
Whenever I long for you, my friend, for Nejd

كلما اشتقت يا خليلي نجدا

1. Whenever I long for you, my friend, for Nejd
Time's changes make me wander farther yet

١. كلّما اشتَقْتُ يا خَليلَيَّ نَجْدا
عَنَّ صَرْفُ الزّمانِ فازدَدْتُ بُعْدا

2. Each day within my heart a deeper love
Grows, whilst your face shows greater scorn of me

٢. كلَّ يومٍ أزيدُ بالقلبِ إقْبا
لاً عليه يَزيدُ بالوجْهِ صَدّا

3. When shall we meet, while such doth separate us?
What brings us nearer that has led to this?

٣. فمتى نَلْتَقي ونحن على ذا
أَيَّ قُرْبٍ رُمْنا إلى البُعْدِ أَدّى

4. We've tasted passion and 'twas bitter-sweet
Met hopes and dreams and yet they seemed to cheat

٤. قد بلَونا الهوى وكان شديداً
ولَقِينا النّوى فكان أَشَدّا

5. We've tasted yearning and, if it helped,
We would have wept until no tear was left

٥. ووصَلْنا الحنينَ لو جَرَّ نَفْعاً
وأَدَمْنا البكاءَ لو كان أَجْدى

6. We've traveled many lands through joy and pain
Endured the saddle whether calm or strain

٦. وقطَعْنا البلاد سَهْلاً وحَزْنا
وَبرَيْنا الرِّكابَ حَلاً وشَدّا

7. Waited through time, day upon passing day
Borne sorrows, one by one, come what may

٧. وانتظَرْنا الزّمانَ يوماً فيَوْماً
واعتنَقْنا الخطوبَ وَفْداً فَوفْدا

8. All I have gained, if distant from Nejd's heart
Is lost when gained, being kept apart

٨. كُلُّ شَيءٍ لَقِيتُه دونَ نَجْدٍ
حين يَمَّمْتُه ولم ألْقَ نَجدا

9. A stranger's loneliness leaves no resolve
A wish dies fruitless though I strive and delve

٩. غُربةٌ لم تدَعْ من العزْمِ فَضْلاً
ونوىً لم تدَعْ معَ العيسِ جَهْدا

10. Where'er I wander, ever I feel strange
Too many days bring sorrow, not joy's change

١٠. غَرْبةُ الجَدِّ أَينَما أَتوجَّهْ
من تمادِي أيّامِها أَلْقَ سَعدا

11. If time breeds discontent twixt me and you
O time, how far does your injustice accrue!

١١. إنْ تَعدَّى بها الزّمانُ علينا
فعلَى كم هذا الزّمانُ تَعَدّى

12. Yet do not blame, for blame helps no man's cause
Time was, is now, and ever onward draws

١٢. لا تَلُمْهُ فاللّومُ ينجَحُ في الحُرْ
رِ وكان الزمانُ مُذْ كان وَغْدا

13. To humble hearts it brings prosperity
Yet honor rises above indignity

١٣. يَصِلُ المالَ بالهوانِ لراجي
هِ وكان الهوانُ للحُرِّ طَردا

14. The brother of high hope and purpose will
From among his kin choose glory's course and skill

١٤. وأخو الهِمّةِ الأبيّةِ فيه
من بنيهِ يَختارُ عِزّاً وجُهدا

15. O rider who speeds to glory and great deeds
And sees in Nejd's lands all honour proceeds

١٥. أيّها الرّاكبُ المُغِذُّ مُجِدّاً
وأَراه لعهدِ نجدٍ مُجِدّا

16. Say unto Nejd, whom Allah waters well
The words of one who in his heart does dwell

١٦. قُلْ لنجدٍ عنّا سقَى اللّهُ نجداً
قولَ مَن ضَمَّ منه في القلبِ وَجدا

17. You and your people, what we knew of old
For me were warmth and kindness manifold

١٧. أَنت والسّاكنوك فيما عَهِدْنا
هِجْتُما لي جوىً أعادَ وأَبدا

18. If loyalties should fade as time does tell
We'll keep our faith, stay true and serve you well

١٨. فإذا ذُمَّتِ العهودُ فإنِّا
ما ذمَمْنا منهم ولا منكَ عَهدا

19. May Allah tend that bond forevermore
And bless that life with goodness evermore

١٩. فرعَى اللّهُ ذلك العهدَ عَهدا
وأَرى اللّهُ ذلك الحَيَّ سَعدا

20. May Allah dress that land in meadows green
And may those meadows grow with leaves serene

٢٠. وكسا اللّهُ ذلك العهَدَ رَوْضاً
وكسا اللّهُ ذلك الرَّوضَ وَرْدا

21. There many a maid whose charms I understand
I've gazed upon, enraptured, lost, unmanned

٢١. رُبَّ مُستَجهلِ العواذلِ فيه
بتُّ منه بمقلةٍ ليس تَهدا

22. A moon, I've stayed awake still dawns first light
The stars themselves cannot match that sweet sight

٢٢. قَمرٌ بِتُّ ساهراً فيه حتّى
كدْتُ أُفْني له الكواكبَ عَدّا

23. If on her cheek I laid my weary head
My eyes could gaze, then close, fulfilled, and dread no morrow's dawn or difficult tomorrow

٢٣. لو بخَدِّي منه يكون غليلي
لأبتْ مُقلتايَ أن تَتندّى

24. He did not break his word, until at last
Time broke between us, sundered our past

٢٤. لم يكن قبلَ يُنجِزُ الوَعْدَ حتّى
أَنجَز الدهرُ منه للبَيْنِ وَعدا

25. The day we parted came, he then did sing
Who knows what strength hard times to men can bring?

٢٥. جاء يومَ الوداعِ يُنشِدُ فيه
ما ترَى العيسَ في الأزِمّةِ تُحْدى

26. Then to my hopes he seemed to bid goodbye
Though many dreams between us there did lie

٢٦. وبدا للنّوَى به مثْلُ ما بي
كم هوىً كان لازِماً فتعَدّى

27. I bid him come, to share a kiss, and make
Our farewell warmer for affection's sake

٢٧. وتقاضَيتُه وداعاً ولَثْماً
ليكونا لنا سلاماً وبَردا

28. But he refused, was silent, turned his cheek
Ablush with shame for me, my heart to break

٢٨. فتأبَّى واعتادَه خجَلٌ أَل
هبَ منّي ومنه قلباً وخَدّا

29. Then turned away like boughs in gentle breeze
That bend and part, so we did take our leave

٢٩. ثُمَّ ولّى كالغصْنِ في مَرَحٍ يَفْ
تِلُ منّي ومنه جِيداً وقَدّا

30. Those eyes, when last their lids were lifted, shed
A spell to charm the heart made heavy as lead

٣٠. بعد ما أَنفذَ الحشا بجفونٍ
سحَر القلبَ طَرْفُها حين ردّا

31. As though a teacher turned his gaze above
And won out with his words against my love

٣١. فكأنَّ الأستاذَ قابلَ عينَيْ
هِ بسِحرِ البيانِ منه فَأعْدى

32. That poet whose abundance of merit
Showed in his speech, and the great man of spirit

٣٢. الأديبُ الذي حوىَ الفضلَ طُرّاً
والرْئيسُ الّذي علا الخَلْقَ مَجدا

33. That generous soul who freely gave all he could
That raincloud who showered the land with his flood

٣٣. والجوادُ الّذي كفَى الفضلَ رِفْداً
والغمامُ الذي سقى الأرضَ عِدّا

34. All who in eloquence progress have made
The wise have judged his skill and theirs have weighed

٣٤. كُلُّ مَن مَدَّ في الفصاحةِ باعاً
حَدَّ منها له ذوو الفَهْمِ حَدّا

35. Abu Ismail, if he speaks his thoughts
Is for all Ismail's sons a treasure beyond worth

٣٥. وأَبو إسماعيلَ إن قال فَصْلاً
ببني إسماعيلَ طُرّاً يُفَدّى

36. Of his unique mastery of the ode
Arab and foreign tongues in concert flowed

٣٦. أَجمَعتْ في البسيطةِ العُرْبُ والعُجْ
مُ على أَنّه تَوحَّد فَردا

37. None shared his gift for composition before
None since has equaled it, nor taught it more

٣٧. لم تكُنْ يَعرُبٌ لِيُعْرِبَ عنها
معه النّاسُ أو يَعُدُّوا مَعَدّا

38. Keener his thought, his words hold greater charm
His wisdom is deeper, his verses disarm

٣٨. هو أَهدَى فِكْراً وأَشرَفُ ألفا
ظاً وأعلَى رأياً وأثقَبُ زَنْدا

39. His speech is chosen with such care
As though selecting rhymes most rich and rare

٣٩. ذو كلامٍ تقولُ يُختارُ لفظاً
عنده لو تَراه يَشتارُ شُهدا

40. The greatest man, when greater lines he seeks
Turns to Abu Ismail, that fountain pure and deep

٤٠. الأجلُّ الأجلُّ يختارُ منه
حين يختاره الأسدّ الأسدّا

41. Let him scatter pearls or string them in a chain
However he wills, none can his art attain

٤١. إن يشأْ عند ذاك يَنثُرُ دُرّاً
أو يشَأْ بعد ذاك يَنظِمُ عِقْدا

42. In innovations never heard of before
No eloquent man could strive for more

٤٢. بِدَعٌ لم تَدعْ لوُسْعِ بليغٍ
صَرْفَ حَرْفٍ له بآخرَ نَقدا

43. Wonders that humble speakers high and low
If not for faith, might cause them envy or woe

٤٣. مُعجِزاتٌ للنّاطِقين فلولا
ما لَهُ من ديانةٍ لتَحَدّى

44. He builds himself a place, steadfast and sure
O'er every king, presses down every cur

٤٤. يَبْتَني رُتبةً على كلِّ حالٍ
لِوَلّيٍ لها ويَكْبِتُ أَعدا

45. Supports the minister in word and deed
Till he's the strongest pillar in time of need

٤٥. ويُمِدُّ الوزيرَ منها بنَصْرٍ
فيكونُ الرُّكنَ الأعزَّ الأشَدّا

46. Thus closer to all people does he grow
Thus all people's love for him does flow

٤٦. فبِها زادَهُ على النّاسِ قُرْباً
وبها خَصَّهُ من النّاسِ وُدّا

47. With honest counsel, when men prove untrue
With wisdom, when events adversity pursue

٤٧. وبإصْفائهِ إذا القومُ خانوا
وبتَدبيرِه إذا الأمرُ جَدّا

48. With his insight, when we need light revealed
With his words coming fast, when appeals he's yielded

٤٨. وبآرائه إذا ما استُضيئتْ
وبأقلامِه إذا ما استمَدّا

49. Deeds we in wonder behold and relate
None could meet as his equal or adequate

٤٩. مَأثُراتٌ ما إن يُرَى حين تَتْلو
لك فيها نِدّاً ولا منك بُدّا

50. O you whose glory all others excels!
O prince whose gift all goodness compels!

٥٠. أيّها الماجِدُ الّذي فاقَ مَجْداً
والفتى الواهبُ الّذي طابَ وِرْدا

51. To me, so little, your greatness is balm
Since in your grace I have found guidance and calm

٥١. لي بسامي عُلاك إدْلالُ مثْلِي
إذ تلَقّيتُ في اعتمادِك رُشدا

52. Not that for you I wrote this, no, instead
I sought in you the path of wisdom to tread

٥٢. لا بأنّي عَمِلتُ فيك قصيداً
بل بأَنّي أَعملْتُ نحوَك قَصدا

53. For in your light I found my way
And in your words what to speak and say

٥٣. أنا مِمّن عشا إلى ضَوء آدا
بِك في العالمِين حتّى تَهَدّى

54. The rays of your poetry were my guide
Though my nights were in sorrow and meaningless void

٥٤. واقتدَى بالّذي رُوِي لك من شِعْ
رِك حتّى صار المُجِيدَ المُفَدّى

55. The fates once laughed with me, now act with disdain
The stars once brought me near you, now keep away

٥٥. وسما طَرْفُه إليك من الشّو
قِ ولكنْ كانتْ لياليهِ نُكدا

56. Yet still I carry your praises on high
Till at your door my gift of words does lie

٥٦. فتعاطَى لك السُّرَى بعدَ لأْيٍ
وتجافَى لك الكرَى واستعَدّا

57. The days destroy me, leave me in life's darkest ditch
My talents to the days I've sold too cheap

٥٧. حمَل الحمدَ نحوَ بابِك فوق ال
عيسِ حتّى هدَى إليك وأَهْدى

58. So use this chance, the hour is at hand
To make my gifts give glory whilst time is spanned

٥٨. يَفتِكُ الدّهرُ بي لأدنَى مَعاشٍ
رَخُصتْ مُهجتي على الدّهرِ جِدّا

59. Save me from the days that come ever nigher
Ere all is lost and gone, seize what is left entire

٥٩. فاغتَنِمْها من فُرصةٍ وانتهِزْها
تَستدِمْ لي ما ساعدَ العُمْرُ حَمدا

60. Look on me kindly, for who shines as bright?
The freeman's slave, if treated right

٦٠. وتدارَكْ نَفْسي بها من يَدِ الأيْ
يامِ من قَبْلِ أن تَفوتَكَ فَقْدا

61. Guard what trust we share, though you soar too high
I look above, and strive until I die

٦١. واصطَنِعْني بها فلم أر كالحُرْ
رِ تَراه لدى الصَّنيعةِ عَبدا

62. Stay, be to each defender, guide, and friend
And gently hold their hands until the end

٦٢. وارْعَ ما بيننا منَ الأدبِ المُدْ
ني وإنّ كنتَ أنت أعلى وأَهْدى

63. Taste life's joy, heed no morrow
Hasten to live in delight sans sorrow

٦٣. وابْقَ حتّى تكونَ مع كُّلِّ مولىً
لك عَوْناً على الزّمانِ وَردّا

64. If Allah grants you years ahead
Praise Him, fear not that they will instead be taken

٦٤. وتَمتّعْ بلذّةِ العيشِ رَغْدا
وتعَجّلْ في عَهْدِ دُنياكَ خُلْدا

65. Seize the moment when time does us befriend
To use our gifts and skills ere comes the end.

٦٥. وإذا ما أعارَك اللّهُ منه
ثوبَ عُمْرٍ أمِنْتَ أن يُستَرَدّا