أتَيْننا
16. Urge the steed recklessly on the dwellings
That it may heal a heart or perhaps heal us.
١٦. يا صاحِ مِلْ بالعيسِ شَطْرَ ديارِهم
فطلُولُها أضحَتْ تُشاطرُنا الضَّنى
17. Aid your brother when he calls you for a scheme,
And when you seek aid, call on us.
١٧. عُجْ بالمَطيِّ على المنازل عَوْجةً
فلعلَّها تُشفي جوىً ولعلَّنا
18. Two ignorant men in the world -
So beware, my brother, lest both continue unenlightened.
١٨. ساعِدْ أخاك إذا دعاكَ لخُطّةٍ
وإذا أردتَ مُساعِداً لكَ فادْعُنا
19. One who says, "I need no people nor they me,"
Speaks in ignorance of them or they of him.
١٩. فالجاهلانِ اثْنانِ من بَيْنِ الورَى
فافْطُنْ أُخَيَّ وإنْ هما لم يَفْطُنا
20. How often I pastured your defiant or visiting tribe
When passion loosed its bond on me.
٢٠. مَن قالَ ما بالنّاسِ عنّي من غنىً
من جَهْلهِ أو قال بي عنهم غِنى
21. A life I spent as youth dictated,
Squinting and being squinted at by all the lovely-eyed.
٢١. كم رُعْتُ حيَّكِ ثائراً أو زائراً
لمّا عَناني من غرامي ما عنى
22. I recall in the nights a night
When familiarity called on me and nestled close.
٢٢. عيشٌ كما شاء الصِّبا قضّيْتُه
أصبو وأُصبي كُلَّ أَحْورَ أَعْيَنا
23. Imagination dispatched and followed after
A visitor - have you seen a guest follow a guest?
٢٣. إنّي لأذكرُ في اللّيالي ليلةً
والإلْفُ فيها زارني مُتوسِّنا
24. The phantom travels while settling briefly
In an abode where fancy is turned to certainty.
٢٤. بعثَ الخيالَ وجاءني في إثْره
أَرأيتَ ضَيْفاً قطُّ يتْبعُ ضَيْفَنا
25. Today I allow the fiction of a visiting fiction
Who travels to seek the favor of the blended tribe.
٢٥. الطَّيفُ يرحَلُ وهْو ينْزِلُ مُقلةً
فيها التوهُّمُ قد أُحيلَ تيقُّنا
26. I ransom his steps if he walks his accustomed path,
That he may become a habitual visitor.
٢٦. فاليومَ أَرضَى زُورَ زَوْرٍ طارق
يَسْري لخَطْبِ نوَى الخليطِ مُهوَّنا
27. No sooner had I spurned the specter
Than on a night the tribe camped at the lofty dunes.
٢٧. أَفدي خُطاه إذا سَرَى بمكانه
منّي ليُمسيَ للزّيارةِ مُدْمِنا
28. As my heart filled and I was busy praising
The mighty religion of God, humbling my thoughts,
٢٨. ما إنْ جفَوْتُ الطَّيفَ إلاّ ليلةً
والحيُّ قد نزلوا بأعلَى المُنْحنى
29. On a night when the lamps of darkness envied
My words, and she - my adornment - envied them too,
٢٩. لمّا ألمَّ وقد شَغَلْتُ بمدحةٍ
لعزيزِ دينِ اللهِ فكْريَ مُوْهِنا
30. My pen, she and I - the three of us - kept night vigil
And praise of you was our task.
٣٠. في ليلةٍ حسدَتْ مصابيحُ الدُّجَى
كَلِمي وقد كانتْ بها هيَ أَزْينا
31. Till we conquered the soldiers of darkness
When our tongues broadcast against them,
٣١. قَلمي بها حتّى الصّباحِ وشَمْعتي
بِتْنا ثلاثتُنا ومَدْحُك شُغْلُنا
32. My lamp vanquished them, and I the darkness
Stayed up all night and at dawn we were happiest.
٣٢. حتّى هَزَمْنا للظّلامِ جُنودَهُ
لمّا تَشاهَرْنا عليه الألْسُنا
33. To the mighty one I hoped to visit, a pilgrim,
But I shrank from knocking at his precious door.
٣٣. أَفْناهما قَطّي وأَفنَيْتُ الدُّجَى
سَهَراً فأَصبَحْنا وأَسْعدُهم أَنا
34. So he came in the morn, fulfilling the measure
Of our complaint, for what had befallen us.
٣٤. وإلى العزيزِ أَمَلْتُ نِضْوي زائراً
لكنّني اسْتَبْضَعْتُ دُرّاً مُثْمَنا
35. A generous king - when war calls,
You find him alone equal to armies.
٣٥. فغَدا يُنيلُ الرِّفدَ مُوفيَ كيْلِه
من قبلِ شَكْوانا لِما قد مَسَّنا
36. Gentle of fingers in caring
Like a mountain embracing the resting clouds.
٣٦. مَلِكٌ أَغرُّ إذا انْتَدى يومَ النَّدى
أَلْفيتَهُ فرداً مواهبُه ثُنا
37. His enemies trust not his harm, for
He knows only goodness or better.
٣٧. خَضِلُ الأناملِ بالحِباء إذا احتَبى
كالطّودِ يَحتضِنُ الغَمامَ المُدجِنا
38. When he saw his loyal counsel,
His face became illuminated with good fortune.
٣٨. أَمِنَتْ إساءتَه عِداهُ لأنّهُ
مُذْ كان لم يُحسِنْ سوى أنْ يُحسِنا
39. The next day, the sign of his rule was in his right hand,
Annihilating the misery of the compliant and noncompliant.
٣٩. لمّا رأى السُّلطانُ خالصَ نُصحِهِ
أَضحى بغُرّةِ وجههِ مُتَيمّنا
40. So when rebels sprout in the realms,
He need only signal to his pen, and it uproots them.
٤٠. فغدا وفي يُمناهُ آيةُ مُلكهِ
يُفْني المُسِرَّ عِنادَه والمُعْلِنا
41. The fair hand scattered his words,
And the defiant were leashed and brought to heel.
٤١. فمتى تَفرْعنَ في الممالكِ مارِقٌ
أَوْمَى إلى قلمٍ له فتَثَعْبنا
42. O you whose loosed steed, once turned homeward,
Success is its second nature when it turns back.
٤٢. وجلا اليدَ البيضاءَ في كَلماته
فتَلقَّف المُتمرِّدَ المُتفَرْعنا
43. You return with the drawn swords, pardoning
Whatever land you travelled vexing it.
٤٣. يا مَن إذا أَرخَى عِنانَ جَوادِه
أَضحى وثانيه النَّجاحُ إذا ثَنى
44. When the news caught your hearing of a crying victim,
Pity wiped the tears from your eyes.
٤٤. ويعودُ بالجُرْدِ السَّلاهبِ مُسْهلاً
في أَيِّ أَرضٍ سارَ فيها مُحْزِنا
45. You followed up your noble raid with argument -
Fulfilling its duty, ever the proper thing to do.
٤٥. لمّا أَعَرتَ السّمعَ نَبْأةَ صارخٍ
نفَتِ الكرَى عن ناظرَيْكَ تَحنُّنا
46. You dragged the train of battalions deep
Into the land, behind the backs of villains thickly sown.
٤٦. أَتْبعتَ حَجَّتَك الحميدةَ غَزْوةً
فقضَيْتَ أَيضاً فَرْضَها المُتَعيِّنا
47. Till those wastelands of theirs became
Like the gushing springs of Mina.
٤٧. وجَررْتَ أَذيالَ الكتائبِ مُوغِلاً
في الأرضِ خلْفَ بني الخَبائثِ مُثْخِنا
48. The swords irrigated their land after
The lances had churned its surface.
٤٨. حتّى غدَتْ تلك المَجاهلُ منهمُ
وكأنما هُنّ المَناحِرُ مِن مِنى
49. You showed them the wonders of the day at Hafizah
Where the true strikes left no doubt.
٤٩. سَقتِ الصّوارمُ أَرضَهمْ من بعدِ ما
قلّبْنَ أَظهُرَها السَّنابِكُ أَبْطُنا
50. It sowed doubt in them, and in an hour
Their resolve and determination bore bitter harvest.
٥٠. وأَرْيتَهمْ إعجازَ يومِ حَفيظةٍ
لم يُبقِ صِدْقُ الضَّرْبِ فيه مَطْعَنا
51. There Ahmad's might made a believer
Of one who was not counted a believer in Ahmad.
٥١. زرَعَ الطِّعانَ فسَنْبلَتْ في ساعةٍ
من هامِهمْ وشُعورِهمْ سُمُرُ القَنا
52. Do the polytheists know that they have not found
Safety from the edge of your sword?
٥٢. فغدا هُناكَ ببأْسِ أَحمدَ مُؤمِناً
مَن لم يُعَدَّ بدينِ أَحمدَ مُؤمِنا
53. But the armies turned back, routed,
Since their campaign against you was lighter.
٥٣. هل عُصبةُ الإشراكِ تَعلَمُ أَنّها
ما صادَفَتْ من حَدِّ سيفِكَ مأْمَنا
54. Like a wounded soldier a horse cast off
While the arrow dealt him what it dealt.
٥٤. لكنّما رجَع الجيوشُ وغُودِروا
إذ كان خَطْبُهمُ عليكمْ أَهْوَنا
55. He hopes to live, but no wounded man lives,
The spears have lodged in his heart and made it their home.
٥٥. مثْلَ القنيصِ ازْورَّ عنه فارسٌ
والسَّهمُ فيه جنَى عليه ما جنَى
56. If you turn back from them, they should expect
Only hastened demise and extinction.
٥٦. يَرجو البقاءَ وما بقاءُ مُصَرَّعٍ
تَخِذَ السِّنانُ القلْبَ منه مَسْكَنا
57. The clouds, after crossing, the land below
Sees in their wake a clear track of floods.
٥٧. إن تَرجِعوا عنهمْ فلا يَترقَّبوا
إلاّ الفَناءَ مُباكِراً لهمُ الفِنا
58. So Islam should celebrate that its pillar
Since it stood true has not bent or veered.
٥٨. والسُّحبُ بعدَ عُبورِهنَّ يَرى الوَرى
في إثْرِها أثَرَ السُّيولِ مُبيَّنا
59. The war clouds dissolved the enemies of guidance
Since you sailed the heavens of noble deeds.
٥٩. فَلْيَهنأ الإسلامَ أَنَّ عِمادَه
مُذْ جَدَّ في طَلَقِ المكارمِ ما ونَى
60. You are like the shining sun - it rose
Over the far and near horizons of the land.
٦٠. صَلِيَتْ شُواظَ الحربِ أَعداءُ الهُدَى
مُذْ سار في فَلَكِ المعالي مُمْعِنا
61. Some earth, lit by your light, flourished
While other earth, fired by you, declined to rest.
٦١. وكأنّه الشَّمسُ المنيرةُ طالعَتْ
خِططَ البلادِ من القَصيّ إلى الدُّنا
62. To God belongs the arrival of the glorious one who
Became, for us, a shelter against fate's blows.
٦٢. فأباتَ أرضاً نُورُها مَسكونةً
وأبتْ لأُخرى نارُها أن تَسكُنا
63. A gentle return - Ahmad returned as his name
So he came prosperously, multiplying the good tidings.
٦٣. للهِ مَقْدَمُ ماجدٍ أضحَى به
عنّا لنازلةِ النَّوائبِ مَظْعَنا
64. Rebellious mischief's spark had caught fire
And spread maliciously, or auspiciously.
٦٤. عَوْدٌ إلينا عادَ أحمدُ كاسْمِه
فغدا بإقبالٍ يُضاعَفُ مُؤْذِنا
65. Say to those who split into factions thinking
Your rule opposed their own flimsy aims:
٦٥. كانتْ شَرارةَ فتْنةٍ مَشْبوبةٍ
فلقد تَرامَتْ أشْمُلاً أوْ أيمُنا
66. None contends with the torrent in spate
Save one who has wearied of life and soured.
٦٦. قُلْ للَّذين تَشعَّبوا شُعَباً لأنْ
ظَنّوا خِلافَكُم مَراماً هَيِّنا
67. One who builds his mansion midst the lion's den
Feeling the wind of the lion wrecked what he built.
٦٧. ما إنْ يُنازِعُ ضَيْغَماً في غِيلِه
إلاّ امْرؤٌ ملَّ الحياةَ وحُيِّنا
68. In every forest where he strayed from his cubs
Seeking pasture - but no repose whenever he turned.
٦٨. ومَنِ ابتنَى وسْطَ العرينِ قبابَهُ
فأحسَّ ريحَ اللَّيثِ قَوَّض ما ابْتَنى
69. A guardian of each matter will fatigue
An intruder, whether he rule justly or excellently.
٦٩. في كلِّ غابٍ غابَ عنه سَليلُه
مَرْعىً ولكنْ لا قَرارَ إذا انْثَنى
70. O haven, you appoint people to wondrous tasks
That became by the rising stars more wondrous.
٧٠. سيُريحُ عازِبَ كُلّ أمرٍ سائسٌ
يُرضي الرَّعيّةَ عادلاً أو مُحْسنا
71. No sooner had your repute and kingdom called you
Than you answered, bettering and fortifying.
٧١. يا مَوئلاً يُولي الأنامَ صنائعاً
أمسَتْ منَ الشُّهُبِ الطَّوالعِ أبْيَنا
72. All whom you entrusted prospered lavishly
While you yourself prospered contentedly.
٧٢. ما إنْ دعاكَ لِصيتِه ولمُلْكِهِ
إلاّ أجَبْتَ مُحسِّناً ومُحصِّنا
73. I have shunned praising other kings of my time as taboo
And shunned not praising the like of you as more taboo.
٧٣. كُلٌّ إذا استَرعَوْهُ يَسْمَنُ مُهزِلاً
في ذا الزَّمانِ وأنت تَهزِلُ مُسْمِنا
74. You reached the farthest extent and ruled us
And grasped the heights' peaks and encompassed fate's ends.
٧٤. دَسْتُ الوِزارةِ لم يَزَلْ مَنْ حَلَّهُ
ولَئنْ تَجلّى ملءُ عَيْنَيْ مَنْ رَنا
75. Ever unbroken you remained in trials, whenever
Time toyed with its people and fluctuated.
٧٥. كالبدرِ في ليلٍ ورأيُكَ شمسُه
والبدرُ مُقْتَبسٌ من الشَّمسِ السَّنا
76. Hope itself had wandered
Until, arriving at your abode, it settled.
٧٦. سِيّانِ عندكَ كان رَبْعاً آهِلاً
للحيِّ أو رَسْماً عفا وتَدمَّنا
77. It surrendered its reins to your father's son through you
Thus you tend him with utmost care.
٧٧. ما إنْ خذَلْتَ على اختلاف شعارِه
مُتعلِّياً ناداك أو مُتعَثْمِنا
78. You are hope for all who walk the earth,
To you points he who through you was satisfied.
٧٨. واليومَ أجدَرُ حينَ أصبحَ عُطْلُه
مُتزيِّناً لمّا غدا مُتَزيَّنا
79. You have lofty ambitions exceeding
The age, and you lived to spread them, harvest them.
٧٩. لا زلتَ ثَبْتاً في المواقفِ كُلّما
لَعِبَ الزّمانُ بأهلِه وتَلوَّنا
80. As if it and time were a narrow road
You tread with a vast army.
٨٠. أما الرجاء فلم يزل متغربا
حتى إذا وافى ذُراك استوطنا
81. The book of your era - since its sons arose
And God made it your ascent and titled it so,
٨١. ألقَى إلى ابْنِ أبيه منكَ رِحالَه
فلِذاكَ أنتَ بهِ شديدُ المُعْتنَى
82. They read, to this day, a title for it,
While our hearts anticipate what it contains.
٨٢. أَنتَ الرَّجاءُ لكلِّ مَن يطأُ الثَّرى
فإليكَ كان أَشار حينَ به اكْتنَى
83. O glorious one, the age is fragrant with your memory
And memory in the days is a precious possession.
٨٣. لك في العُلا هِمَمّ تَزيدُ على مَدَى
زَمَنٍ فعشْتَ لنَشْرِهنَّ الأزْمُنا
84. The finer we describe you
The finer you make what we attribute to you.
٨٤. وكأنّها والدّهرَ نَهْجٌ ضَيِّقٌ
أَصبحتَ تَسلُكُ فيه جَيْشاً أَرْعَنا
85. I consider praising the kings of my time a defect,
And consider not praising the like of you a greater defect.
٨٥. وكتابُ عصرِكَ مُذْ أَتَى أَبناءه
واللهُ ضَمَّنه عُلاكَ وعَنْوَنا
86. You reached the farthest extent and ruled us,
Reached the farthest high and encompassed fate's twist.
٨٦. قرأوا إلى ذا اليومِ عُنْواناً له
وقلوبُنا تَتَطلَّعُ المُتضمَّنا
87. You remained, without cease, travelling the past,
Without change, empowered over the future.
٨٧. يا ماجداً عَبِقَ الزّمانُ بذِكرهِ
والذِّكرُ في الأيّامِ نعْم المُقْتَنى
٨٨. يَزْدادُ عندَك حُسْنُ ما نُثْنِي به
كمَزيدِ ما توُليهِ حُسْناً عِنْدَنا
٨٩. وأَعُدُّ مدْحَ ملوكِ عَصْريَ هُجْنةً
وأَعُدُّ تَرْكَ مديح مثْلِك أَهْجَنا
٩٠. فبلَغْتَ قاصيةَ المَدى وملكْتَ نا
صيةَ العُلا وحَويْتَ عاصِيةَ المُنى
٩١. وبَقِيتَ من غيرِ انْقطاع ماضياً
وبلا تَغَيُّرِ آخِرٍ مُتمكِّنا