
O you who have turned away, it is time you show remorse

يا معرضا قد آن أن تتلفتا

1. O you who have turned away, it is time you show remorse
How long will you torture a passionate heart?

١. يا مُعْرِضاً قد آن أَنْ تَتَلفَّتا
تَعذيبُ قلبِ المُستَهامِ إلى مَتى

2. I have not made loved ones into enemies
So you can gloat over their misery

٢. لم أجعَلِ الأحبابَ فيكَ أعادياً
حتى تكونَ لكُلِّهم بِي مُشمِتا

3. The slanderers have vowed to shed my blood and will regret it
If you do not become clear and convinced

٣. نذرَ الوشاةُ دَمي وتُصبحُ نادماً
إن لم تكُنْ مُتَبيَّناً مَتُثبِّتا

4. It was a night when sleep clung to my eyes
And your apparition fulfilled a missed union

٤. هي ليلةٌ عَلِقَ الرُّقادُ بناظري
فقَضى خيالُك فَرْضَ وَصْلٍ فُوِّتا

5. My eyes were not delighted by a glance from you
If they return after that, they were negligent

٥. لا مُتِّعتْ عَيْنايَ منك بنَظْرةٍ
إن عادتا من بَعْدِ ذاك فأغفَتا

6. The specter of you divorced the eyes angrily
So it has counted the nights and observed the waiting period

٦. قد طَلَّق العَينَيْنِ طَيفُك ساخطاً
فَلَه اللّيالي عَدَّتا واعتدَّتا

7. And I think the blackness of their pupils
Have donned mourning clothes for the afflicted

٧. وأَظُنُّ أنّ سَوادَ إنسانَيْهما
لهما حِدادٌ للمُصابِ أحَدَّتا

8. O you who forgot the tryst because of the intoxication of youth
How long do you intend to torment me with your abandonment?

٨. يا ناسيَ المِيعادِ من سُكْرِ الصبا
بعَذابِ هَجْرِك كم ترَى أن تُعنِتا

9. Who can release for me the image of the cheek of a beloved
That was registered in the book of your promises?

٩. مَن لي لِيُطْلِقَ رَسْمَ قُبلةِ عارضٍ
قد كان في ديوانِ وَعْدِك أُثبِتا

10. Let the zephyr carry pollen from its flowers
Your people can do without repentance

١٠. واحْلُلْ مَهبَّ الريحِ من أصداغهِ
يَستَغْنِ قَومُك أن يَؤُمُّوا تُبَّتا

11. Do not make my attainment of your union
At a specific time limited for the days

١١. لا تَجعلَنَّ لنَيْلِ وَصْلِكَ مَوعِدي
بمُرور يومٍ للزّمانِ مُوَقِّتا

12. The day I yearn for you is a full year
In which the two seasons alternate when it comes

١٢. يومُ المُتَيَّم منك حَولٌ كاملٌ
يتَعاقَبُ الفصْلانِ فيه إذا أتى

13. Between the fire of longing and the water of tears
Whether it laughs or cries intensely

١٣. ما بينَ نارِ حشاً وماءِ مَدامعٍ
إنْ حَنَّ صافَ وإن بكَى وَجْداً شَتا

14. God has a gazelle, whenever archers approach it
It defeats them with its eyelashes and escapes

١٤. للهِ ظَبْيٌ كلّما عَرَضوا له
صَرَعَ الرُّماةَ بمقلتَيْهِ وأفلَتا

15. And every hair on me wriggles in what I endure
Even if I were mute, they would writhe

١٥. ويَضُجُ منّي كلُّ مَنْبِت شَعْرةٍ
فيما أُجِنُّ ولو خَرِسْتُ تَزَمُّتا

16. And if I complain of staying among them
Time says, "Your hands – so know or be silent"

١٦. وإذا عتَبْتُ من الإقامةِ بينهم
قالَ الزّمانُ يداكَ فاعلَمْ أَوْ كتا

17. My excellence is to a coquettish first glance
Leave those who stare steadily with unmoving eyes

١٧. فَضْلي لأوّلِ نَظْرةٍ مَتَبَرِّجٌ
دَعْ مَن يُقلِّبُ طَرْفَهُ مُستَثْبِتا

18. My manner is beautiful, but it
Needs, despite its beauty, to be brought down a peg

١٨. وطَريقتي حَسْناءُ إلا أنّها
مُحتاجةٌ معَ حُسْنِها أن تُبخَتا

19. As for poetry, it was once supremely eloquent
When I heard it, it would leave me awestruck

١٩. أمّا القريضُ فكان غايةَ بارعٍ
يَوماً إذا أسمَعْتُهُ أن يَبْهَتا

20. I continued to have a spokesman and a predecessor
Rising ahead of me, silencing me and silencing others

٢٠. ما زِلتُ فيه لناطقٍ ولسابقٍ
طلَعا أمامي مُسْكِتاً ومُسَكِّتا

21. That was once, but today I no longer
Set out to groom the colt of poetry

٢١. قد كان ذلك مرّةً فاليومَ لا
أغدو لناشئةِ القريضِ مُربِّتا

22. No ladle of jest remains for me from the sea of jest
My boredom, nor chisel upon the rock of earnestness

٢٢. لم يُبقِ لي من بحر هزْلٍ مُغرَفاً
ضَجري ولا في صَخْرِ جِد مُنحَتا

23. When lofty ambitions die in the world
It is right that thoughts should find them dead

٢٣. إن ماتَتِ الهمَمُ العليّة في الورى
فيَحُقُّ أن تَجِدَ الخواطرَ أمْواتا

24. Do not wonder at the intensity of the madness in my heart
To the point it can no longer contain itself

٢٤. لا تَعْجَبنْ من شَدِّ عُقْلِ شواردي
في الصدر حتى ما يطقن تفلتا

25. All praise is lies, and I detest it
And something becomes cheap until it is detested

٢٥. كذب المدائح كلُّها فمقتُّها
ولقد يهون الشيء حتى يمقتا

26. Except praise of the beauty of Muhammad's religion
And who can adequately describe his glory?

٢٦. إلا مديحَ جمالِ دينِ مُحَمّدٍ
ومَنِ المُطيقُ لمجْده أن يَنْعتا

27. And the tongue of his nation that obeyed his word
The times listened and gave ear

٢٧. ولسانُ أُمّتِهِ الذي من طاعةٍ
لِمقالِه اسَتمع الزّمانُ وأنصتَا

28. The banner of guidance - if it diverged from the knowledge of guidance
It would scatter its pearls plainly and concisely

٢٨. علَمُ الهدَى إن سِيلَ عن عِلم الهدى
نثَر الجواهرَ شارحاً ومُنكِّتا

29. So when its steeds of speech raced
You would see the sword of God unsheathed from it

٢٩. فإذا الكلامُ تَطاردَتْ فُرسانُه
شاهدْتَ سيفَ اللهِ منه مُصْلتا

30. And if witnessed positions were afforded
In the victory of God's religion, against an aggressor

٣٠. وإذا أُتيحَ مَواقفٌ مَشهودةٌ
ٌفي نصرِ دينِ اللهِ إن باغٍ عَتا

31. A caller called out from its high heavens:
"Is there a young man, other than the son of a hero,

٣١. نادَى المُنادي من رَفيعِ سَمائه
ألا فتىً إلا سليلُ ابنِ الفتىَ

32. "A master - if he wishes, he can help the young man
"And protect him from the bite of fate?"

٣٢. مَولىً إذا ما شاء جار على الفتى
وأجارَ مِن عَضِّ الزّمانِ المُسحَتا

33. No one meets him but says:
"O son of the hero - may God honor you - what a young man!

٣٣. ما عادَ مَنْ يَلْقاهُ إلا قائلاً
يا ابنَ الفَتى للهِ دَرُّك مِن فتى

34. "He gives knowledge and ascension together
"Has a glorious one in time come as he has come?

٣٤. يَهَبُ النّوالَ معَ العلومِ مع العُلا
هل ماجدٌ في الدّهر يأتي ما أتى

35. "Firm in determination, generous, beautiful-faced
"His prowess has whitened in it what fate blackened

٣٥. ماضي العزائمِ جُودُ أسحمَ أوطَفٍ
قد شِيبَ فيه ببأسِ أغلَبَ أهْرَتا

36. "With miracles in his humanity, so whenever
"He appears, he revives dead hopes

٣٦. ذو مُعْجِزٍ من بِشْرِه في وَجْهِه
مهما بدا أحَيا رجاءً مَيتَا

37. "And when his hands are outstretched in generosity
"I will help you," even if they were cut off

٣٧. وإذا يداهُ أسنتا بعَطيّةٍ
نَصرْتُكَ حتّى لم يُبَلْ إن أسنَتا

38. "The chest of Shariah and all its Imams
"Have rallied around, pressing next to his shoulders

٣٨. صدْرُ الشّريعةِ والأئمَّةُ كُلُّهم
كالسّاعدَيْنِ بِجانبيهِ احتَفَّتا

39. "If he speaks, he silences all the empty chatter
"And splits the tongue of the opponent, saying: 'Be silent!'

٣٩. إن قال أسكَت كلَّ فَحْلٍ هَدْرُه
وثنَى لسانَ الخَصْمِ يَحْكي أُسكُتا

40. "And its chapters of discourse contend in the club
"Scattering their pearls, crumbling to pieces

٤٠. وتَخالُ في النادي فُصولَ كلامهِ
دُرًّا تَبَدَّدَ عِقْدُه فَتَبتَّتا

41. "As if the constellation Pleiades in its sky
"Stretched out its hands to gather them"

٤١. وكأنّما الجوزاءُ فوق سَمائها
للالتقاطِ له يَداها امتَدَّتا

42. O matchless one of the age, his reputation
On the day of pride has muted every chime

٤٢. يا أوحداً للعصرِ أصبح صِيتُه
يومَ الفَخارِ لكُلِّ جَرْسٍ مخفِتا

43. The caliphate has judged supremacy to be yours in the world
So see who established your supremacy

٤٣. قَضتِ الخِلافةُ بالعلا لكَ في الورى
فانظُرْ لحَقِّ عُلاك مَن قد ثَبّتا

44. And the two witness states of your supremacy
Have submitted, and all who have joined them

٤٤. والشّاهدانِ الدَّولتانِ على عُلا
لك سَلَّمتْ وجميعُ مَن قد ضَمَّتا

45. So who can deny excellence you have attained
By which enemies and enviers were convinced?

٤٥. فَمنِ المُطيقُ جُحودَ فَضْلٍ حُزْتَهُ
وبه العِدا والحاسدون أَقَرَّتا

46. As for the enemy - how he transgressed, but
The Lord of Heaven refused him, except to be subjugated

٤٦. أما العَدو فكَم طغَى لكنْ أبَى
رَبُ السماء له سوى أنْ يُكْبَتا

47. The enviers testified for you, attaining stations
Their livers excused from shattering

٤٧. شَهِدتْ لك الحُسّادُ نَيْلَ مَراتبٍ
عَذَروا لها الأكبادَ أن تَتَفَتتَّا

48. How envious of him! Relent, for you have long been
Seeking his ultimate goals, yet failed

٤٨. أَحَسودَهُ خفِّضْ عليك فطالما
أصبَحْتَ طالبَ غايتَيْهِ فأعْيَتا

49. O you I bid farewell before my farewell to him
A self and spirit in his earth that turned to dust

٤٩. يا مَن أُودِّع قبل توديعي له
نَفْساً ورُحاً في ذُراهُ تَربَّتا

50. I swear by the one pilgrims circumambulated his house
Until morning and night he is visited

٥٠. قَسَماً بمَنْ حَجَّ الحجيجُ لبَيْتِه
حتّى يُزارَ مُصبَّحاً ومُبَيَّتا

51. I will not abandon serving you, though pleased
One whose company is an honor counted to one who accompanied

٥١. ما عن رِضاً منّي أُفارقُ خِدْمتي
مَن قَتْوُه شَرفٌ يُعَدُّ لِمَن قَتا

52. Though your love left me no gap
On my side to one I would turn to

٥٢. مع أن حُبَّكَ لم يَدَعْ لي فُرْطةً
من جانبي لِمُقَدَّمٍ مُتَلفَّتا

53. But the call of necessity has often
Prevented the youth's foot from staying fixed

٥٣. لكنَّ داعيةَ الضَّرورة طالَما
منَعتْ بها قَدَمَ الفتَى أن تَثْبُتا

54. And I wished - when praising you at dawn -
To complain to the days: Do not supplicate!

٥٤. ووَدِدْتُ عند صَلاةِ مَدْحِكَ مُصبحاً
بشِكايةِ الأيّام ألا أَقْنُتا

55. And when will my state change, O my anxiety,
To my state, O my joy, when returning?

٥٥. ومتى تُبدَّلُ قَوْلتي يا لَهْفتي
عند الإيابِ بقَولَتي يا فَرْحَتا

56. If I could, I would keep silent from all people
Fasting, intending it, remaining overnight

٥٦. فلوِ استَطعْتُ لصُمْتُ عن كلّ الورى
صَوْماً لِنيَّتِه أكونُ مُبيِّتا

57. Until I return, seeking you again, hoping,
In my account, I will not be prevented from returning

٥٧. حتى أعودَ مُعَيّداً بكَ راجياً
في حَسْبتي للعَوْدِ ألا أغْلَتا

58. So permit me - may I be sacrificed for you - from Majid
The matter is yours, either refusing or affirming

٥٨. فأْذَنْ جُعِلْتُ لكَ الفدىمن ماجدٍ
فالأَمْرُ أمرُك نافِياً أو مُثْبِتا

59. Keep my place in your heart while I am absent
My keeping your place - we both affirm it

٥٩. اِحفَظْ مكاني في فؤادِك غائباً
حِفْظي مَكانكَ من لِساني يَثْبتُا

60. My full gratitude is to you, and all my lament
Is for the rotations of your fate that has tortured me

٦٠. لك مَحْضُ شُكري والشِّكاية كلُّها
لِصُروفِ دَهْرِكَ لم يَزلْ لي مُعْنِتا

61. There will be one reciting the praise of your glory in ruin
My bones, even if they are in the grave, crumbling

٦١. سيكونُ مُنشِدَ مَدْحِ مَجْدِكَ في البِلَى
عَظْمي وإن هو في الضّريحِ تَرفتا

62. If the earth sprouted something for praises
It would become, having buried me, your place of growth

٦٢. ولَوَ أنَ أرضاً للمَدائح أَنبتَتْ
أضحى ثرىً قد ضَمَّني لك مُنبِتا

63. So have a good fast, while you are in it, and before it
You have not ceased to turn penitently to God, humbly

٦٣. فاسعَدْ بصَوْمٍ أنت فيه وقبلَه
ما زلْتَ للهِ المُنيبَ المُخْبِتا

64. And similarly, have it on its holiday, and for its return
In glory - while the doves sang and warbled

٦٤. واسَعدْ كذاكَ بِعيدهِ وبِعوْدِه
في العِز ما غَنَّى الحَمامُ وصَوّتا