
Memories on the day of farewell, the light of Anwar

أذاكرة يوم الوداع نوار

1. Memories on the day of farewell, the light of Anwar
And a hand and bracelet gleamed from it

١. أذاكرةٌ يومَ الوَداع نَوارُ
وقد لَمَعتْ منها يَدٌ وسِوارُ

2. In the evening they were stingy to be generous, so they made excuses
And they feared the enemy, so they gestured

٢. عَشِيّةَ ضَنّوا أن يَجودوا فعلَّلُوا
وخافوا العِدا أن يَنْطِقوا فأشاروا

3. They prepared the ships of Jesus which always
Plow through the ignorant night darkness

٣. حدَوْا سُفْنَ عِيسٍ لم تزَلْ بصُدورِها
تُخاضُ من اللّيلِ البهيم غِمار

4. So they left as ruins passed over them
And they left the settlements of life as ruins

٤. فَحلُّوا قِفاراً مَرّتِ الظُّعْنُ فوقَها
وخَلَّوا ديارَ الحَيِّ وهْيَ قِفار

5. They went as precious pearls, their shells are tents
And they have nothing but mirages in the sea as guides

٥. غدَوا دُرَراً أصدافُهنّ هوادِجٌ
وليس لها إلاّ السّرابَ بِحار

6. And their prices are souls that are sacrificed, and the clamor
Ukaz belongs to them, and spears are their trade

٦. وأثمانُها الأرواحُ تُبذَلُ والوغى
لَهُنّ عُكاظٌ والرِّماحُ تِجار

7. Take another look, O guide of life, heading
To where the horses are agitated from the stables

٧. أعِدْ نظَراً يا رائدَ الحَيِّ قاصداً
إلى أينَ من حُزْوَى المَطِيُّ تُثار

8. As for them, to my heart from the eyes in the morning
They walk to gather the camels and journey

٨. أما همْ إلى قلبي من العينِ غُدْوةً
يَسيرون أن زَمُّوا الجِمالَ وساروا

9. To a liver that complains of the love of a barren woman
They traveled from eyelids whose clouds are abundant

٩. إلى كَبِدٍ تَشكو الغرامَ جديبةٍ
سَروْا من جفونٍ سُحْبُهنّ غِزار

10. And they only left to regain strength, and if they knew
What was inside me, they would be confused in the journey and return

١٠. وما رَحلوا إلاّ انتجاعاً فلو دَرَوْا
بِما بي لَحاروا في المَسيرِ وجاروا

11. With my soul a gazelle whom distance came between us
So the beloved of union returned while he was light

١١. بنَفْسي غزالٌ أَعرضَ البُعدُ دونَه
فعادَ رَبيبُ الوَصْلِ وَهْوَ نَوار

12. My eye blames when my thoughts are distracted
And the blame of the obsessed, enamored one is harm

١٢. تُعاتَبُ عيني حين يَعلَقُ خاطري
ولَومُ المَشوقِ المُستهامِ ضِرار

13. And my heart is restless when my gaze wanders
So some of me is jealous of some of me

١٣. ويَقْلَقُ قلبي حين يَطْرُقُ ناظري
فَبعْضِيَ من بَعْضي عليه يَغار

14. Is there a drink to quench the thirst of an outcast?
For in my chest from the fire of separation there are embers

١٤. فهل نَهْلةٌ تَشْفي الغليلَ لمُدْنَفٍ
ففي الصّدْرِ من نارِ الفراقِ أُوار

15. My heart keeps company while to the eye it is a deserter
The heart of the passionate one who has deviated from its course

١٥. يُواصِلُ قلبي وهْو للعين هاجِرٌ
لَصيقُ فؤادٍ شَطَّ منه مَزار

16. If only the homes of the displaced were our hearts
In order to find solace, or if only hearts were homes

١٦. فليت ديارَ النّازحاتِ قلوبُنا
لِتسلُوَ أم ليت القلوبَ دِيار

17. My heart insisted on remembering them after
Their likenesses appeared with the dawn

١٧. أبى القلبُ إلاّ ذِكْرَهُنّ وقد بَدا
معَ الصّبحِ أشْباهاً لَهنَّ صُوار

18. And one night imagination gave me visions
And in sleep, if not for fantasies it would have fled

١٨. وليلةَ أهْدَيْنَ الخيالَ لناظري
وبالنّومِ لولا الطّيفُ عنه نِفار

19. I hunted it while the horizon was wearing
A dress of darkness, its weaving ignited and illuminated

١٩. تَقنَّصْتُه والأُفْقُ يجتابُ حُلّةً
من الوَشْيِ يُسدَى نَسْجُها ويُنار

20. So do not think the Gemini, your gaze assumes
It is a gift for it, the shooting stars are scattered

٢٠. فلا يَحسَبِ الجوزاءَ طَرْفُك أنّها
هَدِيٌّ لها شُهْبُ الظّلامِ نِثار

21. And that the Pleiades in its silver cup
Is in the hands of the drunk Zanj while it spins

٢١. وأنّ الثُريّا باتَ فِضّيُّ كأسِها
بأيدي نَدامَى الزَّنْجِ وهْو يُدار

22. For it is nothing but the breath of my longing
Smoke that rises and the stars are embers

٢٢. فليس الدُّجَى إلاّ لنارِ تَنَفُّسي
دُخانٌ تَراقَى والنُّجومُ شَرار

23. Hold back, my heart, from passion, O son of Hamid
Or else my night will remain day for what is left of it

٢٣. رُوَيْداً لقَلْبي بالهوَى يا ابنَ حامدٍ
وإلاّ فلَيْلِي ما بَقيِت نَهار

24. If a banner for you rises in a city
Then for darkness and gloom there is escape

٢٤. إذا طَلَعتْ في بلدةٍ لكَ رايةٌ
فللظُّلْمِ منها والظّلامِ فِرار

25. A group that protects the precious religion in time
Who seek refuge from great adversity and take shelter

٢٥. فِدىً لعزيزِ الدّينِ في الدّهرِ عُصبةٌ
أجارَ من الخَطْبِ الجسيمِ وجاروا

26. From the eggs, as for its sea due to its chastity
It is pure, and as for its pearls they are big

٢٦. منَ البِيضِ أمّا بَحرُه لعُفاتِه
فَطامٍ وأمّا دُرُّه فكِبار

27. The young man of time, no man rose to support him
And vengeance remained for him during adversities

٢٧. فتَى الدّهرِ ما ثار امْرؤٌ لِيَؤمَّه
فَيْبقَى له عند المطالِبِ ثار

28. He meets the extending porches with moisture
And for might, one day, if it is shaded with precaution

٢٨. يُلِمُّ بمَغْشِيِّ الرِّواقَيْنِ للِنّدَى
وللبأسِ يوماً إن أظَلَّ حِذار

29. A couch which you can see the missions of kings frequenting it
As groups scattered above the gardens

٢٩. عِراصٌ تَرى رُسْلَ الملوكِ تَحُلُّها
كما انتثَرتْ فوق الرِّياضِ قِطار

30. When a delegation of visitors bid farewell
Others came to the end and visited

٣٠. إذا سار وَفْدٌ زائرون فَودَّعوا
تَناهَى إليها آخَرونَ فَزاروا

31. Ambitions, if he willed, he traveled by night
At dawn, the eyes of the sun from him are dazzled

٣١. هُمامٌ إذا ما شاء صَبَّحَ مارِقاً
بأرْعَنَ عينُ الشّمسِ منه تَحار

32. And every young man, for the eye and sword, if he conquers
He is too proud for his eyelid to meet the ignorant

٣٢. وكُلُّ فتىً للعينِ والسّيفِ إنْ غَزا
يَعِزُّ بجَفْنٍ أنْ يُلِمَّ غِرار

33. A lever, when the tyrant's cheek became enraged
He returned the blood of the tyrant while he was a tyrant

٣٣. مشيحٌ إذا الجَبّار صَعّرَ خَدّه
أعاد دَمَ الجَبّار وهْو جُبار

34. And he repelled the thin lofty ones with short ones
The next morning for the soft, elegant lean ones

٣٤. ورَدَّ طِوالَ السّمهريّ قصيرةً
غداةَ لجَيْن المَشْرفيَ نُضار

35. To the extent that the gold coins of the faces are revealed
By the pecking of the delicate, elegant beaks they are tossed

٣٥. بحيثُ دنانير الوجوهِ مَشوفة
بنَقْرِ بنانِ المرهَفاتِ تُطار

36. And where the majesty of his heavyset stature from the horrors of his day
He sees while he is an advantage in the sky, aroused

٣٦. وحيث وَقور الطَّودِ من هَوْلِ يَومِه
يَرَى وهْو نَفْع في السّماء مُثار

37. And if he wished, tubes sprouted from spears in his grip
Until the ignorant cannot be rebuked

٣٧. وإن شاء نابَتْ عن رماحٍ بكَفّهِ
أنابيبُ حتّى لا يُشَنّ غِرار

38. Swords that penetrate the hearing, if the channels are silent
It penetrates them for fate in secrecy

٣٨. حديداتُ خَرْقِ السَمْعِ إنْ صَمّتِ القنا
تَغلغلَ فيه للقَضاء سِرار

39. If his hand plants them in a paper
They become, and they have the arrogance of the openings as fruits

٣٩. إذا غرسَتْها كَفّه في صحيفةٍ
غدَتْ ولها غُرّ الفتوح ثِمار

40. O you who the greenness of your glance surpasses the stars
When darkness separates from it for the eyes

٤٠. ايا مَن تَفوقُ النّجمَ غُرّةُ طِرْفِه
إذا انشَقَّ عنه للعيونِ غُبار

41. The Sultan chose you for advice while awake
So he paired a secret from your love openly

٤١. تَخيَّركَ السّلطانُ للنُّصحِ صاحياً
فشابهَ سِرّاً من هَواكَ جِهار

42. It became like the derivation of both your names is your qualities
Clarity so the rope of accord is woven

٤٢. غدا كاشتقاقِ اسمَيْكُما مَعْنَياكُما
صفاءً فحَبْلُ الائتِلافِ مُغار

43. And does the son of Hurrah fear the stain of time
While you are for him what he needs to be wary of

٤٣. وهل يَتّقي رَيْبَ الزّمانِ ابنُ حُرّةٍ
وأنت له مِمّا يُحاذِرُ جار

44. The full moon would not be eclipsed if you were its companion
An eclipse covering its face and secrecy

٤٤. وما كان يَغشَى البدْرَ لو كنتَ جارَهُ
خُسوفٌ يُغَطّي وَجهَهُ وسِرار

45. But it borrows from the light of other than you
So no wonder if it falters in its steps

٤٥. ولكنّه من نورِ غَيرِك قابسٌ
فلا غَرو إن لَوَّى خُطاهُ عِثار

46. Your envious enemies, the comings of their worries at night
And they are adversities upon the emblem

٤٦. حَسودُك تُمسي طارقاتُ همومِه
وهنّ له دون الشِّعارِ شِعار

47. Like the sheathing of a sword in which is the closing of its eyelid
So the lashes of its eyes are blades upon it

٤٧. كتطْبيقِ سَيْفٍ فيه إطباقُ جَفْنِه
فأشفارُ عينَيْهِ عليه شِفار

48. When a worry sits with it, it shakes its heart
And fire spreads between its ribs

٤٨. إذا ضافَهُ هَمٌّ يصافِحُ قَلّبَه
ورَتْ منه ما بين الأضالعِ نار

49. And with the slightest touch, it is as if
For it, the chest is fragile and the fingertips are embers

٤٩. وجاءتْ لأدْنَى مِسحةٍ فكأنّما
له الصَدْر مَرْخٌ والبَنانُ عَفار

50. You rose with all the qualities of glory
So there is nothing higher except to you it is pointed

٥٠. طلعْتَ ثَنِيّاتِ المناقبِ كُلَّها
فما في العُلا إلاّ إليكَ يُشار

51. And time would not be if it were not your servant
And the earth would not be if it were not your home

٥١. وما الدّهْرُ لولا أنّه لك خادِمٌ
وما الأرضُ لولا أنّها لكَ دار

52. You are humble despite your greatness and you are adorned with a glance
With the corner of an eye from you when it is exposed

٥٢. تَواضَعُ عن عُظْمٍ وتُزْهَي بنَظرةٍ
بمُؤْخَرِ عَينٍ منك حينَ تُعار

53. For with you if the clouds run out there is comfort
And in you if the mountains' dignity abates there is composure

٥٣. فعندك إن جَفّ الغمائمُ نُجعةٌ
وفيك إذا خَفَّ الجبالُ وَقار

54. You are called the champion of religion, auspicious is the prayer
So by your name one is protected from the evils of time

٥٤. دُعيتَ عزيزَ الدّينِ أْيمَنَ دَعوةٍ
فباسْمِك من رَيْبِ الزّمانِ يُجار

55. By the narrative of an eye from him when it marks the ground
For you the horses sacrifice settling the lands

٥٥. بمَحْكيَ عَيْنٍ منه إذ يَسِمُ الثَّرَى
لك الخيلُ يَضحِي للبلادِ قَرار

56. And in the horizon the crescent describes it so
Through you it grows as your emblem rises above it

٥٦. وفي الأُفْقِ يَحكيه الهلالُ فَيزدَهِي
به الدّهرَ إذ يَعلوهُ منك شِعار

57. You possessed the land of creation and their sky
So is there for the arrogant beyond this pride?

٥٧. مَلكْتَ إذَنْ أرضَ الورى وسماءهمْ
فهل فوق هذا للفَخور فَخار

58. I swore by the restorer of the excellent, protected building
To which the virtue of transcendence comes and is visited

٥٨. حَلفْتُ بعاديِّ البِناء مُحجَّنٍ
يُجابُ له عَرْضُ الفلا ويُزار

59. And the hope for God's forgiveness in its shadows
When it brings together the visitors and neighborliness

٥٩. وتأميل عفْوِ الله تحت ظِلالِه
إذا ضَمَّه والزّائرينَ جِوار

60. Whiter than the water of eyes for His sake
And redder than the water of throats is bitter

٦٠. وأبيضَ من ماء العيونِ لأجلِه
وأحمرَ من ماء النَّحورِ يُمار

61. And the voices of praisers return whenever
A beautiful camel is fattened or a camel is fattened

٦١. وتَرجع أصواتِ المُهِلّينَ كلّما
دَمِينَ جِمالٌ أو رُمِينَ جِمار

62. You are nothing but a house of glory and hospitality
To meet needs it continuously gives generously and favors

٦٢. لمَا أنت إلاّ بيتُ مجدٍ وسُؤددٍ
للُقيْاهُ يُسْرَي دائماً ويُسار

63. Despite that the pilgrimage of the House is once a year
And your pilgrimage in the short day is frequent

٦٣. على أنَّ حَجَّ البَيتِ في العامِ مَرّةً
وحَجُّكَ في اليومِ القَصيرِ مِرار

64. For you the prime camels, the heap, are slaughtered for the villages
When for others a tithe is slaughtered

٦٤. لك البَدَراتُ الكُومُ يُنْحرْنَ للقِرَى
إذا نُحِرَتْ للآخَرينَ عِشار

65. For from you freshness which their skins are filled with
When most of them are worn and virgins

٦٥. فمنك نُضارٌ صُرَّ مِلءَ جُلودِها
إذا كان منهم جِلّةٌ وبِكار

66. The gifts of the forefront ofrequest with its bestowal
When most gifts are withheld

٦٦. مَواهبَ سَبّاقِ السُّؤالِ برِفْدِه
على حينَ جُلُّ الأُعطِياتِ ضِمار

67. A young man in whom the hopes of delegations are when they come
Tall and the lifespans of promises are short

٦٧. فتىً فيه آمالُ الوفودِ إذا اعتفَوا
طِوالٌ وأعمارُ الوُعودِ قِصار

68. He gave generously until they decided that his money
To the seeker of his help, in his hands, is lent

٦٨. أفاضَ اللُّها حتّى قضَوا أنّ مالَهُ
لراجِي نَداهُ في يدَيْهِ مُعار

69. For all besides dinars, when they are depleted
There are reins, when they dissolve, and bridles

٦٩. لكُلِّ سوى الدّينارِ عند فِنائهِ
ذِمامٌ إذا ما حَلّه وذِمار

70. And the color of amber was not that, but rather
Fear of your generosity elevated it to yellow

٧٠. وما كان لَونُ التبْر ذاك وإنّما
عَلاهُ لخَوفِ الجودِ منك صُفار

71. So celebrate likewise everyone who circled around the House pilgrim
And the skills of its regions and rituals vanished

٧١. فَعيِّدْ كذا ما طافَ بالبيتِ زائرٌ
وخَبّتْ مَهارٍ شَطْرَه ومِهار

72. And when you avoided sin and its drinking
The permitted came to you from my hands as drinks

٧٢. ولمّا تَجنّبتَ الحرامَ وشُربَه
أتَتْكَ حلالاً من يَديَّ عُقار

73. Take them as cups in which for the virtuous there is no
Disgrace in its intoxication that he would fear and shame

٧٣. فخُذْها كؤوساً ليس في نَشوةٍ بها
لِذي الفضلِ عابٌ يَتّقيهِ وعار

74. And I have a thought that became devoted and its expression became
For the refined people of this time a beacon

٧٤. ولي خاطِرٌ أضحَى وأَدنَى بَيانِه
لأبناء آدابِ الزَّمانِ مَنار

75. And a chest like the hive of bees in which there is for the generous
Even though the combs of poetry from it are pointed to

٧٥. وصَدْرٌ كبَيْتِ النَّحْلِ فيه لَواسِعٌ
على أنّ أَرْيَ الشِعّرِ منه يُشار

76. Circumstances took me from my life to you
And it was said about some evils that they are good

٧٦. حَدَتْنيَ من دَهْري إليك حوادثٌ
وقد قيلَ في بعضِ الشُّرور خِيار

77. And how many groups turned away from you and wronged
And they came to you seeking wealth so they were illuminated

٧٧. وكم قَعد الأقوامُ عنك فأظلَمُوا
وجاؤوكَ يَرجون الغِنى فأناروا

78. And I am bound by your hands repenting
So I have no inclination to depart

٧٨. وإنّي لفي قَيْدَيْ أياديكَ راسِفٌ
فما لي إلى وَشْكِ الرّحيلِ بِدار

79. And how can I roam the earth while gratitude binds me
Behold, the oppression of benefactors is shackles

٧٩. وكيف أَجوبُ الأرضَ والشُكْرُ مُوثِقي
ألا إنّ طولَ المُنْعِمينَ إسار

80. You still are a horizon in which for glory there emerges an ascent
And a pole around which the supreme revolve

٨٠. فلا زلتَ أُفْقاً فيه للمجدِ مَطلعٌ
وقُطباً عليه للعلاء مَدار