1. I and my companions passed the night awake in Najd
While the mounts were weak and still from fatigue
١. أرِقْتُ وصَحْبي بنَجْدٍ هُجودُ
وأيدِي الرّكائبِ وَهْناً ركودُ
2. At the smile of lightning that lit up
My eyelids while the resolute heart softened
٢. لبَرْقٍ تَبَسَّمَ فاستَعْبَرتْ
جُفوني وحَنَّ الفؤادُ العَميد
3. As if its brilliance in the darkness
When a bright mouth of Salma's smiled, was frost
٣. كأنّ تَلألُؤه في الظّلامِ
إذا لاحَ ثَغْرٌ لسلْمَى بَرود
4. Its light drew near so my sight turned
Towards it and we watered our camels far from it
٤. دنا ضوءه فَسَما ناظري
إليه وسُقْياهُ منّا بَعيد
5. So for some the flashes were a yearning
And for others at the high ground a stillness
٥. فمَنْ بالأجارعِ من وَمْضِه
مَشوقٌ ومَن بالمَطالي مَجود
6. And the lightning did no harm to my companions
As long as my eyes still shed their showers
٦. وما ضَرَّ صحبي سنا بارقٍ
إذا ضَنَّ ما دام عَينَي تَجود
7. And a longing I slaughtered my eyelids for
Weeping when they came back safe from it
٧. وشَوْقٌ نحَرتُ له مُقْلتي
بُكاءً لأنْ عادَني منه عِيد
8. And without the charming white ones are white
And without the still red tents are still
٨. ومن دونِ فاتنةِ البِيضِ بيِضٌ
ومن دونِ ساكنةِ البيدِ بِيد
9. God have a people who in their absence
I am bound by longing and plots for them
٩. فللّهِ قومٌ على نَأْيِهم
لهم من هَوايَ ذِمامٌ وكيد
10. Sleep avoided me when they went far
And swore not to return until they return
١٠. نأىَ النّومُ عَنّىَ لمّا نأوا
وأقْسمَ لا عادَ حتّى يَعودوا
11. The desolate were changed by the sociable
When tomorrow this parting from them was very painful
١١. وقد بُدّلَ الوحشُ بالآنِسا
تِ يومَ غدا الظّعنُ منهم زَرود
12. So gazelle follows gazelle in fright
And young goat is hunted by young goat seeking prey
١٢. فظَبياً يُراعُ بظَبيٍ يَروعُ
وخِشْفاً يُصادُ بخِشْفٍ يَصيد
13. I looked when they loaded for the riders
Their excellent steeds neighing with might
١٣. نظرتُ إلى السِّرْبِ لمَّا نَصبْنَ
إلى الرَّكبِ أَجيادَها وهْي غِيد
14. And how often I said to the eye where are the face veils
And how often I said to the neck where are the necklaces
١٤. فكم قلتُ للعَيْن أَين النقابُ
وكم قلتُ للجيدِ أَين العقود
15. Oh rider who crosses the wilderness
With him in the morning salvation and beauty
١٥. فيا راكباً يتَخطّى الفلاةَ
به في الصباحِ نَجاةٌ وخُود
16. If I reach the garrison safe
And for your descent the tent pegs are fixed
١٦. إذا ما بلُغْتُ الحِمى سالماً
وحُطَّتْ لِنضْوِك فيه القُتود
17. Give my greetings to the full moon of life
Eclipsed by his absence and the enmities
١٧. فَبلَّغْ سَلاميَ بَدْرَ الخيا
مِ يَكْسِفُه نأْيُه والصُّدود
18. With a token of what he said on the day of departure
To pasture of the Friend to whom pacts were made
١٨. بآيةِ ما قال يومَ الرَّحي
لِ مَرْعِيَّةٌ للخليلِ العهود
19. And when we stopped the morning of farewell
And she was tied to bid farewell with weeping
١٩. ولمَّا وقَفْنا غداةَ الوداعِ
وقِيدتْ لتظْعَن بالحيّ قُود
20. He wept and sighed in fear of separation
So an eyelid and temple resigned their bonds
٢٠. بكَى وتَنفَّس خوفَ الفِراق
فأسلَم عِقدَيْهِ جَفْنٌ وجِيد
21. As if the one who took it off was
A pearl necklace worn by the cheeks
٢١. كأنَّ الذي خلَعتْه النٌّحو
رُ من لُؤْلُؤٍ لَبِستْه الخُدود
22. He threw me from the gaze of the two eyebrows
With a glance of a new crescent resembling iron
٢٢. رمانيَ عن عَطْفَةِ الحاجبَيْنِ
بطَرْفٍ كليلٍ شَباهُ حَديد
23. From arrows that fill up hearts
With wounds while skins remain whole
٢٣. من النَّبْلِ يَملأ منه القلوبُ
جِراحاً وتَسلَمُ منه الجلود
24. The seductions of an eye how much you have shot
And captured while your arrow on the bow shot
٢٤. أَفاتنةَ العينِ كم قد رمْيتِ
فَصِيدَ وسَهْمُكِ في القوسِ صِيد
25. Like the presence of the Master of Messengers when
He is shaded and through him the religion supreme
٢٥. كحضرة مَولَى الورى إذ تظَلُّ
ومن شَرف الدّينِ فيها سَديد
26. Remaining while never leaving him
For a day passions or fervor
٢٦. مُقيمٌ ولم تَخْلُ يوماً له
تَهائمُ من أَثَرٍ أو نُجود
27. Aiming for the goals of those who hope in Him
Drawing near those far through his signs
٢٧. مُصِيبٌ لأغراضِ مَن يَرتَجيه
يُشير فَيْقرُبُ منه البَعيد
28. So he has not ceased to be in this station
Where his wonders begin or repeat
٢٨. فلا زال منها بهذا المحَلْ
لِ تَبدأُ آلاؤه أو تَعود
29. And none despaired except the ignorant of Him
A foe plotting or envious of Him
٢٩. ولا خاب إلاّ جَهولانِ منه
عَدُوُّ يُكايِدُه أو حَسود
30. A noble adorned by his valor and generosity
And his soul ennobled him and judiciousness
٣٠. فتىً زانَهُ بأْسُه والسَّماحُ
ومَجَّده نَفْسُه والجُدود
31. His nights white with favors
While the days of a folk black with sins
٣١. لياليهِ بِيضٌ من المكرماتِ
وأيّامُ قَومٍ من اللٌّؤْمِ سُود
32. He had already gained ascendancy before the homes became empty
And the least with whoever rules when alone
٣٢. فقد ساد قبلَ خُلُوِّ الدّيارِ
وأَهْوِنْ بمَنْ حين تَخْلو يَسود
33. You wear the sovereignty among them
Because in every merit you are unique
٣٣. تَحُلُّ من المُلْكِ في وَسْطهِ
لأنّك في كُلِّ فَضْلٍ وَحيد
34. And all the jewels of harmony are doubled
While you are the clasp's intermediary
٣٤. ومُزْدَوِجٌ كُلُّ دُرِّ النّظامِ
وواسِطةُ العِقْدِ فيه فَريد
35. And he who has risen above the stars' positions
Nothing diminishes or increases him
٣٥. ومَن حَلَّ فوقَ مَحلِّ النُّجومِ
فلا شَيْءَ يَنقُصه أو يَزيد
36. But you are too great for what makes them great
So why are you, on a day of pride, reproached?
٣٦. وتَكْبُرُ عَمّا به يَكْبُرون
فما لكَ في يَومِ فَخْرٍ نَديد
37. And they do not detract from you in what
They detract when boundaries are assigned
٣٧. وما قَلَّ عنك يَقِلّونَ عنه
إذا ضُرِبَتْ للأُمورِ الحُدود
38. The kingdom counts your days though few
While many are the small in number
٣٨. يَعُدُّ لكَ المُلْكُ أيّامَكَ ال
حسان على حين قلّ العديد
39. And how many times without it did you stand firm in judgment
Resisting what the armies witnessed
٣٩. وكم قمت بالرّأي من دونه
مقاوم ما شهدته الجنود
40. When do you claim precedence in its victory?
For those nights testify for it
٤٠. متى تدّع السّبق في نصره
فتلك اللّيالي عليه شهود
41. So may it and you remain and not cease
Two companions in glory so long as wood is green
٤١. فدام ودمت ولا زلتما
قرينين في العزّ ما اخضرّ عود
42. And God has a generous one who
The deputations did not stop taking from what was in his hands
٤٢. وللهِ ذو كرَمٍ لم يَزَلْ
تَناهَبُ ما في يدَيْهِ الوُفود
43. Protecting his religion and protecting his honor
From blame - its fine plucks and hurls
٤٣. يَقي ديِنَه ويَقِي عِرْضَهُ
منَ الذَّمِّ طارِفُهُ والتّليد
44. And from his opinion swords were forged
Containing what the scabbards store
٤٤. وتُطبَعُ للمُلْكِ من رَأيْهِ
صَوارِمُ ما تَحْتويها غُمود
45. By God so much bellowing roaring
Thunder its flashing strikes in abundance
٤٥. ويا رُبَّ ذي لَجَبٍ أرْعَنٍ
له عَارِضٌ بالمنايا يَجود
46. You folded two lines of what was written
And the battalions strayed far from it
٤٦. كثيرٌ به للسُّيوفِ البُروقُ
كثيرٌ به للقِسيِّ الرُّعود
47. It watches you before you are ransomed
While for it in the dark meadows the lions watch
٤٧. ثنَيْتَ بسطْرَيْنِ ممّا كتَبْت
فظَلَّ الكتائبُ عنه تَحيد
48. It went with us to the honor of religion
And remains lofty with the loyal servants
٤٨. يَراعُكَ من قَبْلِ أن يُجْتَنى
تُراعُ له في الغِياضِ الأُسود
49. Its towering minarets to a spring
My epoch had strayed far from
٤٩. إلى شَرَفِ الدّينِ سارَتْ بنا
وتَشْرُفُ عند المَوالي العَبيد
50. No surging market made us incline to them
But rather no fervent longing pulled us
٥٠. ظَوامِئُ منه إلى مَنْهَلٍ
زَمانِيَ قد كان عنه يَذود
51. We met in our time tribulations
Almost making the vast earth toil
٥١. فما جاء سَوْقٌ شديدٌ بها
ولكنّ ما جاءَ شَوقٌ شَديد
52. I split my shame for them and was patient
And my standing for them was long and seated
٥٢. لقِينا حوادثَ مِن دَهْرِنا
تكادُ لها الأرضُ عُظْماً تَميد
53. The screens of pretending became weak
Beside the mysteries of my state like barricades
٥٣. قنَأْتُ حَيائي لها واصطَبرت
وطالَ قيامي لها والقُعود
54. So for their outward the enemy cries
And for their inward the devoted cry
٥٤. سُتورُ التّجمُّلِ أضحَتْ وهُنْ
نَ من دونِ أسرارِ حالي سُدود
55. And concealment of what cannot be borne grows wide
And revelation of what is not desired exposes
٥٥. فَيَبكي لظاهرِهنَّ العَدُو
ويَبْكِي لباطِنهنّ الوَدود
56. So I changed my complaining to thanking for them
In the most beautiful manner aiming for Him and this ode
٥٦. ويَفْدَحُ كتِمانُ ما لا يُطيق
ويَفْضَحُ إعلانُ ما لا يُريد
57. And from what makes my time evil I turned
To gain instead from what benefits
٥٧. فَبدَّل شَكْوايَ شُكْراً لها
بأروعَ قَصْدِي له والقَصيد
58. Just as the moon seeks the sun constantly
Will you see my breast and blossoms
٥٨. وعمّا يُفيتُ زمانِي المُسي
ءُ أقبلْتُ أعتاضُ مِمّا يُفيد
59. So with my meeting him I diminish
And when I turn from him grow
٥٩. كما يَقْصِدُ القَمرُ الشّمسَ لا
يَزالُ يُرى صَدَرِي والورُود
60. So take them as necklaces from a mind
For it a soul in meanings extended
٦٠. فأنقُصُ عند اجتماعي به
وعند انصرافيَ عنه أَزيد
61. Whims to be fulfilled through which rights
Are beautifully done and grudges forgotten
٦١. فَخُذْها قلائدَ من خاطرٍ
له نَفَسٌ في المعاني مَديد
62. A gift for the pens of his writers
To him for the mention of you prostrating
٦٢. شَوارِدَ تُقْضَى بهِنَّ الحقو
قُ حُسْناً وتُنْسَى لَهُنَّ الحُقود
63. And what the breeze gains in gardens
Or thunderbolts meet in the sky
٦٣. قَريضٌ لأقلامِ كُتّابهِ
إليه لذِكْرِك فيه سُجود
64. Is like what a superior does for one superior
So this one gives and that one excels
٦٤. وما يَغْتدى في الرّياضِ النّسيم
ولا تَلْتقي في السّماءِ السُعود
65. May your life continue to ripen time
And may you continue to meet a new celebration
٦٥. كما يَعْتفِي فاضِلٌ مُفْضِلاً
فهذا يَجودُ وهذا يُجيد
66. Its like comes to you over and over
So the beginning is fortunate and the return praiseworthy
٦٦. فلا زال عُمْرُك يُبْلِي الزّمان
ولا زال يَلْقاك عِيدٌ جَديد
67. And the least of your great deeds have come
To flow over the stars' orbit
٦٧. تَردَّدُ نحوَك أمثالُه
فبَدْءُ سعيدٌ وعَودٌ حميد
68. So God granted you what you attained
And increased you if in it there is increase
٦٨. وأدنَى مَعاليك أمسَتْ تُجَرْ
رُ فوق المجَرّةِ منه بُرود
69. You have surpassed the creation's extent
And for glory after you promises remain
٦٩. فَهنّأكَ اللّهُ ما نِلْتَه
وزادَك إن كان فيه مَزيد
70. Its like refer back to you
So the start is fortunate and the return praiseworthy
٧٠. فقد جُزْتُمُ فوقَ حَدِّ الورى
وللمجدِ من بعدُ فيكم وُعود