1. They have prevented me from the imagination that flows
So there is no union except what is imagined in thought
١. هُمُ منَعوا مِنّا الخيالَ الّذي يَسْري
فلا وَصْلَ إلاّ ما تَصوَّر في الفِكْرِ
2. O you who have power over preventing the eyelids from seeing
Have you not the power to prevent the heart from remembering?
٢. فيا مالكي منْعَ الجُفونِ من الكرَى
ألم تمَلِكوا منْعَ الفؤادِ منَ الذّكر
3. I spend the night while the places of farewell circle around me
And the sea of tears with the specter is inaccessible to cross
٣. أَبِيتُ وسُمّارُ المُنَى بي مُطِيفةٌ
وبحرُ البُكا بالطّيْفِ مُمتَنِعُ العَبر
4. And the night has pitched the stars as tents
And the hand of separation has gestured my eyelids to them
٤. وقد وَتّدَ اللّيلُ النُّجومَ مُخَيّماً
وطَنَّب أجفاني إليها يَدُ الهَجر
5. And it has left betrayal on my cheeks from weeping
The burning of the cheeks of the beauties with betrayal
٥. وغادَر في خَدَّيَّ غُدْراً من البُكا
تَولُّعُ ربِّاتِ الغدائرِ بالغَدر
6. In the morning she became dark-skinned while the night was between us
So what did we get from her dark-skinned faces in the night?
٦. لقد أصبَحَتْ سمراءَ والسُّمْرُ بيننا
فماذا لَقِينا من سَمِيّاتِها السُّمر
7. I did not forget her on the day of departure when
She bid farewell with a smile behind the veil
٧. ولم أنْسَها يومَ الرَّحيلِ وقد لَوتْ
بتَسليمةِ التّوديع حاشيةَ السِّتر
8. While my heart goes with the Yemeni caravan
Having met in front of the enemies in the barren land
٨. وقلبي مع الرَكْبِ اليمانينَ رائحٌ
لقىً بين أيدي العيسِ في البلَدِ القَفر
9. I say while my companions bid me farewell
And a teardrop that I held back is in my throat
٩. أقولُ وإلْفي للوداعِ مُعانِقي
ولى دَمعةٌ غَيّضْتُها فهْي في نَحْري
10. Pour for me cups of wine to drink
So that the horses may walk during my intoxication and I know not
١٠. أدِرْ لي كؤوسَ اللَّثْمِ صِرْفاً لعلّه
تَسيرُ المطايا عند سُكْري ولا أدْري
11. For I have sorrows, if they sense your separation
Then they have left a sea for you by the shore
١١. فلي عَبراتٌ إن أحسَّتْ بِبَيْنِكم
إذنْ تَركَتْ بحراً لكم جانبَ البَرّ
12. O our loved ones, you were excused for the intention
But is there an excuse for the ghosts at night?
١٢. أأحبابَنا هَبْكمْ عُذِرْتُم على النَّوى
فهل لصُدودِ الطَّيْفِ باللّيلِ من عُذر
13. And why has my sky darkened since you left?
Has it not learned the speed of my moon?
١٣. وما لِسَمائي بعدكمْ حار بَدْرُها
ألم يتَعلَّمْ سرعةَ السَّيْرِ من بَدري
14. And why has the eastern wind grown heavy since you traveled?
It used to have the softness of musk in its waving
١٤. ولِمْ ثَقُلَتْ ريحُ الصَّبا مُذْ رحلْتُم
وكانتْ برَدْعِ المِسْكِ طَيِّيةَ النَّشر
15. You traveled, so you brought my old age closer
With worries, and took my evening away from dawn
١٥. رَحلتُمْ فقرَّبتُمْ مشيبي من الصِّبا
هموماً وباعدتُمْ عِشائي منَ الفَجر
16. So between the whiteness of my cheek is the gleam of lightning
And between the whiteness of my night is the promise of the resurrection
١٦. فبينَ بياضَيْ عارضِي لَمْعُ بارقٍ
وبين بياضَيْ ليلتي مَوعِدُ الحَشر
17. Is there a scout assigned to the nights
To dispel heavy sleep from the mid-afternoon?
١٧. فهل من نَقيبٍ للّيالي مُوكَّلٍ
بأنْ يَنفِيَ النّومَ الدَّعِيَّ من العَصر
18. To take, since you left, my nights, severing
Their braids, which have not belonged to my life
١٨. فيأخذُ مُذْ بِنتُمْ ليالِيَّ قاطِعاً
ذَوائبَها لم يَنتسِبْنَ إلى عُمري
19. So which young man has remedied my complaint at dawn
I will reward what pleases him with gratitude
١٩. فأيُّ فتىً جلّى الغداةَ شِكايتي
جلَوتُ لِما يوليهِ عند الرِّضا شُكرى
20. With a king among the Hashimites in Damascus
Whose face is brilliant, whose glance is noble, taken as a pledge
٢٠. لدى مَلكٍ في الشُّمِّ من آلِ هاشمٍ
نَدي الوجْهِ سامي الطّرفِ مرتَهنِ البِشر
21. He is awe-inspiring in the council, hoped for in intimacy
So may he be brought good fortune and victory
٢١. مَهيبٌ لدى النّادي مُرجَّى لدى النّدى
فيُمناهُ من يُمْنٍ ويُسراهُ من يُسر
22. The Hashimites point to him with their palms
Like the hands of onlookers pointing to the moon
٢٢. تُشيرُ إليه هاشمٌ بأكُفِّها
إشارةَ أيدي النّاظرينَ إلى البَدر
23. And they take refuge in him if a disaster befalls
Like the wing of a bird takes refuge in its nest at night
٢٣. وتأْوي إليه إن ألمّتْ مُلِمّةٌ
ويأْوي جَناحُ الطّيْرِ ليلاً إلى الوَكْر
24. He supports them between opinion and sword
As the son of Ghabya escorted the leopard with victory
٢٤. يُظاهِرُ بينَ الرَّأْيِ والسّيفِ دونهمْ
كما شَيّعَ ابْنُ الغابةِ النّابَ بالظُّفر
25. The spears, while they are thick, nearly
Return by his palms to being green sticks
٢٥. تكاد الرّماحُ السُّمْرُ وهْي ذَوابلٌ
تَعودُ بكَفّيهِ إلى الوَرَقِ الخُضر
26. And he gives free rein to lightning among the clouds
When he brandishes the curved swords with might
٢٦. ويُعطي عِنانَ البرقِ ضمْنَ سحائبٍ
إذا هَزَّ عِطْفَ الأعوجِيّةِ بالحُضر
27. None with forked tongues has rebelled without his flames
With eyes like two embers flung from burning coal
٢٧. وما ثار ذو شِبلَيْنِ من دونِ غِيلِه
بعَينَيْنِ كالمَقْدودَتَينِ منَ الجَمر
28. Like his kindling underneath the caliphate, glancing
Expressing an opinion matching the sword with victory
٢٨. كإذْكائه دونَ الخلافةِ طَرْفَه
مُدِلاًّ برأْيٍ يَقرُنُ النَّصْلَ بالنَّصر
29. And who is like the one with two prides - pride in himself
And pride in those who have preserved for him the epitome of pride
٢٩. ومَن مثْلُ ذي الفَخْرَينِ فَخْرٍ بنفسه
وفَخرٍ بمَنْ أبقَوا له غايةَ الفَخر
30. You have inherited the noble traits from your grandfather Abbas
So that Abbas appears noble from his grandfather Amr
٣٠. حلَلْتَ من العّباسِ جَدِّك يا ابنَهُ
بحيثُ يُرىَ العبَاسُ مِن جَدِّه عَمْرو
31. A young man whom the love of glory is the youth of his face
So adorn him in white in his youthful days
٣١. فتىً كلُّ حُبِّ المجدِ غُرّةُ وجههِ
فوشّحه بِيضاً بأيّامِه الغُرّ
32. Thus this night is illuminated by the moon alone
But it is a moon among brilliant stars
٣٢. فيُقْمِرُ هذا اللّيلُ بالبدرِ وَحْدَه
ولكنّه بَدْرٌ معَ الأنجُمِ الزُّهر
33. Kings who have risen to supremacy, and imams
Of resolve in their times, and those in authority
٣٣. ملوكٌ تَسامَوا للعُلا وأَئمّةٌ
أُولو العزْمِ في أزمانهمْ وأُولو الأَمر
34. The nights appeared continuous in their reign
As the string appears through the pearls
٣٤. تَبدَّى اللَّيالي في تَتابُعِ مُلكِهمْ
كما يتَبدَّى السّلْكُ من خَلَلِ الدُّرّ
35. None were seen like Abbas and Hashim
Similar in glory among the kings of the Arabs
٣٥. ولم يُرَ كالعبّاسِ قِدْماً وهاشمٍ
شَبيهانِ مَجْداً في مُلوك بني النّضر
36. This one whose palm spares the rain
And that one who comes to life with the rain
٣٦. فهذا الّذي تُغْنِي عنِ القَطْرِ كَفُّه
وهذا الذي يَأْتي مُحَيّاهُ بالقَطر
37. May the system of your two noble presences from the people
Be ransomed by the palms of men that do not tremble or languish
٣٧. فدَتْكَ نظامَ الحَضرتَيْنِ منَ الوَرى
أكفُّ رجالٍ لا تَريشُ ولا تَبْري
38. And the adornment of nobles is nothing but deeds
And what adornment for the noble except influence?
٣٨. وما حِليةُ الأَشرافِ إلاّ مآثرٌ
وهل حِلْيةٌ للمشرفيِّ سوى الأثر
39. O pinnacle of eloquence, passion has inclined
To you in love, so be elated for an unmarried maiden
٣٩. ويا ذِروةَ الخُطّابِ عزّاً وقد سعَتْ
إليك هوىً فاطْرَبْ لغانيةٍ بِكْر
40. For she will not accept but your nobility as her spouse
And she seeks no concern but care as her dowry
٤٠. فما تَرتضِي إلاّ علاءكَ بَعْلَها
وما تَبتغِي إلاّ العنايةَ من مَهر
41. And where do you see a suitable noble person in the world
If she matches you in love instead of the daughter of thought?
٤١. وأنّى تَرى كُفْوءاً كريماً من الوَرى
إذا عدَلَتْ بالوُدِّ عنك ابنةُ الفِكر
42. But the face of your highness appeared radiant
So today no beauty remains in her tent
٤٢. ولي خاطرٌ يُغْري بِوأْدِ بناتِه
على حُسْنِها من فَقْدِه كرَمَ الصِّهر
43. And I have not presented praise to the world, nor do I see
My loyalty to you as anything but provision for my Hereafter
٤٣. ولكنْ تَجلّى وجْهُ عَلياكَ طالعاً
فلم تَبْقَ منه اليومَ حسناءُ في خِدر
44. How often have I been generous with my dear soul for you
Like the generosity of my brother benevolence to the delegation abundantly
٤٤. ولم أُهدِ للدّنيا ثنائي ولا أرَى
ولائي لكم إلاّ لآخِرتي ذُخري
45. And I will not silence the envious except with a glance
From the supreme Imamate stance in my matter
٤٥. وكم جُدْتُ بالنّفْسِ العزيزةِ فيكمُ
كجودِ أخي الإحسانِ للوَفْدِ بالوَفر
46. So unite me through it, O son of the most generous
For you are none but the compassionate one from that breast
٤٦. ولن أَكبُتَ الحُسّادَ إلاّ بنَظْرةٍ
من المَوقفِ الأَسْمَى الإماميِّ في أَمري
47. And live nobly for the religion - no nobleman has weakened
And blood - as long as the meadow flows from plentiful rain
٤٧. فصِلْني بهِ يا ابنَ الأكارمِ مُدنِياً
فما أنت إلاّ الباعُ من ذلكَ الصَّدر
48. And take for the right hand of the state his palm that forgives
The secrets of meanings composed from the essence of poetry
٤٨. وعشْ شَرفاً للدِّينِ ما حَنَّ شارِفٌ
ودُمْ ما تَروَّى الروَّضُ من دِيَمٍ غُزر
49. To you every noble person concludes, like
The mouths of valleys flow to the sea
٤٩. وخُذْ ليمينِ الدّولةِ السّمْحِ كَفُّه
سِرارَ مَعانٍ صيغَ من خالصِ الشِّعر
50. O you who grant nobility to the noble for the people
And quench the gnostic with gnosis for the free
٥٠. إليك اقتباساً يَنْتهِي كُلُّ فاضلٍ
كما مَجَّ أفواهُ الشِّعابِ إلى البَحر
51. When a person learns the chronicles of those passed
You would think he lived in the first epochs of time
٥١. فيا فاضِلاً يُولي الفواضلَ للورَى
ويا عارِفاً يَروِي العوارِفَ للحُرّ
52. And think he lived the last of his lifetimes
To the resurrection, if the beautiful is remembered
٥٢. إذا ما درَى الإنسانُ أخبارَ مَنْ مضَى
فتَحسَبُه قد عاشَ في أوَّلِ الدَّهر
53. Whoever lived some of time lived all of it
Nobly and forbearingly, so take advantage of the longest life
٥٣. وتَحسَبُه قد عاش آخِرَ دَهْرِه
إلى الحشْرِ إن أبقَى الجميلَ من الذِّكر
٥٤. فقد عاش كُلَّ الدَّهرِ مَن عاش بَعضَهُ
كريماً حليماً فاغتَنِمْ أَطْولَ العُمر