
Speak little in my presence, and restrain your reason.

أقلا عند طيتي المقالا

1. Speak little in my presence, and restrain your reason.
The young man is created only as a sword,

١. أَقْلاّ عندَ طِيّتيَ المقالا
وحُلاّ عن مَطيَّتيَ العِقالا

2. and steels are created only to be polished.
The blood of youth is aroused only by separation -

٢. فما خُلِقَ الفتَى إلاّ حُساماً
وما خُلِقَ السُّرَى إلاّ صِقالا

3. I sought it in the high places of union.
I soared to her with a bouquet of youths

٣. وما راع الدُّمَى إلاّ فِراقٌ
خطَبْتُ به إلى العلْيا وِصالا

4. calling out to them while the wings of night withdrew.
I am lighter than the stars when they walk

٤. سمَوْتُ لها بزُهْرٍ من فُتُوٍّ
هتَفْتُ بهمْ وجُنْحُ اللّيلِ مالا

5. astray in darkness or weariness.
My friend says farewell, tears flowing,

٥. أَقَلُّ من الكواكبِ حينَ تَسْري
ضلالاً في الغياهبِ أَو كَلالا

6. showing you the protected pearls have been humbled.
Give me a draft of the intoxication of your mouth

٦. يَقولُ مُودِّعي والدَّمْعُ جارٍ
يُريك مصونَ لُؤْلُئه مُذالا

7. and stir it before I awake to beauty.
I hate to turn my eye in the morning

٧. أَعِرني نَشوةً من كَأْسِ ثَغْرٍ
وثَوِّرْ قبلَ أَن أَصْحو الجِمالا

8. and see the mixed company has become common.
Promises - my memory of them is ever new,

٨. كراهةَ أَن أُديرَ العَينَ صُبْحاً
فأُبصِرَ للخليطِ بها زِيالا

9. to them, though they are old, and will not cease.
By my two standards - if they were to remain white

٩. عُهودٌ لم يَزَلْ ذِكرْي جديداً
لَهُنَّ وإنْ قَدُمْنَ ولن يَزالا

10. and brown cloaked in shade for her.
The white told briefly of a glance and smile,

١٠. وبالعلَمَيْنِ لو واصلْنَ بِيضٌ
وسُمْرٌ يدَّرعْنَ لها ظِلالا

11. while the brown softly and calmly.
They forbade my imagining you until indeed

١١. حكَيْنَ البيضَ لَحظاً وابتساماً
وفُقْنَ السُّمْرَ ليناً واعتدالا

12. they left me without even a shadow of my body.
Had sorrow occupied my eye at night

١٢. وحَرَّمْنَ الخيالَ علَيَّ حتّى
لقد أَبقَيْنَ من جِسمي خَيالا

13. I would have made it, because of it, busy for it.
The water of grace still flows from it -

١٣. ولو شغَل الكرَى باللّيلِ عَيْني
جَعلْتُ لها بها عنها اشْتِغالا

14. were it to lower a veil from it, it would flow.
Its blackness makes clear the vision within,

١٤. وأغيدَ رَقَّ ماءُ الوجهِ منه
فلو أَرخَى لثاماً عنه سالا

15. so wherever you look you think there is a mole.
It was armed against me one day with a wink,

١٥. تُبينُ سَوادَها الأبصارُ فيه
فحيثُ لَحظْتَ منه حَسِبْتَ خالا

16. and when it wished my destruction, it took aim.
With a glance that does not feel what it entices

١٦. تَترَّسَ يومَ لاقاني بغَيْلٍ
وراميَ حين رامَ ليَ اغْتيالا

17. and recites the sickness of its lover disguised.
It counts our distress as real,

١٧. بطَرْفٍ ليس يَشعُرُ ما التّشكِّي
ويُنشدُ سُقْمَ عاشقِه انْتِحالا

18. while we count its health as composure.
Worries have weakened me,

١٨. يَعُدُّ عليلَنا المُضْنَى صَحيحاً
ونحن نَعُدُّ صِحّتَه اعْتِدالا

19. even if they are more numerous than the sands.
If worries attack white hair,

١٩. تأوَّبني خيالٌ من هُمومٍ
وإن كاثَرْنَ في العَدَدِ الرِّمالا

20. our mounts were created to be swift.
How can we enjoy short lives

٢٠. فإنْ تَرُعِ الهمومُ على مَشيبٍ
فقد خُلِقَتْ مطايانا عِجالا

21. when we have been given long thoughts?
You complain to the drowning man of the troubles

٢١. وكيف نَلَذُّ أَعماراً قِصاراً
وقد أُودِعْنَ أَفكاراً طِوالا

22. that have come to me in my time of trial.
But no, by your father, I do not fear time -

٢٢. تَذُمُّ إليَّ من زَمني خُطوباً
شكَوْتَ إلى الغريقِ بها ابْتِلالا

23. rather I engage it in combat.
I show patience and fortitude

٢٣. فلا وأَبيكَ أَخشَى الدَّهرَ قِرْناً
ولكنّي أُنازِلُه نِزالا

24. to the one who created misfortunes and men.
When the winds blow they increase our burning,

٢٤. أَظاهِرُ بينَ صَبْرٍ واعتصامٍ
بمَنْ خلَق النّوائبَ والرِّجالا

25. and the fires of anger grow brighter,
and are revived by the wetness that hides decay.

٢٥. إذا عصَفتْ فأطفأتِ الأعادي
صُروفُ الدِّهْرِ زادَتْنا اشْتِعالا

26. I turn my gaze to well-formed flesh
whose limbs dispel shade.

٢٦. ونيرانُ الغَضا تَزْدادُ وَقْداً
وتَحْيا بالّتي تُخْبي الذُّبالا

27. And I wrap myself in darkness with in my left hand the rein of a cloak that tells of the north,
of those who, when they are disturbed for an instant,

٢٧. أُقلِّبُ ناظِرَيْ لَحْمٍ صَيودٍ
غدَتْ أَعطافُه تَنْفي الظِّلالا

28. make you fear their dress will slip away.
Had they spent a month undressing in the east,

٢٨. وأشْتَمِلُ الظّلامَ وفي شِمالي
زِمامُ شِمِلّةٍ تَحْكي الشَّمالا

29. the crescent moon would have outsped us to the west.
When I strung them into a necklace

٢٩. منَ الّلائي إذا طَرِبتْ لحَدْوٍ
خَشِيتَ منَ النُّسوعِ لها انْسِلالا

30. over all horizons, proudly,
I made pilgrimage with them to the meteors of religion -

٣٠. ولو سلَختْ لنا في الشّرْقِ شَهْراً
سَبقْنَ بنا إلى الغَرْبِ الهلالا

31. so for my aspiring faith it was made complete.
And the nearness of the most fortunate of my hopes

٣١. فلمّا أَنْ نظَمتُ بها وِشاحاً
على الآفاقِ قاطبةً فَجالا

32. made happy - we exalted and cast down our burdens,
by the light of the meteors of Allah’s religion.

٣٢. حَججْتُ بها شِهابَ الدّينِ حَجّاً
فكان لدينِ هِمَّتيَ الكَمالا

33. Eyes that had adorned themselves with kohl rested,
The greatest meteor wandering the horizons

٣٣. وأَسعَدَ قُربُ أَسعدَ آمِليه
فكبَّرْنا وأَلقيْنَا الرِّحالا

34. in traces and most noble deeds,
and highest in rank of glories

٣٤. بنُورِ شهابِ دينِ اللهِ قَرَّتْ
عُيونٌ قد ملَكْنَ به اكتِحالا

35. when they take pride, and greatest in gifts.
We hope it will last and remain

٣٥. أَجلُّ الشُّهْبِ في الآفاقِ سَيْراً
وآثاراً وأَشْرفُها فِعالا

36. while the sun of its state is safe from declining,
guiding newcomers to it by name

٣٦. وأعْلاها مَحلاًّ في المَعالي
إذا افتخَروا وأعظَمُها نَوالا

37. so the young man does not fear going astray.
It became accustomed to generously hosting them from the start -

٣٧. ونَأْمُلُ أنْ سيُفْنيها ويَبْقَى
وتَأْمَنُ شَمسُ دَوْلته زَوالا

38. were they to ask, it would not know how to refuse.
It increases in humility over its loftiness

٣٨. يَدُلُّ الوافِدينَ إليه ذِكْرٌ
فلا يَخْشَ الفتى عنه الضَّلالا

39. and shows who is higher than one exalted.
It is the brother of a pen to which pens are humbly obedient -

٣٩. تَعوَّد أنْ يَجودَهمُ ابْتداءً
فلو سأَلوهُ ما عَرَفَ السُّؤالا

40. slaves while it is their master in majesty,
with a victorious hand of books in glory

٤٠. يَزيدُ على تَواضُعِه ارْتفاعاً
ويَظْهَرُ مَن عَلا مِمَّنْ تَعالى

41. so they come swaggering proudly.
When it depicted a bow and arrow

٤١. أخو قَلَمٍ له الأقلامُ طُرّاً
عَبيدٌ وهْوَ مَوْلاها جَلالا

42. and struggled in the high places with them,
it told in the heart of its envious foe

٤٢. بكفّ مُتَوِّجٍ للكُتْبِ عِزّاً
فتَأْتي وهْي تَخْتالُ اخْتِيالا

43. the truth of what its example traced.
It has an opinion the Sultan insisted

٤٣. إذا ما مثَّلَتْ قَوساً وسَهماً
وناضَل في العُلا بِهما نِضالا

44. that he rely upon completely.
If he ties relations with one he hopes for,

٤٤. حكَى في قَلْبِ حاسدِه فِعالاً
حَقيقةَ ما يَخُطُّ له مِثالا

45. then one need not fear the knot will unravel.
When an enemy of religion revolts,

٤٥. له رَأْيٌ أبَى السُّلطانُ إلاّ
عليه أنْ يُعِدَّ له اتّكالا

46. they experience its harshest steel.
And most eloquent in speech or discourse

٤٦. إذا عقَد الذِّمامَ لِمَنْ رَجاهُ
فلا يَخْشَ لعُقْدتِه انْحِلالا

47. when they witness a tyrant or debate.
Secure is its bond of dignity when

٤٧. إذا ما ثارَ دونَ الدّينِ خَصْمٌ
بَلَوا منه أَشَدّ فتىً مِحالا

48. great waves make the mountains tremble.
Its sword blade is polished but

٤٨. وأَوسعَهمْ كِلاماً أو كَلاماً
إذا شَهِدوا جِلاداً أو جِدالا

49. its edge penetrates within like an awl.
When a virtue is perfected and counted

٤٩. وَثيقٌ عَقْدُ حُبْوتهِ وَقاراً
إذا الغَمَراتُ زَعَزعْنَ الجبالا

50. for one of generosity, your virtues for us were made complete.
How often hopeful has quenched its thirst at your spring,

٥٠. صَقيلٌ حَدُّ صارِمِه ولكنْ
يُدِبُّ فِرِنْدُهُ فيه النِّمالا

51. a suckling that does not lead to weaning!
How often has the cloud drawn its cheek until

٥١. إذا ما خَصْلةٌ كَمُلَتْ وعُدَّتْ
لذي كَرَمٍ كَمُلْتَ لنا خِصالا

52. it learned to drizzle from your fingers!
The sky has not attained where it would allow

٥٢. وكم رَضَعَ الرَّجاءُ نَداكَ قِدْماً
رَضاعاً لم يُعقِّبْهُ فِصالا

53. your horses shoes among its people.
When the horse of the defiant wanted to gallop,

٥٣. وكم سحَب السّحابُ الخَدَّ حتّى
تَعلّمَ من أناملَك انْهِمالا

54. the pack retreated from it in columns.
If you compete with the sea's abyss in generosity,

٥٤. وما سمَتِ السّماءُ بحيثُ تَرضَى
لخَيْلِك من أَهِلَّتِها نِعالا

55. it could not contain even an ant's sip.
It is enough glory for paper and pens

٥٥. إذا فَرَسُ المُعانِدِ رامَ رَكْضاً
تَراجعَت الحُجولُ له شِكالا

56. that they divided your right and left hand between them.
You were created beautifully for the wine vessels of eminence,

٥٦. إذا ساجَلْتَ لُجَّ البَحْرِ جُوداً
فما يَحْوِي لأنْمُلَةٍ بَلالا

57. and the horses of zeal have spread out for you a place.
Whenever you extend to it a hand with ink,

٥٧. كفَى القِرطاسَ والأقلامَ فَخْراً
أنِ اقْتَسَما يَمينَك والشِّمالا

58. it comes to a limb and stops a heated debate.
The time has blamed its course on its passion –

٥٨. قِداحُ عُلاً خُلِقْتَ لها مُجِيلاً
وخَيلُ نُهىً فَسَحْتَ لها مَجالا

59. a brother of blames whose ropes you have tied.
How often has the envious one sought in vain

٥٩. إذا ما مَدَّةٌ لك من دَواةٍ
أتَتْ طَرْفاً كفَتْ حَرْباً سِجالا

60. that your slipper meet the crown of its forehead!
You have intended for one of little wealth humiliation,

٦٠. لقد ذَمَّ الزَّمانَ إلى هَواهُ
أخو ذِمَمٍ عقَدْتَ له حِبالا

61. so your action refuted for him words.
And folded a joint of his until he became

٦١. وكم طلَبَ الحَسودُ فلم يُقابِلْ
لنَعْلِك تاجُ مَفْرِقهِ قِبالا

62. one who sees murder but cannot see a fight.
Lastly, your right hand counted generosity

٦٢. وذي ضِغْنٍ عَمدْتَ له احتِقاراً
فَعالَك وانتضَيْتَ له مَقالا

63. that it pulled its reins taut.
His sickness was not days, but

٦٣. وطَبَّق مَفْصِلاً منه فأضحَى
يَرى قَتْلاً وليسَ يَرى قِتالا

64. a Nabataean shower that heals the incurable.
I asked fate, “Is there any share for me in you?”

٦٤. وآخِرَ ما عدَتْ يُمناكَ جُوداً
أنِ استَلَّتْ سَخائمَه اسْتِلالا

65. It answered neither with a yes nor no,
that I may know your opinion of me beforehand,

٦٥. ولم يَك داؤه أَمَماً ولكنْ
نطاسِيٌّ النّدى يَشْفِي العُضالا

66. and follow if it treats me well or ill.
My name is none but your servant - how then

٦٦. سألتُ الدَّهرَ هل ليَ فيكَ حظُّ
فلا نَعَمٌ أجابَ بهِ ولا لا

67. did my place to you become safekeeping or abasement?
Just as you call thirst or drink

٦٧. لِيَعْلمَ فيَّ رأْيَكَ قَبْلُ عِلْماً
فيَتبَع إنْ أدالَ وإنْ أذالا

68. whatever foreigners you meet.
But I have long-standing days of slavery,

٦٨. وما اسْمِي غيرُ عبدِكَ َكيف أضحَى
مَكانيَ منكَ صَوْناً وابْتِذالا

69. so that points to you my guide.
One who does not know how to attract game with generosity

٦٩. كما تُسْمي عِطاشاً أو رِواءً
تُصادِفُها أعاريباً نِهالا

70. will not hunt the wild beast of praise.
It is forbidden that I see in my composition

٧٠. ولكنْ لي تَقادمُ عَهْدِ رِقٍ
فذاكَ عليكَ علَّمني الدَّلالا

71. diversion from the pact that preceded unraveling.
And how can followers diverge from a saying

٧١. ولن يَصْطادَ وَحْشَ المَدْحِ مَنْ لا
يُجيدُ بِكِفّةِ الكَرَمِ احْتِبالا

72. when the followed has spoken?
So do not permit bonds of thought to loosen from me -

٧٢. وحاشَى أن أرَى لك في اصْطِناعي
عنِ العهدِ الّذي سَبق انْفِتالا

73. for in my pearl there is truth that must be valued.
Indulgence to all who have done a good deed,

٧٣. وكيف تُجاوزُ الأتباعُ قَوْلاً
تُخالِفُه إذا المَتْبوعُ قالا

74. and above indulgence is one who has done and allied.
When your gift is absent it becomes a burden,

٧٤. فلا تُرخِصْ عُقودَ الفِكْرِ منّي
ففي دُرّي حَقيقٌ أن يُغالَى

75. and the best thing is the outcome its praiser hopes for.
I have a master - if I name him one day

٧٥. فسَمْحٌ كُلُّ مَن أَولَى جَميلاً
وفوقَ السّمْحِ مَن أَولَى ووالَى

76. his name for me will bring good fortune.
If I name him I will tell of me

٧٦. إذا ما غَبَّ رِفْدُكَ صار عِبْئاً
وخيرُ الأْمرِ أحمَدُهُ مَآلا

77. what I will be when I see him.
So days of celebration continue for him each year

٧٧. ولي مَولىً إذا أُسمِيه يَوماً
يكونُ ليَ اسْمُه بالسّعْدِ فالا

78. with the Three Meteors, and happiest is their completion.
So the letter that begins the title is enough

٧٨. إذا أسمَيْتُهُ أَخبَرْتُ عنّي
بما سأكونُ حينَ أَراه حالا

79. with the second name to find connection.
And to count the days of congratulations

٧٩. فلا زالتْ له في كُلِّ عامٍ
تَعُدُّ يَداهُ أعيادٌ تَوالى

80. by their number when the year passes.
Like that, eternally, the nations continue

٨٠. على عَدَدِ الثّلاثةِ من شهابٍ
وأسْعَد فامْتثِلْهنّ امْتِثالا

81. to count for him connection and separation.

٨١. فحَرْفا أوَّلِ التّلقيبِ كافٍ
بثاني الاِسْمِ أنَ يَجِدَ اتّصالا

٨٢. وأن يَعتَدَّ أيَّامَ التّهاني
بعِدَّتها إذا ما الحَوْلُ حالا

٨٣. كذلكَ دائماً ما زال تُحْصي
له الأُمَمُ اتِّصالاً وانْفِصالا