
Let my eyes cease shedding tears or perishing,

دع العين مني تسكب الدمع أو تفنى

1. Let my eyes cease shedding tears or perishing,
For eyes that do not see you have no meaning.

١. دَعِ العَينَ منّي تَسكُبُ الدّمعَ أو تَفنَى
فليس لعَين لا أراك بها مَعنَى

2. It is forbidden for them, if I saw the world through them
And you were not among them, to blink shut.

٢. حَرام عليها إنْ رأيتُ بها الوَرى
ولم تكُ فيهمْ أن أُجِفَّ لها جَفْنا

3. I would erase the blackness of my eyes after you, just as
A man once erased a mistake from his manuscript.

٣. لأمْحو سوادَ العَينِ بعدَك مثْلما
محا المرءُ يوماً من صَحيفتهِ لَحْنا

4. The hand of fate stole from me a pearl
Whose honor filled the corners of my heart.

٤. لقد سرَقَت كَفُّ الرّدَى ليَ دُرّةً
أطالَ لها الإعزازُ في مُقْلتي خَزْنا

5. So I made them into a sea of tears after it
Hoping through deep diving I might find its treasure.

٥. فصيَّرتُها بَحراً منَ الدّمعِ بعدَها
لَعَلِّى بطُولِ الغَوصِ ألقَى بها خِدْنا

6. But the sea of crying is no mine;
So whence can I acquire patience, and whence consolation?

٦. وهَيهاتَ ما بحرُ البكاء بمَعْدِنٍ
فمن أين تأميلُ اعتياضي ومِن أنّى

7. You were saluted from a past whose memory remained,
And were ransomed from a single one whose virtues were double.

٧. فَحُيِّيتَ مِن ماضٍ أقام ادِّكارُه
وأفديهِ من فَرْدٍ مَناقبهُ مَثْنى

8. To him belonged all beauty since it appeared,
So it befitted beauty to be named for him.

٨. إليه انْتَمى كُلُّ المَحاسنِ مُذْ بَدا
فحُقَّ لعَمري بالمحاسنِ أن يُكْنى

9. And he was my hope, but with his loss
It was as if I were a name and he was the meaning.

٩. وكان رجاءً لي فَفُتُّ بفَوتْهِ
كأنّيَ كنتُ اسْماً وكان هو المَعْنى

10. Tomorrow his face was to me a garden of beauty,
So my tears departed and the branches leaned.

١٠. غدا وجههُ عندي من الحُسنِ روضةً
فراحَ لها دَمعي وقد صوَّحَت مُزنْا

11. And my right hand became paralyzed,
So I will cushion it in his grave, hand to hand.

١١. وكان يَدي اليُمنَى فأصبَحْتُ ضارعاً
أُوسّدُه في لَحْدِه يَدَه اليُمنْى

12. The world darkened and I knew then
That I had buried the sun in his tomb.

١٢. وأظلمتِ الدُّنيا فأيقنتُ عندها
بأنّي دَفنْتُ الشّمسَ في قبره دفْنا

13. It was as if I were a bird whose chick
Was stolen from the nest until he got used to no home.

١٣. كأنّيَ فيها طائرٌ صِيدَ فَرْخُه
منَ الوكْرِ حتى صار لا يأْلَفُ الوَكنْا

14. He saw it in the morning in the claw of a predator
Who sank its talons into it with hooked nails.

١٤. رآه معَ الإصباحِ في كَفِّ جارحٍ
وقد أنشبَتْ فيه مَخالبَها الحُجْنا

15. My soul ransoms you - how did you accept
The collapse of a house in which you were a pillar?

١٥. فِدىً لكَ منّي النّفسُ كيف رَضيتَ لي
تَهدُّمَ بَيتٍ أنت كنت له رُكنْا

16. Hopes for us in you were severed,
And suitors whom we did not count were rejected.

١٦. تَقطَّعُ آمالٌ لنا فيك أُمِّلَتْ
وأعرضَ خَطْبٌ ما حَسبِنا وما خِلْنا

17. And I thought well of the days, but they did not keep their word,
For good judgment is not for days to think well.

١٧. وأحسَنْتُ بالأيّامِ ظَنّي فما وفَتْ
وما الحزْمُ بالأيّامِ أن تُحسنَ الظَّنّا

18. Would it not have adorned the times for us to gather?
So why did they aim for separation until we split?

١٨. أما كان زَيْناً للزّمانِ اجْتماعُنا
فلِمْ كان منه القَصْدُ حتّى تفرَّقْنا

19. We were as we desired, so O time, tell us -
Is it possible one day for us to return as we were?

١٩. وكنّا كما نَهْوَى فيا دهرُ قُلْ لنا
أفي الوُسْعِ يوماً أن نَعودَ كما كُنّا

20. Turn your attention to a beloved from whom you once glanced away
To look upon what befell that beloved.

٢٠. أَعِدْ نحوَ مَغْنىً منه قد سِرْتَ نظرةً
لتُبصرَ ماذا حَلَّ في ذلك المَغْنى

21. And renew with that sweet tongue his speech
To ask about us - what is our news?

٢١. وجَدِّدْ بذاكَ المنطقِ العَذْب نُطقَهُ
لتسألَ عنّا أيُّ أمرٍ لنا عَنّا

22. And O ransom of my soul make your hearing listen a time
To let us voice the complaint that came from us.

٢٢. وأرْعِ فدْتكَ النّفسُ سمعَك مَرّةً
لنُسمِعَك الشّكْوى الّتي بَلغتْ منّا

23. But alas, between all that
Were obstacles of fate that came between and we did not meet.

٢٣. وهَيهاتَ عاقَتْ دوَن ذلك كُلّه
عوائقُ أقدارٍ فحالَتْ وما حُلْنا

24. The passage of nights preoccupied me and the days' injustice burdened me
With what made me despair for myself.

٢٤. لقد راعني صَرْفُ اللّيالي ورابَني
من الدهرِ أن أخنَى عليَّ بما أَخنْى

25. I have a son whose soul was my consolation,
Yet here I am, nothing left of me but a withering body.

٢٥. وقد جُدْتُ بابْنٍ كان عزىَ روحُه
فها أنا منّي سوى جَسَدٍ مُضْنى

Meanwhile, before him my face is made old by time

٢٦. على حينَ منه أبدَر الوجهَ سنُّه
وَهلّلَ منّي القدُّ في مِشْيَتي سِنّا

27. And my physique surrenders to my decrepitude.
I had hoped in my old age

٢٧. وما كنتُ إلاّ أرتَجي عند كَبْرتي
لعَظْمي به جَبْراً فزِدتُ به وَهْنا

28. To be greatly strengthened through him, but I only grew weaker.
So I worried for a branch whose fruits I hoped for,

٢٨. فلَهْفي على غُصْنٍ رَجوْتُ ثمارَهُ
ولم أر أبهى منه لمّا اعْتلى غُصْنا

29. And I did not see more beautiful than it when it climbed the branch.
It suffices as sorrow that I do not see in my hand from him

٢٩. كفَى حزَناً ألاّ أرى منه في يَدي
سوى حَسَراتٍ بعده كُلَّ ما يُجْنى

30. Anything but regrets, after all that can be harvested.
When he excelled in the battleground of rhetoric as a knight

٣٠. أحينَ اغتدَى في حَلبةِ النُّطْقِ فارساً
وأبدَى لنا في ثُغْرةِ الحُجّةِ الطَّعْنا

31. And revealed to us in the arena of argument the thrust.
And he brandished, having given free rein to his high-minded son,

٣١. وأرخَى وقد أجرَى عِنانَ ابْن همّةٍ
أبَى دونَ أقصَى غايةِ الهمّ أن يُثْنى

32. Who refused to stop short of the furthest extent of ambition.
His hand turned the pens in books

٣٢. وصَرَّفتِ الأقلامَ في الكُتْبِ كَفُّه
فأخجلَ في أيدي الكُماةِ القنا اللُّدْنا

33. Until he shamed in the hands of writers the carved reed.
With elegant, beautifully-formed script he wrote,

٣٣. بخَطِّ بنانٍ رائقِ الحسنِ ناطَه
بخَطّ بيانٍ فاستَبى العينَ والأُذْنا

34. With eloquent scripture that dazzled the eye and ear.
And he perfected in the prime of youth, appearing to us

٣٤. وأُكمِلَ في عصْرِ الصِّبا فبدا لنا
عن الحِلْمِ مُفترّاً وفي العلْمِ مفتّنا

35. To have surpassed wisdom while immersed in knowledge.
Fingers then pointed to him -

٣٥. أشارتْ إليه عند ذاك أصابِعٌ
له أَصبَحتْ تُثْنى على الفضل أَو تُثْنَى

36. For him they came to praise virtue or be folded.
So when his peers refused, the days' army dusty attacked him

٣٦. فلمّا أبَى الأقرانُ شقَّ غُبارِه
أتى الدّهرُ في جيشٍ فبارزَه قِرْنا

37. And time came out against him with its regiments.

٣٧. ولمّا بدا في أُفْقِ عُلْياه طالعاً
يَبُثُّ سناً واللّيلُ كالدّهر قد جَنّا

38. And when he rose on the horizon of his prominence,
Radiant, while the night, like fate, had been overcast,

٣٨. وعَدّتْ ليالي البدرِ أعوامَ عُمْرهِ
فكنّ سواءً لا نَقصْنَ ولا زِدْنا

39. The nights of the full moon counted out the years of his life,
So they were equal, neither decreasing nor increasing.

٣٩. أتاه سِرارُ الموتِ عند تَمامهِ
فحَجَّبنا عنه وحَجَّبه عَنّا

40. The secrets of death came to him in his perfection,
And veiled him from us and veiled us from him.

٤٠. وعينٌ أصابَتْنا لدَهْرٍ مُشتِّتٍ
فلا نظرَتْ عَينٌ لدهرٍ أصابَتْنا

41. An eye that befell us in scattered days
Neither looked at eye that befell us.

٤١. أُؤمِّلُ يوماً صالحاً بعدَ بُعده
وقد فاتَني من قُربه حَظِّيَ الأْسنى

42. I hope for a propitious day after his absence,
Though the best of my fortune at his nearness has passed me by.

٤٢. وأصبحتُ في قَيْدٍ منَ العُمرِ راسفاً
كأنّيَ عند الدّهرِ خَلَّفني رَهْنا

43. I became bound in the fetters of life miserable,
As if the days had left me behind with him as guarantor.

٤٣. ولو كنتَ تُفْدَى لافْتدَيتُكَ طائعاً
بماليَ لو أَجْدى ونَفْسيَ لو أَغْنى

44. Had you been ransomable, I would have willingly ransomed you
With my money, if it availed, and my soul, if it sufficed.

٤٤. ولكنْ حياتي بَعدَك اليومَ هكذا
حياةٌ لعمْري لا أُقيمُ لها وَزْنا

45. But my life after you today is such -
By my life, it is a life I assign no value.

٤٥. مَرقْتَ مُروقَ السَّهْمِ منّي مُودِّعاً
على حينَ ظَهري كالحنيّة إذْ تُحنى

46. You slipped away from me like an arrow released,
While my back was bent over like a branched palm tree.

٤٦. وليس سوى التَّسليمِ للهِ وَحْدَه
وإنْ عَزَّ منهُ كلَّ صَعبٍ وإنْ عنّى

47. And there is nothing but resignation to God alone,
Though every hardship was burdensome and every slope twisted.

٤٧. صَبرتُ ولم أُصبرْ عزاءً وإنّما
رأيتُ سبيلَ الصَّبرِ نحوك لي أدْنى

48. I was patient but did not have patience as consolation; rather
I saw the way of patience toward you as nearer.

٤٨. عسى الصَّبرُ أن يَجْزي لدى اللهِ زُلْفةً
بِذاك فيَقْضي في جِوارِك لي سُكْنى

49. Perhaps patience will earn closeness with God
By that He ordains rest for me in your vicinity.

٤٩. بقُربِكَ في الدُّنيا مُنيتُ وإنّني
بقُربك في الأُخرى لأحذَرُ أَن أُمنى

50. In life I wished for your nearness, and I fear
For your nearness in the next life to wish.

٥٠. عليك سَلامُ اللهِ يا خيرَ رائدٍ
ولازلتَ من مَثواك في روضةٍ غنّا

51. Upon you peace of God, O best guide,
You remain in your resting place in a blissful meadow.

٥١. ولازال يَسْقي ما حلَلْتَ من الثَّرى
قِطارُ الغَمام الغُرِّ هاتِنةً هَتْنا

52. Still the rain of heavy clouds waters the earth you occupy,
Coming in a constant downpour, pouring.

٥٢. فواللهِ لا أنساكَ ما هَبّتِ الصَّبا
وما ناح في الأيكِ الحمامُ وما غَنّى

53. By God, I will not forget you as long as the breeze blows
Or the doves coo in the bushes, or the thickets sing.

٥٣. غدا سَمُراً في الأرضِ عُظْمُ رزيئتي
بما وعَدَ الإقبالُ فيك وما منّي

54. Tomorrow the bone of my frail body will decay into the earth,
With what the days had promised of you and what came from me.

٥٤. فكُلُّ امرئٍ قد كان باسْمِكَ سامعاً
يُرَقْرِقُ لي دمعاً على الخدِّ مُسْتّنّا

55. So everyone who had listened to your name
Will shed for me a tear wetting his cheek.

٥٥. إذا الرَّكْبُ في البيداء أَجرَوْا حديثَنا
أقاموا فَردُّوا العيسَ وانتظروا السُّفنا

56. When the caravan in the desert told our tales,
They stopped, walked in place, and awaited the ships.

٥٦. أحِنُّ إلى الكأسِ الَّتي قد شَرِبْتَها
ومثْلي ولم يُظْلَمْ إلى مثلها حَنّا

57. I long for the cup you drank,
And one like me who was not wronged longs to it.

٥٧. فإنْ تك قد أَسأرْتَ في الكأسِ فَضْلةً
فهاتِ تكُنْ عندي هيَ المَشْرَبَ الأهْنى

58. So if you obtained an extra amount in the cup,
Let that be for me the most soothing drink.

٥٨. فواللهِ لم أسمَحْ بشَخْصِك للرَّدى
ولكنّني استَوْدَعتُه في الثرى ضَنّا

59. By God, I did not give you up to fate,
But entrusted you to the earth, guarded.

٥٩. كَنزْتُك في بَطْنِ التُّرابِ نفاسةً
وأعززْ به كنزاً لآخِرتي يُقْنى

I treasured you in the earth's belly as a precious jewel,

٦٠. وشِمتُك لي سَيفاً ولو كنتُ قادراً
لكان مكان التُّرب جَفْني لك الجَفنا

61. And enriched thereby a treasure for my Afterlife which suffices.
And I made you for me a sword, and if I were able,

٦١. وقد كنتَ لي عَضْباً حُساماً فلم تَزلْ
تُوشّحُ لي صَدْراً من العزِّ أَو ضِبْنا

62. My eyelids would have been for you instead of the earth a sheath.
You were for me a sharp, dominating blade, never ceasing

٦٢. فتُصِبحُ لي طَوراً يداكَ حَمائلاً
وآونةً يُضْحي مناطُكَ لي حِضْنا

63. To gird for me a breast of honor or envelop me.
You became for me sometimes hands sheltering me,

٦٣. ولكنْ أَمامي كان يومَ مَخافةٍ
إذا ما دَنا طارَ الفؤادُ له جُبْنا

64. And at other times your side was for me an embrace.
But ahead of me was a day of fear -

٦٤. فصُنْتُك في الغِمْدِ ارْتقابَ وُرودِه
لعلَّك ذاك اليومَ تُصبحُ لي حِصْنا

65. When it drew near, my heart fluttered with cowardice.
I protected you in the scabbard, fearing its arrival -

٦٥. فيا فُرُطي والوِرْدُ وِرْدُ مَنيّةٍ
تنظَّرْ قليلاً فالمسافةُ تُستَدْنى

66. Perhaps that day you would become for me a fortress.
O my loss, and arrival of the death that was feared -

٦٦. أليس عُقوقاً منك أن قد سبَقْتَني
إلى غايةٍ كُنّا إليها تَسابَقْنا

67. Wait a little, for the distance is diminishing.
Is it not insolence that you preceded me

٦٧. فسِرْتَ أمامي بعدَ أن كنتَ واطِئاً
على أثَري من طاعةٍ حَيثُما سِرْنا

68. To a destination we used to race toward?
You walked ahead after having followed

٦٨. كأنّك لمّا خِفْتَ عُظْمَ جرائمي
تَقدَّمتَ تَبغي في الشَّفاعة لي إذْنا

69. In my footsteps wherever we walked.
It was as if, when you feared the gravity of my sins,

٦٩. فبيَّتَنا صَرْفُ المنايا بجُنْدِه
إذا نحن بِتْنا مِلْءَ أعيُنِنا أَمْنا

70. You went forward trying through intercession to obtain for me license.
So the passage of demise assailed us with its troops

٧٠. هو الموتُ لا يُغْضي حياءً ولا يَقي
ولا يُطلقُ الأسرى فداءً ولا مَنّا

71. As we spent the night with open eyes, drowsy.
It is death - neither shying from propriety nor stopping

٧١. ولا هو في ابنٍ إن سَطا يَتَّقى أباً
ولا في أبٍ يرعَى فيَصفَحُ عَن أَبْنا

72. Nor releasing captives as ransom or heed.
It has no mercy for a son if one of mature age passes on,

٧٢. ولو كان يَستثني الرَّدى ابنَ كريمةٍ
لقد كان قِدْماً لابْنِ ماريةَ اسْتَثْنى

73. Nor for a father who would be gentle with his son.
Had it been wont to spare the elite, a son of a noble woman,

٧٣. سليلٌ لخيرِ الخَلْقِ إذ حان يَومُه
تَخطَّفَهُ رَيْبُ المَنونِ وما اسْتأْنى

74. It would have long ago spared the son of Mary.
A descendant of the best of creation - when his day came

٧٤. وقد سَنّ من إرسالِ دَمْعٍ لأجله
وإرْسالُ قَولٍ يُسخِطُ الرَّبَّ ما سَنّا

75. The clutches of mortality snatched him, without delay.
Sending tears for him and sending words

٧٥. فيا أسفي حُزْناً غداةَ غدَوْا لكَيْ
يُغيَّبَ عن عَينيْ ويا يُوسُفي حُسْنا

76. That would anger the Lord have been legislated.
So O my sorrow and grief the day after he went

٧٦. عزَزْتَ فلمّا لم تكنْ لك إخْوةٌ
أحلَّك بطْنَ الأرضِ ذو نَسَبٍ أدْنى

77. To be veiled from my eyes, O my Joseph of beauty!
You were cherished, but since you had no brothers,

٧٧. أبوكَ الَّذي ألقاك في الجُبّ راغماً
فأَخلِقْ بعَيْنَيْهِ أن ابيضَّتا حُزْنا

78. The merciful earth made you its son of lower lineage.
Your father who cast you into the well, though against your will -

٧٨. سَيُكرِمُ مَثْواكَ العزيزُ فإن تكُنْ
لديهِ مكيناً يومَ ذلك فاذْكُرْنا

79. With both his eyes make him white from sorrow.
The Almighty will honor your grave; and if for Him

٧٩. وقُلْ لي أبٌ شَيخٌ كبيرٌ فَجَعْتُه
فأحسِنْ بعَفْوٍ عنه يا مُوليَ الحُسْنى

80. You have shelter that day, then mention us!
And tell me, an aged father whom you pained -

٨٠. عسى أن يكونَ اللهُ ساقَ التقاءنا
إلى المُلْتقَى الأعلَى من المُلْتقَى الأدنى

81. Treat him with pardon, O bestower of graciousness!
Perhaps God will destine our reunion

٨١. وهل نحنُ إلاّ رُفقةٌ قد تَسايَرتْ
إلى مَنْزلٍ دانٍ كأنْ قد تَلاحَقْنا

82. To the highest gathering place, above the lower gathering place.
Are we not a company who journeyed together

٨٢. وما بَيْننا إلاّ خُطاً قد تَقاربَت
تَقدَّمْنَ حتّى نَلْتَقي أو تأَخَّرْنا

83. To an abode, as if we chased one another?
Between us is only a line whose points are adjacent -

٨٣. وما الأرضُ إلاّ كالكتابِ يَخُطُّنا
بها اللهُ خَطّاً يَملأُ الظَّهْرَ والبَطنا

84. Some preceded until we meet, or we lagged behind.
The earth is but like a book in which we are inscribed

٨٤. لها يومَ نَشْرٍ فيه يُظْهِرُ للورَى
خفايا من الأسرارِ كُنَّ لها ضِمْنا

85. By God in lines filling front and back.
It has a day of unfolding in which He will reveal

٨٥. فيا راقداً قد خاط عينَيْهِ غَفلةٌ
تأهّبْ فإنّ الحيَّ قد قَدَّموا الظُّعْنا

86. To creation secrets that were within it concealed.
O you asleep whom negligence has shut his eyes!

٨٦. ويا نَفسُ صَبراً إن خطَتْ قَدمُ الرَّدى
إلينا على حال فكم قد تَخَطّتْنا

87. Prepare, for the living have presented the bier.

٨٧. فُنونٌ لذي الأيّامِ أثوابُ مَرّها
إذا أخلقَتْ فينا أجدَّتْ لها فَنّا

88. And O soul, patience - if the feet of demise
Have marched to us however they marched before.

٨٨. ومَنْ يَمتطي شُهْبَ الزَّمان ودُهْمَهُ
فلابُدَّ من أنْ يَسلُكَ السَّهْل والحَزْنا

89. Modes for the Owner of Days - when they change upon us
They devise for Him thereby diverse modes of artistry.

٨٩. وديعةُ ربٍّ كان ثُمَّ استَردَّها
فكم ذا أقولُ الدَّهرُ أعطَى وما هَنّا

90. And whoever rides the steeds of time and its darkness,
Inevitably must tread uphill and downhill.

٩٠. وما ساءني مِن أخْذِه وعطائهِ
وما بَيْنَ أن أفنَى حميداً وأن أَقْنى

91. A deposit of a Lord which then He reclaimed -
So how much did He give, yet was not stinting!

٩١. سوى أنّ مَن يُودِعْ نفيساً ويَرتَجعْ
سريعاً فمِنْ ظَنٍّ به سَيءٍ ظَنّا

92. And I am not saddened by His taking and giving,
Except that between a praiseworthy end and contentment,

٩٢. أجَلْ لم أكنْ فيه أميناً ولا بهِ
قَميناً وقد سَنَّ له اللهُ ما سَنّا

93. One who entrusts a precious thing then swiftly takes it back -
He is suspected thereby of harboring an ill opinion.

٩٣. ولكنّني أرجو على ذاكَ نظرةً
بعَيْن رضاً للهِ منْ نالَها استَغْنى

94. Yes, I was not trustworthy toward it or
Faithful to it, though God ordained what He ordained.

٩٤. وإنّي لأستَحيْي منَ الله أن أُرَى
مُشيناً له فِعلاً مُسيئاً به ظَنّا

95. But I hope for a glance of pleasure toward that
From an eye content with God - one who attains it suffices.

٩٥. وأنْ أتلقَّى محنةً ثمّ منحةً
فأضعُفَ عن حَمْلي لكليتهما مَتْنا

96. And I feel shame before God that I am seen
Committing against Him an act, thinking ill deeds.

٩٦. قضَى ما قضَى من تَرحةٍ بعدَ فَرحةٍ
فلا الشّكْرَ أكمَلْنا ولا الصّبْرَ أجمَلْنا

97. And that I receive a tribulation then a blessing,
Yet I lack strength to bear both their qualities.

٩٧. وما ذاك عَن جَهْلٍ بنا غَيرَ أنّنا
عَلِمْنا ولم نَعْمَل فيا ربَّنا ارحَمْنا