
Whoever is made happy by Eid, I am a man

من سره العيد فإني امرؤ

1. Whoever is made happy by Eid, I am a man
Whose tears on it are held back

١. مَن سَرَّه العِيدُ فإنّي امرؤٌ
سِلْكُ دُموعي فيه مَقْطوعُ

2. I who roused his sorrows
While time in evil is followed

٢. أنا الّذي هَيَّجَ أحزانَه
والدَّهْرُ فيما ساءَ مَتْبوع

3. An Eid and farewell of people dear to us
Our Eid is a farewell and farewell

٣. عيدٌ وتَوديعُ أُناسٍ لنا
لَساءنا عيدٌ وتَوديع

4. Each friend after intimacy with him forgotten
My greatest share of him is to accompany at parting

٤. كُلّ خليلٍ بَعْدَ أُنْسى به
أَكبرُ حَظّي منا تَشْييع

5. When, O Lord, shall I see my being united with them
And it is as I love, all brought together

٥. متى أَرى يا ربِّ شَمْلي بهمْ
وهْو كما أهواه مَجْموع