
He who ascends the heights of glory

من كان فوق سراة المجد معتليا

1. He who ascends the heights of glory
How can the turns of fate assail him as he goes?

١. مَن كان فوق سَراةِ المجدِ مُعتلِياً
مِن أين يَغْشاهُ صَرْفُ الدَّهرِ معتَرِيا

2. You who complain of the injustice every freeman suffers -
It does not unsettle the freeman to find you complaining

٢. يا مُشتكَي كُلِّ حُرٍّ رابَه زَمنٌ
لا روَّع الحُرَّ أن يَلقاكَ مُشتكيا

3. Loftiness is hard to climb - it has wearied those who would ascend;
Yet you never ceased in your lifetime to be a climber.

٣. إنّ العُلا صَعبةٌ أعيى تَسنُّمها
وما بَرِحْتَ لها في الدّهرِ ممتَطيا

4. They said, "He has slipped and fallen into error" -
But I said, "Far be it that the sublime should stray!"

٤. قالوا قد اختلَفتْ منه الخُطا خطأً
فقلتُ حاشا العُلا ما خَطْوهُ خَطيا

5. Say he sought a palace stair but started descending
While he was climbing the stairway to glory.

٥. قُلْ رام في دَرَجٍ للقَصْرِ مُنحَدِراً
وكانَ في درَجٍ للمجد مُرْتَقيا

6. So one foot could not at a single time
Be slipping down while the other was rising aloft.

٦. فلم تُطِقْ في زمانٍ واحدٍ قَدَمٌ
إن كان مُستَفِلاً فيه ومُعتَليا

7. Come now, press on to the folds of glory revealed -
Your striving after supreme heights is the best striving!

٧. ألا فدُمْ لثنايا المَجْدِ تَطلُعها
فمِثلُ سَعيِك في العَلْياء ما سُعيا

8. You have wrapped yourself always in the cloak of life
To waste your enemies and remain throughout time.

٨. لازِلتَ في بُردةٍ للعَيشِ ضافيةٍ
تُفْني عِداك وتَبْقَى الدَّهرَ ما بَقِيا

9. The praised stars in their orbits are harnessed
While the Lesser Bear circles around the Pivot of Pride.

٩. على المَجرّةِ جَرّارُ الذيُّول لها
والثُّريّا لنَعْلِ الفَخرِ مُحتذِيا

10. My glorious friend - had they but done you justice,
Your very heel would no longer be gazed on by people!

١٠. يا ماجداً لو قَضَوْا حقّاً لأخمصِه
لم يَعْدُ في النّاس بالأحْداقِ أن وُقيا

11. Were people to spread out the carpets of their cheeks before him,
It would only be the least he deserves that was rendered.

١١. لو يَفرُشُ النّاسُ ديباجَ الخدودِ له
ما كان إلاّ أقَلُّ الحقِّ قد قُضيا

12. Honor him with a moist branch hung thick with fruit
Till I see you bending its boughs in graciousness!

١٢. أكرِمْ بغُصْنِ ندىً مالَ الثّمارُ به
حتّى أَرَينَك منه العِطْفَ مُنثنيا

13. His loftiness or his coming down in bounty -
Neither the open nor the tight fist can diminish.

١٣. نأى عُلُوّاً أو أدناهُ تَكرُّمُه
مِن كَفِّ مَن يَجْتني منه ليَجْتنيا

14. The winds of happiness once shook him
When the suppliant stretched out a hand toward him.

١٤. وزعزعتْه رِياحُ الأريحيّةِ إذ
مَدَّ المُلمَّ إليه الكَفَّ مُجتديا

15. What can the envious say if his sandal should slip,
Upon which rests the shoulder of the Greater Bear?

١٥. ماذا يَقولُ حَسودٌ أن تَزلَّ له
نَعْلٌ بها مَنْكِبُ الجَوزاءِ قد وُطيا

16. If a sandal slips, its noble wearer refuses to slip -
He whose climb to the heights has never ceased.

١٦. إن زَلَّ نَعْلٌ فيأْبَى أن يَزِلَّ به
جَدٌّ له في المعالي طالما رَقيا

17. Each day there are messages from battles around me -
For whom will I risk my soul in ransom?

١٧. في كُلِّ يومً خطابٌ للخُطوبِ معي
فيمَنْ أَكونُ له بالنّفْسِ مُفْتَدِيا

18. I am worn by time - its events expose me,
While time in its turn is worn down by my patience!

١٨. بُليتُ بالدّهرِ تَعْروني حَوادثُه
والدَّهرُ أيضاً بصَبْري فيه قد بُليا

19. O loneliness that has exiled me in its strange events,
And sheltered me with the fires of anxiety!

١٩. يا غُربةً أغْرَبتْ لي في عَجائِبها
وبَيّتتْني بنارِ الهَمِّ مُصْطَليا

20. There has passed me in you what was easiest for me -
My times have yearned for it, if only they were quenched!

٢٠. قد مَرَّ بي فيك ما مِنّي بأيْسَرِهِ
قدِ اشْتَفَى زَمني إن كان مُشتفيا

21. My heart has settled in a land it will never leave,
Infatuated, drawn to the farthest end of the range.

٢١. قلبي مُقيمٌ بأرضٍ لا يُفارِقُها
هوىً ونِضْوي إلى أقصى المدَى حُديا

22. I am like the pointer of a compass describing a circle -
The guide has become intent on aligning it.

٢٢. كأنّني فَتْحُ بَركارٍ لدائرةٍ
أضحَى المُديرُ بتَسْديدٍ له عُنيا

23. So its shaft is not in the place it was last night,
And its point sweeps over the edges as it swings.

٢٣. فشَطْرُه في مكانٍ غيرِ بَارحِه
وشَطرُه يَمسَحُ الأطرافَ مُرتميا

24. Once it coincided with the rest of the needles for a while,
Until we met and it effaced them, for now they are gone.

٢٤. قد كان نِضْوي بباقي البِيدِ آونةً
حتّى وَصلْنا فأفناها وقد فَنِيا

25. Were it not for enemies and fickle times, I would have a land
In which I could rest and be content.

٢٥. لولا العدا والعَوادي كنتُ ذا وطنٍ
بكَسرةٍ وبكِسْرٍ فيه مُكتَفيا

26. My journey nears its close - shall I ever again
Make the journey back to my beginning in withdrawal?

٢٦. حَتّامَ سَيْري إلى دُنْياي مُعتَسفاً
هل آن سَيْري إلى عُقْبايَ مُنْزَويا

27. Do you not see me propping my back with my hands
When I walk, even drawing near my last steps?

٢٧. أمَا تَراني لظَهْري داعِماً بِيَدي
إذا مشيتُ ولو قارَبْتُ خُطْوتيا

28. After the night of old age's darkness, what excuse remains
That I do not see a guide to the roads before me?

٢٨. هل بعدَ إصباحِ لَيلِ الرّأسِ من عُذُرٍ
ألا أرَى هادياً للسُّبْلِ مُهْتَديا

29. The blackness of my hair that I dyed - I renewed it
With whiteness again after it had faded.

٢٩. هَبِ السَّوادَ الّذي أبلَيتُ كنتُ له
مُجَدِّداً بِبَياضٍ بَعْده غَشِيا

30. Is there any robe but the dusty ragged one
When the whiteness I renewed has worn away?

٣٠. هل من لباسٍ سوى غَبراءَ مُظلمةٍ
إذا البياضُ الّذي جَدَّدْتُه بَلِيا

31. The dust of white hair covers over my youth
And I sleep wrapped in the written fate.

٣١. وقد علَتْ غُبرةُ الشَّيبِ الشَّبيبةَ لي
فبِتُّ للأجَلِ المكْتوبِ مُكْتَليا

32. The book of my life - its pages are yellowed with nights,
And the yellowed cannot be rolled up again.

٣٢. كتابُ عُمْري اللّيالي تَرّبتْه وما
أدنَى المُترَّبَ أن تَلْقاه مُنْطَويا

33. The glancing blow of a whim will not strike
Straight as an arrow if the bow is bent.

٣٣. أبتْ دَريئةُ لَهْوٍ أن يكونَ لها
إصابةٌ بقَنا قَدٍّ إذا حُنِيا

34. I am the son of a time that has abandoned me -
All my brothers have gone to claim its sons.

٣٤. أنا ابْنُ دَهرٍ جَفاني فيه كلُّ أخٍ
إلى بُنوَّته قد راحَ مُنْتَميا

35. The great ones - their abandonment is not concealed,
And I was not hoping for help from the insignificant.

٣٥. أمّا الكِبارُ فما يَخْفَى جَفاؤهمُ
ولم أكنْ لصِغارِ النّاسِ مُرتَجيا

36. However, all the sins of time are pardoned,
And the mention of them erased from my heart's page.

٣٦. لكنْ جَميعُ ذنوبِ الدَّهرِ مُغْتَفَرٌ
وعن صَحيفةِ قلبي ذِكرُها مُحِيا

37. Time overlooks a stumble here and there -
It has rewarded me for overlooking its stumbles.

٣٧. صَفْحُ الزّمانِ له عن عَثْرةٍ بدَرَتْ
بالصَّفْحِ عن عَثَراتِ الدَّهْرِ قد جُزيا

38. It asked my pardon until I pardoned, following its example,
When before I had never pardoned time.

٣٨. أقالَ حتّى أقَلْنا مقتدينَ به
ولم أكنْ قبلَها بالدَّهْرِ مُقتَديا

39. If someone disowns me for my time's accusation of him,
I am cleared of complaint, and we are quits!

٣٩. مَن كان يَبْرأُ من ذَمّي له زَمني
فقد بَرِئتُ من الشَّكْوى وقد بَرِيا

40. I have safety, though the barren reign is safeguarded by it,
Compelling thanks for a time so long complained of.

٤٠. سلامةٌ سَلمَ المُلكُ العقيمُ بها
وأوجبَتْ شُكرَ دَهْرٍ طالما شُكيا

41. So say to your fate as it takes up work again -
For its resting places, it has been granted amnesty!

٤١. فقُلْ لدَهْرك يَستأنِفْ له عَمَلاً
فعَن مَواضيهِ مُذْ عوفيتَ قد عُفيا

42. O you in whom the health of realms resides -
When you are healed, say all the world is healed!

٤٢. يا مَن به تَحفَظُ الدُّولاتُ صِحَّتَها
إذا شُفِيتَ فقلْ كلُّ الورى شُفيا

43. Were it not for your restraint of fate,
Never would I cease accusing it while I live.

٤٣. لولا ذِمامٌ للدّهْرِ أنت عاقِدُه
ما كنتُ عن ذمّهِ ما عشْتُ مُنْتَهيا

44. You have given fate a true excuse -
The mention of it erases every former sin.

٤٤. أصْبحتَ للدّهر عُذراً صادقاً فغَدا
لذكْرِه كلُّ ذنبٍ سابقٍ نُسيا

45. Take to yourself one I would not approve, though
You have attained the noblest of moral traits.

٤٥. فخُذْ إليك الّذي لا أرتَضيه وإن
أصبحْتَ من كرمِ الأخلاقِ مُرتَضيا

46. I am one who apologizes for past shortcomings,
Which redouble my shame when repeated.

٤٦. إنّي لَمِنْ سالفِ التّقصير مُعتَذِرٌ
بما يُضاعِفُ تَخْجيلي إذا تُليا

47. But how can I apologize for shortcomings
When my apology itself is a shortcoming?

٤٧. وكيف أَغدو منَ التّقصيرِ مُعتذِراً
ونَفْسُ عُذْريَ تَقصيرٌ إذا رُئيا

48. O perfect one in whom the scattered heights are gathered -
And who has set out to virtue and virtue's increase!

٤٨. يا كاملاً فيه أشتاتُ العُلا جُمعَتْ
فراحَ للفَضْلِ والإفضالِ مُحتويا

49. He is never done gently reforming a corrupt nature -
Evil turns good under the touch of his reform!

٤٩. مازال مِن لينِ أخلاق كرُمْنَ لَه
لفاسدٍ الخِلّ بالإصلاحِ مُعْتَنيا

50. However much I make excuses, I remain
Bowing my eyes to the ground in shame before people.

٥٠. مهما اعتذَرْتُ بعُذْرٍ لي أكونُ له
في النّاسِ مطرِقَ طَرْفِ العين مستَحيا

51. You take my twisted excuse and straighten it out
Displaying it evenly to the world wherever it is cited.

٥١. أخذْتَ عذْريَ مُعوَجّاً وتَعرِضُه
على الورى مُستقيماً حيثُما اجْتُليا

52. Like wax taking the impression of a seal -
Its writing is reversed so people can read it clear.

٥٢. كالشّمعِ يَقبلُ نقْشَ الفَصّ مُنعكساً
مَكتوبهُ ليُريهِ النّاسَ مُسْتَويا

53. My poetry - and you are its narrator - is raised up by your voice.
My poetry and your poetry wherever they are recited!

٥٣. شِعْرِي وأنتَ له الرّاوي لرفعتِه
شِعْرَى وشِعرِيَ شِعْرَى حيثُما رُويا

54. The sea casts up pearls that once lay hidden
In the ears of its oysters when they were aware.

٥٤. والبَحرُ يَلفِظُ دُرّاً كان واقِعُه
في أُذْنِ أصنافهِ قَطْراً إذا وُعيا

55. You are the sea, indeed, of bliss and dew
When you come forth to us flowing freely!

٥٥. حَبٌّ لمُزْنٍ غَدا حَبّاً بلُجّته
ودُرُّ سُحْبِ غدا دُرّاً كما حُكِيا

56. It is as if you are gentleness and generosity -
A cloud wrapped in kindness and lent to the clouds.

٥٦. فالبَحرُ أَنت لعَمْري من نُهىً وندىً
إذا طلَعْتَ لنا في الحَيِّ مُنتَدِيا

57. Be joyous! - Time's bounty and you are its bridegroom.
What great fortune you have had from it - you have been fortunate!

٥٧. كأنّما أنت من حِلْمٍ ومن كرمٍ
طَودٌ بجودٍ غدا للسُّحْبِ مُرتَديا

58. All of time has joined together for you in its beauty,
Ugly things hidden in its beauty and obscured.

٥٨. إسْعَدْ بجَدِّ الزّمان أنت غُرّتُه
بأيِّ حَظٍّ كبيرٍ منْك قد حَظيا

59. Sublimity is the necklace - you who wear it!
Yet your time has adorned itself using you as jewelry!

٥٩. تَنظَّمَتْ لك ملْء الدّهرِ واتّصلَتْ
مَحاسنٌ قُبحُهُ في حُسْنِها خَفيا

60. The excellent cannot wear the string of pearls fit for it
In jewelry until the wire supporting it is also jeweled.

٦٠. إنّ المَعالي لَحَلْيٌ أنت لابسُه
لكنْ زمانُك تَطفيلاً به حَليا

61. O skilled composer in diffuse and compact words,
In excellent action customary or newly undertaken!

٦١. والجِيدُ لا يَكْتسي العِقدَ النَظيمَ له
في الحَلْيِ حتّى يكونَ السِّلكُ مكتَسِيا

62. When what you have done becomes beautiful, we say
By your deeds you have accumulated expertise.

٦٢. يا مُبدعَ القَولِ مَبْسوطاً ومُخَتصراً
ومُحسِنَ الفِعلِ مُعتاداً ومُبْتَديا

63. If you wish to look at the world's happiness,
Then gaze upon your face in the mirror!

٦٣. لمّا غدا حَسناً ما أنت فاعِلُه
قُلنا بفِعلكِ قد أصبَحْتَ مكتَنيا

64. And if the night of grave affairs has no dawn,
Then be its dawn by the light of your discernment!

٦٤. إذا أردتَ إلى سَعدِ الوَرى نَظَراً
فكنْ لوَجْهِك في المِرآةِ مُجتليا

65. Loyal ones have turned to you from time's caprice -
When it went tyrannically wrong in days before.

٦٥. وإنْ دَجا ليلُ خطبٍ لا صباحَ له
فكنْ لرأيك في داجِيه مُنتَضيا

66. Victory is always guaranteed by the Lord of the Throne
To the one tyrannized without cause.

٦٦. تابَ النَّصوحُ إليك الدّهرَ من زَلَلٍ
منه تَقَدَّمَ لمّا جارَ مُعتَديا

67. May he who has turned tyrannical toward the rank
Sublime, though he falls short of deserving it, be ransomed!

٦٧. والنَصرُ مازال رَبُّ العَرْشِ ضامِنَه
لِمنْ عليه بلا اسْتحقاقِه بُغياً

68. Their advancing him was meant to draw him nearer,
While their preparing you was meant to destroy him.

٦٨. فِداؤه مَن مع التَّقْصيرِ عنه غَدا
بَغْياً لرُتْبته العَلْياء مُبْتَغِيا

69. Like an arrow its eager shooter brings closer to thrust far,
Or a sword its zealous bearer draws near to unsheathe.

٦٩. قد كان تَقْديمُهمْ إيّاهُ مقتَرِباً
وكان إعدادُهمْ إيّاكَ مُنتَسيا

70. Let gladness and ease return to people - the beloved bough
Of a generous brother's tree whose gifts are hoped for!

٧٠. كالسَّهْم قَرَّبَه رامٍ ليُبْعِدَه
والسّيفِ يَقْرُبُه حامٍ ليَنْتضيا

71. His splendor has returned to the sultan's court -
The eyelid separates only so the two can meet!

٧١. فَلْيَهنأ النّاسَ عَوْدٌ من أخي كرمٍ
عُداتُه اليومَ تَرجو كلَّ من خُشيا

72. He has completed the treasured gift by giving generously,
As the bough only adorns itself when it is stripped bare.

٧٢. عادتْ إلى حضرةِ السُّلطانِ طَلعتُه
والجَفْنُ لم يَفترِقْ إلاّ لَيلْتقيا

73. May he remain ever the pillar of the radiant state,
Made its guide, set upright, advancing with integrity!

٧٣. وأتلفَ المُقتنَى جُوداً فأخلفَه
والغُصْنُ لا يَكْتسي إلاّ إذا عَريا

74. He it is who never ceased to build for glory,
Bending to great deeds or accumulating praise.

٧٤. فدام للدّولةِ الغَرّاءِ مُعتَمَداً
مُسدَّداً رائحاً بالنُّصْح مُغْتديا

75. From his subtlety come breaths which, if exhaled,
Can bring dead bone to life again for the valiant one.

٧٥. فهْو الّذي لم يزَلْ للمجدِ مُبتَنيا
طَوْعَ المكارمِ أو للحَمْدِ مُقْتنيا

76. Until God has cleared aside the obstruction,
He was the sickness in my heart seeking its edges.

٧٦. له من اللُّطْفِ أنفاسٌ إذا نفحَتْ
رَميمَ عظْمٍ رَجاءً للفتَى حَييا

77. So redeem him from the blows of fate descending,
My intertwining - he is more worthy than any ransomed!

٧٧. قد كان حتّى أماطَ اللهُ عارِضَه
مريضُ قلبي منَ الأطرافِ مُحتَميا

78. He brings my distant goals closer when they are far,
Just as he answers my call for victory when invoked.

٧٨. فلْتَفدِه من خُطوبِ الدّهرِ نازلةً
حُشاشتي وهو أَولَى من بها فُدِيا

79. His breast is bursting with seas - were the earth's oceans
Poured into him, still they could not quench his thirst!

٧٩. فهْو المُقرِّبُ أغراضي إذا بَعُدَتْ
وهْو المُجيبُ إلى نَصْري إذا دُعيا

80. Wisdom will sustain him in the dearth his folly causes -
How many a gush of ignorant passion restrains him!

٨٠. وكاشحٌ صَدرُه مَلآنُ من غُلَلٍ
فلو سقَوْهُ بحارَ الأرضِ ما رَويا

٨١. يُبْقيهِ حِلْمٌ ستُغْنيهِ مَغبّتُه
كم سقْطِ جَهْلٍ به زَنْدُ الحِجاوَريا