1. Turn towards her, O caravan
There is no shame in companions helping one another
١. عُوجوا عليها أَيُّها الرّكْبُ
لا عَارَ أن يَتساعَدَ الصَّحْبُ
2. Each has a heart but no pain
Yet I have pain but no heart
٢. كُلٌّ له قَلْب ولا ألَمٌ
عَجَباً ولِي ألمٌ ولا قَلْب
3. Other than a soul I keep repeating
And a tearful eye that pours forth weeping
٣. مالي سوى نَفَسٍ أُرَددُه
وَجْداً وَعيْنٍ دَمْعُا سَكْب
4. Our stance on the day of anguish
When the herd was exposed to calamity
٤. للهِ يومَ الجِزْعِ مَوقفُنا
لمّا تَعرَّضَ للمَها سِرْب
5. Gazelles glancing with their eyes at dawn
Their palms covering their faces like masks
٥. مُتَطِلعاتٌ للعُيونِ ضُحىً
وأكُفُّها لوجوهِها نُقْب
6. They look through the lattice of distance but
The forbearing among the tribe do not glance or look
٦. يَرمُقْنَ من شَبَكِ البنانِ فما
يَرْنو حليمُ القومِ أو يَصبْو
7. From each alluring gazelle her wrist
Appears so the heart sorrows and the heart pines
٧. مِن كُلِّ فاتنةٍ لمِعْصَمِها
تُبدِي فيَشجَى القَلْبُ والقُلب
8. The hearing finds her reproach sweet
For the agony of love is sweet torment
٨. يَستَعذِبُ السّمعُ الملامَ لها
إنّ الغرامَ عذابُه عَذْب
9. She stretched out a hand to bid me farewell
So the love-smitten youth drew near
٩. مَدَّتْ إليَّ يداً تُودِعُني
فدَنا إليها المُغرَمُ الصّبّ
10. Like an arrow its shooter brings closer
Yet because of distance that nearness
١٠. كالسّهْمِ راميهِ يُقَرّبُه
ولأجْلِ بُعْدٍ ذلك القُرب
11. How many nights have I spent in passion
Without gaining intimacy throughout them
١١. كم ليلةٍ لي في الهوى سَلَفتْ
لم يَلْقَ لي هُدْباً بها هُدب
12. How those loved ones departed and so
My sorrow until love itself departed
١٢. كم فارقَ الأحبابُ فابتَعثوا
حُزْني إلى أن فارقَ الحُبّ
13. Today I guarded the veil of my heart lest
White hands violate what veils guarded
١٣. فاليَومَ صُنْتُ حجابَ قلبيَ أن
تَسبيهِ بيضٌ صانَها الحُجب
14. And if my tears gather in groups
The burdens of sorrows your abandonment a shackle
١٤. وإذا تَصافَن أدمُعي حِصصاً
وَفْدُ الهموم فهجْرُكم كَعْب
15. So let the slanderers delight that they
Kindled for us a fire that will not die out
١٥. فلْيَهنأِ الواشينَ أنّهم
شَبّوا لنا ناراً فما تَخْبو
16. They cast filth into the eye of our familiarity
Until that clear drink was muddied
١٦. ألْقَوا قذىً في عينِ أُلفتِنا
حتّى تَكَدّرَ ذلك الشِرب
17. I sent to the one who reproaches what
Should satisfy them but blame multiplied
١٧. وبعَثْتُ للعُتْبَى نهايةَ ما
يُرضيهمُ فتَضاعَفَ العَتْب
18. A neighbor sacrificed his blood
For reconciliation but war increased
١٨. ومضىَ بُجَيْرٌ باذلاً دَمَه
للصلْحِ فازدادتْ بهِ الحَرْب
19. And when the time of corruption comes you see
From where one seeks to rectify, troubles magnify
١٩. وإذا أتَى زمَنُ الفساد تَرَى
من حيث تُصِلحَ يَكبُرُ الخَطب
20. And when it passes the one with little soul
In it returns humiliated, the mighty
٢٠. وإذا انقضَى فأقَلُّ من نَفَسٍ
فيه يَعود ذليلاً الصَّعب
21. My days do not last and how many times
Has ceasing to overcome resulted in being overcome
٢١. لايَنْتُ أيّامي وكم زَمَنٍ
تَرْكُ الغِلابِ به هو الغَلب
22. I rose early with vigor
While dawn in the darkness is still toddling
٢٢. قد أغتدِي بالعِيسِ مُبتكِراً
والصبْحُ طِفْلٌ في الدجى يَحبو
23. And the caravan appears led by
The elite of a people under whom are the best
٢٣. والرّكبُ يَطلُع في أوائلهم
أنجابُ قومٍ تحتَهم نُجب
24. Made of each letter of the name Saad
Whose inflections alternate between nominative and accusative
٢٤. مِن كلِّ حَرْفٍ من حُروفِ سُرىً
مُتَعاقَباها الرَّفع والنّصب
25. It walked, its shadow playfully caressing it
As if a follower, over it hovering
٢٥. سارَتْ تُلاعبُ ظِلّها مَرَحاً
وكأنّ تابعةً لها سَقب
26. Supreme power and honor touched us gently
And beauty invited water and vegetation
٢٦. دستِ العُلا والمكرماتِ بنا
ودَعا الجمالَ الماءُ والعُشب
27. It chose a land in which will settle
The judge of judges so we were blessed
٢٧. وتَخيّرتْ أرضاً يَحُلُّ بها
قاضي القُضاةِ فعَمّنا الخِصب
28. Its steps were spacious in the shrine of a youth
Whose courtyard for visitors is vast
٢٨. رَحُبَتْ خُطاها في مَزارِ فتىً
للزّائرينَ فِناؤه رَحْب
29. A pillar which Islam leans on firmly
To which both non-Arabs and Arabs made pilgrimage
٢٩. ركْنٌ به الإسلام شُدَّ فقد
حَجّتْ ذُراه العُجْمُ والعُرب
30. A sun whose radiance
Illuminates East and West through it
٣٠. شَمسٌ فتَاويهِ أشِعَتُها
فبِها يَضيء الشَرْقُ والغرب
31. And the Nile became a thin script of a
Solitary pen which by its strokes inspires awe
٣١. وغدا القنا الخَطّيّ من قلَمٍ
فَرْدٍ يُخَطُّ بكَفّهِ رُعب
32. And opinions are subservient to its opinion
Like a skin disease one treats with it
٣٢. ولَرأْيهِ الآراءُ تابِعةٌ
كالجِذْلِ يَستَشْفي به الجُرب
33. It places matters in their proper places
So its praise by the elite remains eternal
٣٣. يضَعُ الأمورَ به مَواضِعَها
فتُديمُ حَمْدَ هِنائهِ النُّقْب
34. O Majid, for the loftiness of its ambition
Nobility above the highest clouds
٣٤. يا ماجداً لذُيولِ هِمّتِه
شَرَفاً على أعلى السُها سَحب
35. No eye has seen the like of it in any time
Nor books mentioned the same
٣٥. ما أبصرتْ عينٌ له زَمناً
مِثْلاً ولا نَطقتْ به الكُتْب
36. From a people whose clouds’ shadows
Drive away barrenness from those hopeful of rain
٣٦. من مَعْشَرٍ بغَمامِ أنمُلِهمْ
عن آمليهم يُطْرَدُ الجَدْب
37. White of face so in their shining of teeth
Are peaks overlooking while in their gaps are slopes
٣٧. بِيضُ الوجوهِ ففي الحباءهمُ
هِضَبٌ تَسُحُّ وفي الحُبا هَضب
38. A sphere that shades the servants when
It turns, its opinion most exalted
٣٨. فلكٌ يَظَلُّ علىالعباد إذا
يَجْري وسامي رأيهِ القُطب
39. Through it the celestial torch of the religion of guidance shone
Through them noble origins arose and to it is sublimity
٣٩. منه استنارَ شهابُ دينِ هُدىً
منهم نشا وله العُلا تِرب
40. Indeed it ascended as high as it willed the towering stature
For the celestial torch of religion above which flames kindled
٤٠. فلقد عَلا ما شاءَ طَودُ عُلاً
لشهابِ دينٍ فوقَه شَبّ
41. So you two remained decked in worn-out garments
Of honor which cannot be pilfered
٤١. فَبقِيتُما مُتَسرْ بِلَىْ حُلَلٍ
للعِزِّ لا يُخشَى لها سَلب
42. Until you see this celestial torch tomorrow
And behind it meteors from its progeny
٤٢. حتّى تَرى هذا الشِّهابَ غدا
ووراءه من نَسْلِه شُهب
43. O supporter of religion whom you see
While your tongue without it is barbed
٤٣. يا ناصراً للدينِ تُبصرُهُ
ولسانه من دونه عضب
44. With the swords of opinion you support it
And the Hindu sword can bend
٤٤. بصوارم الآراء تنصره
والصّارمُ الهِنْدِيُّ قد ينْبو
45. A type of deed you undertake
Which no censure can equal nor any blow
٤٥. ضرْبٌ من الأعمالِ تُعمِلُه
لا طَعْنَ يَعدِلهُ ولا ضرب
46. O you just in your rule, never
Have I glimpsed from you the slightest neglect
٤٦. يا عادلاً في حُكمِه أبداً
لم منك أدنَى نَظْرةٍ حَسْب
47. Through you I came to seek justice for my time
Though its adversities if you do not help are formidable
٤٧. بكَ جئْتُ أستَعدِي على زَمَني
وخضامُه إن لم تُعِنْ صَعْب
48. Until when will its events attack
And until when will my heart to them be prey?
٤٨. فإلى متى تَغْزو حوادثُه
وإلى متى قَلبي لها نَهب
49. I was generous to a people in creation contemptible
Yet for that contempt to me they milked rancor
٤٩. أوسَعْتُ قَوماً في الورى مِقةً
فإذا لِمَقْتٍ لي بها حَلب
50. And I planted hopes to sweeten for me
But their fruits the soil did not ripen
٥٠. وغرَسْتُ آمالاً لتَحْلوَ لي
ثَمَراتُهنّ فمازكا التُّرب
51. Luck is not present unless its onset comes
Naturally so pulling its reins is futile
٥١. والبَخْتُ ما لم يأتِ مُقبِلُه
طَبْعاً فما لزِمامِه جَذب
52. My assumption about them was different
And assumption is an edge that can veer
٥٢. قد كان ظَنّي غيرَ ذا لهُمُ
والظّنُّ طِرْفٌ ربّما يَكبُو
53. If some insight can save them from it
And a crack from splitting is made accessible
٥٣. ولئن تَدارك منهمُ نَظَرٌ
وأُتيحَ إثْرَ تَصَدُّعٍ شَعب
54. Then it falls short of its objective
The hands of the generous but the steps of the late fulfill
٥٤. فلقد تُقصِّرُ دون غايتِه
أيدي الجوادِ ويُدرِكُ العَقب
55. Dawn never comes into being definitively
Unless what did not exist comes into being
٥٥. والفَجْرُ ليس بكائنٍ أبداً
صِدْقٌ له ما لم يَكُنْ كِذب
56. O companion, were it not for His care
For His loyal ones, even the vast would be straitened
٥٦. يا صاحباً لو لا عِنايتُه
بَوليّه ضاقَتْ به الرُحب
57. My state, contrary to custom, prevents
It fell ill, and you are the one to cure it
٥٧. حالي عنِ المعَهود حائلةٌ
مَرِضَتْ وأنت بِبُرْئها طَبّ
58. What pains me most is that its illness
Came from where a cure was anticipated
٥٨. وأشَدُّ ما بي أنّ مَرضتها
من حيث كان تَوقَّعَ الطِبّ
59. Take it, shaking from so much passion
As if its tellers were intoxicated
٥٩. خذْها تَهُزُّ العِطْفَ من طَرَبٍ
حتى كأنّ رُواتَها شَرب
60. Adorned and the adornment of gardens, clouds
Having drawn their tails over them
٦٠. مَوشِيّةً وَشْيَ الرّياضِ وقد
سَحَبتْ عليها ذَيْلَها السُّحب
61. Revealed to you, and what maiden
Whose virginity you did not seek in marriage
٦١. تُجلَى عليك وأيُّ مَنقبَةٍ
إلا وأنت لِبكرِها خِطب
62. And to you, not from you, I complained of it
So listen, for your path is the path of guidance
٦٢. وإليك لا منك اشتيكتُ بها
فاسمَعْ فشِعْبُك للهُدَى شَعب
63. And if you sharpen resolute intention
My victory, for God's party is my party
٦٣. وإذا شَحذْتَ العزْمَ مُؤتنِفاً
نَصْري فحِزْبُ اللهِ لي حِزب
64. So when can I say, since
My requests from you are fulfilled, enough!
٦٤. فمتى يُقبِّضُ أن أقولَ وقد
تَمّتْ لديك مَطالبي الجُرب
65. How many nights I remained sleepless and anxious
But now the eyelid and the side are still
٦٥. كم بِتُّ ذا أرَقٍ وذا قَلَقٍ
فالآنَ قَرَّ الجَفْنُ والجَنب
66. Preoccupy me with seriousness from you that revives me
For time is an era whose entirety is play
٦٦. جُدْلي بجِدٍّ منك أحْىَ به
فالدّهرُ دَهرٌ كُلُّه لعب
67. As for poetry, it preoccupies me from it
An era whose chest hides cunning
٦٧. أمّا القريضُ فعَنْه يَشغلُني
زَمَنٌ خَبيئةُ صَدْرِه خِبّ
68. Today its prosody amazes me
And I have lived long but it still amazes me
٦٨. فاليومَ لي من نظْمِه عَجَبٌ
ولقد عُمِّرْتُ ولي بهِ عُجب
69. The nets of the generous ensnare an ode composed
With the wonderful beauty of its verse love
٦٩. شَبَكُ الكريم قصيدةٌ نُظِمتْ
وبديعُ بَيتٍ وَسْطَها الحَبّ
70. So roar with the first of skills what
Beginnings approve of and endings cultivate
٧٠. فأصِخْ وأولِ من الصنائع ما
تَرضى المَبادىءُ منه والغِبّ
71. For generosity is a single deed by which
Both your thankful servant and Lord are grateful
٧١. فالجودُ فِعْلٌ واحدٌ وبه
لك شاكرانِ العَبْدُ والرَّبّ