
A servant's letter to his Master expressing remorse

كتاب عبد إلى مولاه يعتذر

1. A servant's letter to his Master expressing remorse
His heart is filled with shame for the wrongs he has done, so he is cautious

١. كتابُ عبدٍ إلى مَولاهُ يَعتَذِرُ
ذي خَجلةٍ قَلْبُه مِمّا جنَى حَذِرُ

2. If tomorrow he still feels remorse in his heart
The servant will have neither eye nor trace left

٢. فإنْ غدا وله في قَلْبِه أثَرٌ
لم يَبْقَ للعَبْدِ لا عَيْنٌ ولا أثَر

3. But if tomorrow he accepts his excuses generously
He will continue to pride himself on being equal to the noble

٣. وإنْ غدا قابِلاً أعذارَهُ كرماً
فلا يَزالُ على الأكفاء يَفْتَخِر

4. Are you a Forgiver? I stumbled into an error
O You whose encounter erases the sins of an epoch

٤. هل غافِرٌ أنت تَقْصيراً عثَرْتُ به
يا مَنْ بلُقياهُ ذَنْبُ الدّهرِ يُغتَفَر

5. You who through nearness to You my exile becomes a homeland
And whose distance from You is a journey

٥. ومَن بقُربيَ منه غُربتي وَطَنٌ
ومَن مُقاميَ عنه نائياً سَفَر

6. I deprived myself of the highest pride, so my heart became
Split open from foolishness and about to shatter

٦. حَرمْتُ نَفْسيَ أعْلَى مَفْخَرٍ فغَدا
من الغبينةِ قلبي وهْو يَنْفَطِر

7. But my soul makes excuses for me because of my knowledge
That my loyalty has endured time immemorially

٧. لكنْ تُعِلّلُ منّي النَفْسَ مَعرفتي
بأنّ عهدَ ولائي الدّهرَ مُدَّكَر

8. And that I am the most sincere to my Master in my love
Though I was absent from a people even if they were present

٨. وأنّني من ذُرا المَولَى صفاءَ هَوىً
أُدْنَى وإن غبْتُ من قومٍ وإنْ حَضَروا

9. O You whose favor distracted me from serving You well
By the sincerity of Your blessing which is well known

٩. يا مَن غدا شاغِلي عن فَضْلِ خدمتِه
بفَضْلِ نعمتِه والصّدْقُ يَشْتَهِر

10. You increased my provision, so I thought more
About securing it, and the brother of acquisition ponders

١٠. أكثرتَ رِفْدِي فأكثَرتُ التّفكُّرَ في
إحرازِه وأخو التّحصيلِ يَفتكِر

11. It is said that if you do not take the initiative, little will be your gain
And seizing the opportunity is hoped for when it is undertaken

١١. وقيل إن لم تُبادِرْ قَلَّ حاصِلُه
وفُرصةُ الشَّيءِ تُرجَى حينَ تُبتَدَر

12. So from my shyness and yearning for You I see
Two fires both blazing in my heart

١٢. فمِن حَيائي ومن شَوقي إليك أرَى
نارَيْنِ كلتاهما في القَلْبِ تَستَعِر

13. Do not think I can endure separation from You
Even if You journey away, I have no patience without You

١٣. فلا تَظُنَّنَّ أنّي عنك مُصطَبِرٌ
وإن رحَلْتَ فمالي عنك مُصطَبَر

14. If the kiss of farewell comes to bid me adieu
My solace is that it is kept for the return

١٤. إن أصبحَتْ قُبلةُ التّوديعِ فائِتَتي
فَسَلْوتي أنّها للعَودِ تُدَّخَر

15. It is as if I hastened my departure
To Your presence, and God's kindness is anticipated

١٥. كأنّني بي وقد أعجلْتُ مُنصَرَفي
إلى ذُراكَ ولُطْفُ اللهِ مُنتظَر

16. May God fulfill my hopes in your return
And may the hopes of companions be tested sincere

١٦. وصدَّق اللهُ فأْلي في تَوجُّهِكُمْ
وصدْقُ فأليَ للأصحاب مُخَتَبر

17. You have returned in the best homecoming anyone returned
From a journey, so the mortals rejoiced

١٧. وعُدْتَ أحسنَ عَوْدٍ عادَه أحَدٌ
من وِجهةٍ عَرضَتْ فاستبشَر البَشَر

18. The banner of the Sultan rose up
And victory parades in its shade and success

١٨. وأقبلتْ رايةُ السّلطانِ طالعةً
والنَّصرُ في ظِلِّها يَختالُ والظّفَر

19. My pen danced in rapture
When it brought me news of his sword

١٩. وزُرتُه قَلميَّ المشْي من طَرَبٍ
لمّا أتاني بهِ عن سَيْفِه الخَبَر

20. I offered congratulations on the conquest, envied
In their beauty by the stars in the heavens, the flowers

٢٠. وصغْتُ تَهنئةً بالفتحِ تَحسُدُها
من حُسْنِها في السماء الأنجمُ الزُّهُر

21. I attained from him a bestowal unmatched
Except by lines of rain pouring forth

٢١. ونِلْتُ منه نَوالاً لا يُشاكِلُه
إلاّ قِطارُ الغَوادي وهْي تَنْهَمِر

22. Wealth will not elude you, for you are its guarantor
Even if other nights come before it

٢٢. ولن يَفوتَ غِنىً أنت الضّمينُ له
وإنْ تَصدَّتْ ليالٍ دُونه أُخَر

23. O You who grace me with favors continuously
Though you enrich me, to You I am still poor

٢٣. يا مُغْنِياً لي بآلاءٍ يُواصِلُها
إنّي إليك وإن أغنَيْتَ مُفتَقِر

24. From You I am guaranteed a flow to connection
Each has its time when it is considered by them

٢٤. لي منك مَضْمونُ إدرارٍ إلى صِلَةٍ
كُلٌّ له حين يُسْمَى عندهُمْ خَطَر

25. If the pen of the Master wrote a recommendation
In some books to the deputies to be referred to

٢٥. فلو جَرى قَلَمُ المَولَى بتَوصيةٍ
في بعضِ كتْبٍ إلى النُّوّابِ يُستَطَر

26. It would be like His custom of generosity which He made habitual
And the custom of generosity is remembered for all time

٢٦. كانتْ كعادةِ طَوْلٍ منه عَوَّدها
وعادةُ الطَّولِ طُولَ الدَّهر تُدَّكر

27. The care of mighty kings, if they are heedless
Of their subjects, even the least of their care is difficult

٢٧. وَرْدُ الملوكِ كثيرُ الشّوكِ إن غفَلُوا
عن مُجتَنيهِ فأدْنى نَيْلِه عَسِر

28. But He is gentle in gathering, so if He is generous to them
He looks after the reaper from afar

٢٨. وهْو الهنيءُ قِطافاً إن غدا كرماً
لهم إلى المُجتَني من بُعْده النّظَر

29. O You who give thousands generously while deeming them paltry
For the provision is greater in value when it is belittled

٢٩. يا واهبَ الألْفِ جُوداً وهو يَحقِرُها
والرفُدُ أعظَمُ قَدراً حين يُحتقَر

30. You remained for the realm thousands in the shade of high rank
And a state for You which no other disputes

٣٠. بَقيِتَ للمُلكِ ألفاً في ظلالِ عُلاً
ودولة لك لا تنتابُها الغِيَر

31. Thousands, if fate enumerates them, are few, just as
You bestow thousands upon us and apologize

٣١. ألفاً إذا الدّهرُ أحصاها استقَلَّ كما
تَغْدو لنا واهباً ألفاً وتعتَذِر

32. After one thousand, thousands follow in succession, like
The full moons that succeed the crescent from Your open palm

٣٢. وبعدَ ألْفٍ أُلوفاً يَرتدِفْنَ كما
من جُودِ كفِّك تَتلو البِدرةَ البِدَر

33. Bringing joy to Your noble-faced children, their faces
Like stars with the moon in their midst

٣٣. مُمتَّعاً ببَنيكَ الغُرِّ أوجهُهم
مثْلَ الكواكب يبدو وَسْطَها القَمَر

34. In the shade of Him who is God's shade in nobility
In His land, so He is a shade that does not diminish

٣٤. في ظلِّ مَن هو ظِلُّ اللهِ من شرفٍ
في أرضِه فهْو ظِلٌّ ليس ينحَسِر

35. The kingdom of the greatest King, when You became
For Him in fate the minister, and the office

٣٥. مَلْكِ الملوكِ العظيمِ المُلك حين غدا
منك الوزيرُ له في الدّهْرِ والوَزَر

36. You remain, and they remain, focused on everlasting bounty
And a life for which your breasts lacked capacity

٣٦. تَبقَى ويَبقَونَ في نَعماءَ عاكفةٍ
وعيشةٍ ما لكم من وِرْدِها صَدَر

37. Likening your life in fate to your kingdom
No dissension ever occurs in their serenity

٣٧. ومُشْبِهاً عيشَكم في الدّهرِ مُلكُكمُ
فلسَ يَعرضُ في صَفْويْهما كَدَر

38. Through you fate contained pride when it gathered you together
What worth is lineage if it lacks pearls?

٣٨. بكم حَوى الفخْرَ دَهْرٌ ضمَّ شملَكمُ
ما قيمةُ السِّلْكِ إن لم تُغْلِهِ الدُّرَر