
Keep ascending each day and rising

زد علوا في كل يوم ورفعه

1. Keep ascending each day and rising
O star of auspicious meteors in its ascent

١. زِدْ عُلُوّاً في كلِّ يومٍ ورِفْعَهْ
يا شهاباً من أَيمَنِ الشُّهْبِ طَلْعَهْ

2. O star that has become one for the religion
Sufficient alone while for the horizon seven

٢. يا شهاباً للدّينِ أصبحَ منه
واحدٌ فاكتفَى وللأُفْق سَبْعه

3. And it is below them the arranger of the realm
When its view is generous with rays

٣. وهْو من دونها المُدْبِّرُ للمُلْ
كِ إذا جادَ رأْيُه بالأشِعّه

4. Awake, it does not cease to spend the night with an eyelid
High, next to which time has no slumber

٤. يَقِظٌ ما يزالُ يُمْسي بجَفْنٍ
للعُلا ما لجَنْبه الدَّهرَ ضَجْعه

5. Majid to asking in his hearing
Remained a pleasure while for censure a sting

٥. ماجدٌ للسُّؤالِ في مِسْمَعَيْهِ
لم تَزَلْ لَذّةٌ وللعَذْلِ لَذْعه

6. His palm unchained the tongue of meters
After the vile had tied it in fetters

٦. أَطلقَت كَفُّه لسانَ القوافي
بعدَما شَدَّه اللِّئامُ بنَسْعَه

7. My hands were loosed by praising them
And for the dove in the neck-ring a cooing

٧. أَنطَقتْني بشُكْرِهنَّ أيادي
ه وفي الطّوقِ للحمامةِ سَجْعه

8. A praise after a praise I choose
And so is the duty, a cycle after a cycle

٨. مدْحَةٌ بعد مِدحةٍ أَنتَقيها
وكذا الفَرْضُ رَكْعةٌ بعدَ رَكْعه

9. Since poetry adorned itself with his mention
The craft of poetry became the noblest craft

٩. مُذْ تَحلَّى بذِكْرِه الشِّعْرُ أَضحَتْ
صَنعةُ الشِّعْرِ وهْي أَشرفُ صَنعه

10. Do you see what he saw of prudence the peer
Of realms, challenger, cleaving the opponent's cleft

١٠. هل تَرى ما رأَى من الرّأْيِ سُلطا
نُ الوَرى صادعاً حشا الخَصْمِ صَدْعه

11. His palm stripped the people of banners while for each, by your life, is its hoisting
And he refused to be but the heart's sincerity to you for glory its mantle

١١. خَلعَتْ كَفُّه على القومِ أَلوا
ناً وكُلٌّ فيه لعَمْرُك رِفْعه

12. A cloak of purity from passion, not embroidered
With any flaws of ostentation or repute

١٢. وأَبَى أن يكونَ إلاّ سَوادَ ال
قلبِ منه عليك للعزِّ خِلْعه

13. Dazzling with splendor, brings evening to the eyes of people
Flying, had its glimmer appeared from it, its gleam

١٣. ثَوبُ صَفْوٍ من الهَوى لم يُطَرَّزْ
بمَشوبَيْنِ من رِياءٍ وسُمْعه

14. And a shirt, the vicissitudes of days cannot
Nor its changing away from you, tear

١٤. باهِرٌ بالضِّياء يُعْشي عُيونَ ال
خَلق طُرّاً لوْ قد بدَتْ منه لَمْعه

15. Firmly woven, never ceasing wealthy
Its warp, that it be patched from it with patches

١٥. وقَميصٌ لا تستطيعُ يَدُ الدَّهْ
ر ولا صَرْفُه له عنك نَزْعه

16. And if genuflection of the heart from it
Is a tradition, genuflection of palms is innovation

١٦. مُحكَمُ النَّسْجِ لا يَزالُ غَنيّاً
جَدُّه أن يُشانَ منه برُقْعه

17. And if the discourse were hostile
The sensible would barely heed its hearing

١٧. وإذا كان خِلْعةُ القَلْبِ منه
سُنّةً كان خِلْعُة الكَفِّ بِدْعه

18. And but for he who will be sated, a draft
From it, the first drink quenches hot bile

١٨. وإذا ما الحَديثُ كان مُعاداً
لا يكادُ اللّبيبُ يُرعيهِ سَمْعه

19. The time has been too long for souls of people
Who have not attained from the cup of your vicinity a sip

١٩. وسوى مَن يكونُ رَيّانَ يَشْفي
غُلّةً منه نَيلُ أَوّلِ كَرعه

20. What hopes for delusion tarries for the arrogant
While at the end expected for him is his stamping down

٢٠. فوقَتْك الرَّدى نفوسُ أُناسٍ
لم ينالوا من كأْسِ قُربِكَ جُرْعه

21. Whenever he sought elevation for the head
He increases in lowness as if he were the flame of a candle

٢١. يا غديراً ملآْنَ ما إن يُبالي
جادَ أو لم يَجُدْهُ للغَيثِ دُفْعه

22. They disputed your excellence, the pretenders, but
Their firesticks and your spring are different in source

٢٢. خُلِقَتْ أَنفُسٌ لجُودٍ وبأْسٍ
ونُفوسٌ لرَيّةٍ ولشَبْعه

23. You surpassed each, for you are to the atmosphere a star
And none can equal your ascent in the horizons

٢٣. رُتَبٌ لم تُبِتْ حَسودَك إلاّ
ساهراً ما تَخيطُ عَينَيْهِ هَجْعه

24. The excellence of realms was like an ayah of night
Erased by the daylight with its spreading

٢٤. ما لشانِيكَ يَلْتظي من غُرورٍ
وله آخِراً تُرَقَّبُ قَمْعه

25. The sensible has not equated you to the moon in light
Who sees a pearl will it be equated to a little stone?

٢٥. كُلّما رامَ منه للرّأسِ رَفْعاً
زادَ خَفْضاً كأنّه نارُ شَمْعه

26. But you and the gazelle are equal in worth
The likeness of a ruby next to dry timber

٢٦. ساجلَتْ فضْلَكَ الكُفاةُ ولكنْ
غَرَبٌ عُودُهمْ وعُودُكَ نَبْعه

27. Dazzled the eyes of realms by the meteoric light
Of the religion from the sheen of his serene face

٢٧. فُقْتَ كُلاًّ فانت للجوِّ نَجمٌ
ومُباري عُلاكَ في القاعِ فَقْعه

28. An opening for the pen in his hands
In the time of an arduous address, binding and placing

٢٨. كان فَضْلُ الورَى كآيةِ لَيلٍ
فمَحاها عنك النّهارُ بمَتْعه

29. It is sincerely for the realm an opening as conquests
And it is in support of the religion, uprooting of strongholds

٢٩. لم يَقِسْكَ اللّبيبُ بالبَدْرِ نُوراً
مَن رأَى دُرّةً تُقاسُ بوَدْعَه

30. And if it one day borrows camphor of paper
From the musk of china, to drive away its odor

٣٠. إنّما أَنت والغزالةُ قَدْراً
مثلُ ياقوتةٍ إلى جَنْبِ جَزْعه

31. The community conceded precedence in merit to him
Without arbitration by the drawing of lots

٣١. بهَرتْ أعينَ الورَى لشهابِ الدْ
دَين من نُورِ وَجْهِه الطّلْقِ سَطْعه

32. A fruitful pen in his right by which he vanquished
More than white Indian swords in the hands of the valiant

٣٢. فَتْحةٌ للدّواةِ بينَ يدَيْهِ
عند خَطْبٍ صَعْبٍ يُلَمُّ ووَضْعه

33. Of soft expression, yet it is, in generosity, like the lightning, swift
The eye testifies it is lightning in its speed

٣٣. هي نُصْحاً للمُلْكِ فَتْحٌ كفَتْح
وهْي نَصراً للدِّينِ قَلْعٌ لقَلْعه

34. It cut off the cunning nose, and shortly before it
Claimed vengeance for a realm by cutting it off

٣٤. وإذا ما أَعارَ كافورةَ القر
طاسِ يوماً من مِسكةِ النِّقْسِ رَدْعه

35. And it shows you paper whitened like a cheek
Then in secret from it, darkened by tears

٣٥. سَلَّم الأُمّةُ التّقدُّمَ في الفَضْ
لِ إليه من غيرِ تَحكيمِ قُرْعه

36. Working miracles, in it the exceptional of the epochs believed
Flying, and for merit drafting its legislation

٣٦. قَلَمٌ ناحلٌ بيُمْناهُ أَمضَى
من سُيوفٍ بيضٍ بأيمانِ شِجْعه

37. How many western armies its pens overturned
And by its banners exalted hardship and engagement

٣٧. ذو ائْتلاقٍ معْ أَنّه الوَدْقُ جُوداً
تَشْهَدُ العَينُ أَنّه البَرْقُ سُرْعه

38. How abundant in men and steeds became frightened
When the screaming of war made them shake in dread

٣٨. جَدَعَ الأنفَ ماكراً وقَصيرٌ
قَبلَهُ نالَ ثأْرَ مَلْكٍ بجَدْعه

39. Each pink and roan is like a night
On which a piece of dawn has gleamed

٣٩. ويُريكَ القرطاسَ مُبْيَضَّ خَدٍّ
ثُمَّ بالسِّرِّ منه مُسْوَدُّ دَمْعه

40. His neck is like a palm tree but the
Face reveals a bloom, like its spadix

٤٠. مُعْجِزٌ آمنَتْ به فُضَلاءُ الدْ
دَهْرِ طُرّاً له وللفَضْلِ شِرْعه

41. It outstripped lightning when it raced with it
But from it sparks on its fetlocks clung

٤١. كم بأقلامه ثَنى غَرْبَ جَيْشٍ
وبأعلامِه جلا كَرْبَ وَقْعه

42. O brother of excellence, the vicissitudes of fate assailed
Rapping at the heart with despair its rap

٤٢. رُبَّ غُرٍّ من غِلمةٍ وجيادٍ
أَن أَتتْه من صارخِ الحَيِّ فَزْعه

43. Trust in God as protector, and know
That for fate an antidote exists after its bite

٤٣. كُلُّ وَرْدٍ وأَدهمٍ مثْل ليلٍ
لمعَتْ قطعةٌ من الصُّبْحِ قِطْعه

44. And hold fast in the world to the rope of one noble
The vile have no pasturing in honor their grazing

٤٤. جِيدُه مثْلُ نَخْلةٍ غيْرَ أنّ ال
وَجْهَ يُبدي عن غُرّةٍ مثْلِ طَلْعه

45. And go to him thanking with encomium
For praise of the generous is the most profitable merchandise

٤٥. سبَقَ البرقَ حين جاراه لكنْ
عَلِقت منه بالقوائمِ لُمْعه

46. O peer of the noble, imam
Whose nature on generosity is stamped

٤٦. يا أخا فَضْلٍ اعتدَى صَرْفُ دَهْرٍ
قَرع القلبَ منه باليأْسِ قَرْعه

47. Grant your supplicant from your loftiness a share
For near the meteors for the destitute are bowls

٤٧. ثِقْ منَ اللهِ بالإدالةِ واعلَمْ
أنّ للدَّهرِ رُقْيةً بعدَ لَسْعه

48. It is unbecoming for me and the kept covenants
To show to other than you submission

٤٨. واعتصِمْ في الورَى بحَبْلِ كريمٍ
ليس للذّمِّ منه في العرضِ رَتْعه

49. Elevate my words and bounty me
For your bow's string has sufficed me from pulling

٤٩. وَاغْدُ مُستَبضِعاً إليه ثَناءً
فثناءُ الكرامِ أَربَحُ سِلْعَه

50. Spread above me from the shade of your banner an edge
And water my land from the clouds of your palm a pouring

٥٠. يا هُماماً للأكرمينَ إماماً
طُبعَتْ نَفسُه على الجُودِ طَبْعه

51. Bestow benefits, then will form the sanctity of the suckling
From it, it does not prohibit the nursing of milk

٥١. اِقْرِ راجيكَ من عُلاكَ نَصيباً
فلَدى الشُّهْبِ للمساكينِ قَصْعه

52. And may its benevolence increase over the beginning, light
As after the new crescent is its full orb

٥٢. أَنَفاً لي وللعهودِ المَواضي
أن تَراني أُبدي لغَيرِك خَضْعه

53. The shoulder of earth from the downpour of rain
Dons the meadow all at once after its downpour

٥٣. فَوِّقِ القولَ لي وقَرطِسْ مَرامي
فكفَتْني من مثْلِ قَوسِك نَزْعه

54. It came to us illuminating while the raven of night
In its folds from the dawn are patches

٥٤. مُدَّ فَوقي من ظلِّ جاهِك ذَيلاً
واسْقِ أَرضي من سُحْبِ كَفّك هَمْعه

55. A king for spring with a verdant banner
That has never stooped without your meeting, stooping

٥٥. تابِعِ الرِفد تَنعَقِدْ حُرمَةُ الرّا
ضعِ منه فما تُحَرِّمُ رَضْعه

56. Binding for the meadow garlands, one after another
And for it from the gems of light, its studding

٥٦. ولْيَزِدْ عَودُه على البَدْءِ نُوراً
مثْلما بعْدَ غُرّةِ الشّهْرِ دُرْعه

57. So protect us through its demarcation, unlike the deceitful
Turning for sadness its thorn towards it, piercing

٥٧. مَنكِبُ الأرضِ من نِثارِ الغَوادي
يَكتسي الرَّوضَ دَفعةً بعدَ دَفْعه

58. And with a sword from its water each valley
And with a shield from its grass each summit

٥٨. قد أَتانا مُصَبِّحاً وغُرابُ الْ
لَيلِ فيلَونه من الصُّبْحِ بُقْعه

59. With a weapon by which we menaced
And killed worries, and war is deceit

٥٩. مَلكٌ للربيعِ ذو رايةٍ خَضْ
راءَ ما كَعَّ من دون لُقْياكَ كعّه

60. So remain alive and well until you see for radiant spring
In the realm thus forever its return

٦٠. عاقدٌ للرُّبا أَكاليلَ رَوْضٍ
ولها من جواهرِ النَّوْرِ رَصْعه

61. In your flowering youths, O origin
Of glory whose branches God has not lopped

٦١. فاتّقانا بخُوطِه بدَلَ الخَطْ
طِيّ يُولي قِرْنَ الأسى منه صَرْعه

62. Bringing delight to the epochs, one after another
While your adversaries, sorrow after sorrow

٦٢. وبسَيفٍ من مائهِ كُلُّ وادٍ
وبتُرْسٍ من عُشْبها كُلُّ تَلْعه

63. The realm has become, and it is the abode of settlement
For you glory, and for the enemy, abode of eradication

٦٣. بسلاحٍ به أَشَرْنَ إلينا
وقَتلْنَ الهمومَ والحَرْبُ خُدْعه

64. For you in every assembly of my prayers
That which the orator observes in every assembly

٦٤. فابْقَ واسلَمْ حتّى تَرَى للرّبيعِ الطْ
طَلْقِ في المُلكِ هكذا أَلفَ رَجْعه

65. For you remembrance in every land established
And freshness traversing the heights regardless of measure

٦٥. في بنيكَ الغُرِّ الأكارمِ يا أَصْ
لاً لمَجْدٍ لا شَذَّبَ اللهُ فَرعه

66. It is devoid of neither, just as no place
Lacks rays of the sun or gloom of night, patches

٦٦. تُتحفُ الدَّهْرَ طَربةً بعدَ أُخْرى
وأَعاديك فَجعةً بعدَ فَجْعه

67. For may they ransom you from every setback
When praise was not provided the enjoyment of its hearing

٦٧. أَصبحَ المُلْكُ وهْو دارُ قَرار
لك عِزّاً وللعدا دارُ قُلْعه

68. Divorced liberality his palm, like the number of stars
Not content for it, by swooping down with palms

٦٨. لكَ في كُلِّ مَجْمَعٍ من دُعائي
ما يُقيمُ الخَطيبُ في كُلِّ جُمعه

69. For in the religion of his liberality, devoid of stinginess
To follow separation with return

٦٩. لك ذِكْرٌ بكُلِّ أَرْضٍ مُقيمٌ
وندىً يَذْرَعُ العُلا أَيَّ ذِرْعه

70. Most fortunate of people, most fortunate is he who desires it
So be relieved by it of your discontent, its relief

٧٠. ما خَلتْ منهما كما ليس تَخْلو
من سَنا الشّمسِ أو دُجى اللّيلِ بُقْعه

71. Everyone who obtains from it a glad tiding
Is not pleased but with the riches of time, its place of sleep

٧١. ففَداكُمْ من الرّدى كُلُّ نِكْسٍ
حين لم يُؤْتَ بالمدائحِ مُتْعه

72. May the Lord of the mighty throne make lasting
Your lifetime in the shade of glory and bounty

٧٢. طَلّق الجُودَ كفُّه عدَدَ الأن
جُمِ لم تَقتَنعْ له بالهَقْعه

73. Uniting your cohesion, and that is worthier
Than the cohesion of a realm, that God makes it lasting

٧٣. فَهْو في دِين جُودِه عادِمُ الرُّخْ
صةِ أَن يُعقِبَ الطّلاقَ برَجْعه

٧٤. أَسعَدُ النّاسِ أَسعَدٌ والذّي يَرْ
جوهُ فانقَعْ به غليلَكَ نَقْعه

٧٥. كلُّ مَن شام منه بارقَ بِشْرٍ
ليسَ يَرضَى سوى غِنَى الدَّهرِ نُجْعه

٧٦. دام رَبُّ العَرش العظيمِ مُديماً
عُمْرَكمْ في ظلالِ عِزٍّ ومِنْعه

٧٧. جامعاً شَملَكُم وذلك أَوْلى
شَمْلِ مُلْكٍ أَن يُخْلِدَ اللهُ جَمْعه