
The pulpits' speeches and oaths of the veiled women,

خطبن وأيمان الكماة المنابر

1. The pulpits' speeches and oaths of the veiled women,
With their red tongues as white messages,

١. خَطبْنَ وأَيمانُ الكُماةِ المَنابرُ
بألسُنهِنَّ الحُمْرِ بِيضٌ بَواترُ

2. So the heads of the enemies bowed down in prostration to its prayer,
Submitted by the Forgiving.

٢. فخَرّتْ سُجوداً في الثّرى لِدُعائها
رُؤوسُ عُداةٍ أَسلَمتْها المَغافر

3. And the dawn of conquests did not reveal except gazelles
For sheaths, the desires of kings flutter.

٣. وما افتَضَّ أبكارَ الفُتوحِ سوى ظُبيً
لأغمادِها هامُ المُلوكِ ضَرائر

4. When war was in labor, males were born,
The bird of imminent victory gave good tidings.

٤. ذُكورٌ إذا الحَربُ العَوانُ تَمخّضتْ
لها طائرُ الفَتْحِ القريبِ البشائر

5. So victory's blade smiles with joy,
And the sincerity of the blows on the ground a scatterer.

٥. فللنّصرِ ثَغْرُ النّصْلِ يَبْسِمُ ضاحكاً
وفي الأرضِ صِدْقُ الضّرْبِ للهامِ ناثر

6. On a day of battle, the mother of nights equal to it
Became, from its days, while she was barren, pregnant.

٦. بيومِ وغىً أُمُّ اللّيالي بمِثْلِه
غدَتْ من أَبي أيّامِها وهْي عاقر

7. And below the brilliance of day when it appears
Screens rush to bring benefit.

٧. ودونَ سنا وجْهِ النّهارِ إذا بدا
تَظاهَر للنّفْعِ المُثارِ سَتائر

8. Its sun is but the rays of unsheathed swords,
And its land only ground in which there is a rebel.

٨. فما شَمسُه إلاّ شُعاعُ صفائح
وما أَرضُه إلاّ ثَرىً فيه ثائر

9. To cities it has made as ashes in the winds by their horses
Separating between them the hooves.

٩. لِمُدْنٍ ذَراها في الرياح لخيلهم
بكَرٍّ وفَرّ بينهنَّ الحوافر

10. A cloud watered it, and the heads are for its torrent
Bubbles avoided, and the blood pouring.

١٠. سقاها سحابٌ والرُّؤوس لسَيله
حبابٌ تنزَّى والدِّماءُ مَواطر

11. And with war how many regions were destroyed,
And with peace close ones became inhabited.

١١. وبالحربِ كم صُقْعٍ تناهَى خرابُه
وبالسِّلمِ عن قُربٍ غدا وهْو عامر

12. So are the courses of torrents, the disappearance of its violence,
When days have passed, gardens blossomed.

١٢. كذاك مجاري السَّيلِ غِبَّ انجِلائه
إذا عُدَّ أيّامٌ رياضٌ نواضر

13. Whenever the dust settles, it settles over its name,
So how many an evil looker has looked at it.

١٣. متى تَسْتُرُ الغبراءُ تُستَرَ كاسْمِها
فكم ذا إليها ناظرُ السَّوء ناظر

14. You like the past era of justice when it comes
At a time when none of your family remains disappointed.

١٤. يَسُرُّك ماضي عَهْدِ عدْلٍ إذا أتى
على حينَ من أهليكَ لم يبقَ غابر

15. If not for a preventing time and eras,
My saddle would have flown from you raging.

١٥. فلولا زمانٌ مانعٌ وزَمانةٌ
لطار برَحْلي منك هوجاءُ ضامر

16. And how many good beginnings the fortune of time has corrupted
And a condition has changed with which last ones rejoiced.

١٦. وكم لخطوبِ الدَّهر ساءتْ أوائلٌ
وحال بها حالٌ فسُرَّتْ أواخر

17. So be patient with the rotation of nights when they oppress,
For what is hoped for is only attained through patience.

١٧. فصابِر تصاريفَ اللّيالي إذا دهَتْ
فما يُدركُ المأمولَ إلاّ المُصابر

18. And to God is a people I do not forget their covenant
Even if the treacherous nights have broken my covenant.

١٨. وللهِ قومٌ لستُ ناسيَ عهدِهم
وإن نقضَتْ عهدي اللَّيالي الغوادر

19. Whenever time betrayed me more, I increased remembering
Their days, and the free man remembers the covenant.

١٩. متى زاد دهري غَدْرةً زِدتُ ذُكرةً
لأيّامهم والحرُّ للعهدِ ذاكر

20. I seek refuge in the possession of a people if I saw them,
As if their clans had been circling around me.

٢٠. أَباعِدُ أملاكٍ إذا ما طرَفْتهم
كأنْ قد أطافتْ منهمُ بي عشائر

21. Not because I am near to them, but because all of them boast
And take pride in being near to my encampment.

٢١. لِقُرْبيَ منهمْ لا لِقُرْبي برحلتي
إليهم يُباهِي كُلُّهم ويُفاخر

22. They have mixed me with the souls as if
Amr and Aamer had nurtured them.

٢٢. وقد خلَطوني بالنّفوسِ كأنّما
نَماهُم أَبو الأقيالِ عَمْروٌ وعامر

23. And the children of my time did not ask me about them though I lived after them,
Those whom I visit.

٢٣. ولم يُسْلِني عنهم وإنْ عشتُ بعدهم
بنو زمني هذا الّذينَ أُزاوِر

24. So how can it be when I have become unable to support
A journey or become absent.

٢٤. فكيف وقد أَصبحتُ لا أَنا مُنجدٌ
إلى طَرَفٍ سَيْراً ولا أَنا غائر

25. If you pass by the sons of Qailah whose pots have boiled,
How many sayings of mine the time has prided over.

٢٥. فإن تَكُ بابنَيْ قَيلةٍ شَطّتِ النّوى
فكم قَولةٍ منّى بها الدَّهْرُ فاخر

26. And if the supporters have become absent from me,
The supporter of God's religion is to me a supporter from it.

٢٦. وإن أَصبحَ الأنصارُ عنّيَ غُيّباً
فناصرُ ديِنِ اللهِ لي منه ناصر

27. Indeed I have tasted from his palms ten clouds
So I have watered my hopes, and they are collectors.

٢٧. لقد شِمتُ من كفَّيهِ عَشْرَ سَحائبٍ
فأوردْتُ آمالي وهُنَّ عَواشر

28. To the One, Master of the world, the great one, who has become
In greatness, a great one nurturing.

٢٨. إلى أَوحدِ الدُّنيا الكبيرِ الذي غدا
إلى كابرٍ يَنْميهِ في المجدِ كابر

29. I have deserted the lands flying and migrated willingly
So neither an emigrant nor immigrant has gained from me.

٢٩. هَجرْتُ الورَى طُرّاً وهاجرْتُ طائعاً
فلم يَحْظَ منّي هاجِرٌ ومُهاجر

30. An imam, he is the shining sun to the worlds,
By him their sights are guided and the insights.

٣٠. إمامٌ هو الشَّمسُ المنيرةُ للورى
به تَهْتدي أَبصارُهم والبصائر

31. I have concealed myself from the shame of time by his shade
So he is not to me a coverer from the eye of my time.

٣١. تَسترّتُ من رَيْبِ الزّمانِ بِظِلِّه
فما هو لي عن عَيْنِ دَهْريَ ساتر

32. With the rightest of judges of time I have strengthened my side
So its caprices have refrained from me overwhelmed.

٣٢. بأقضَى قضاةِ الدَّهرِ أَعزَزْتُ جانبي
فأحجَم عنّي صَرْفُه وهْو صاغر

33. By the master of masters whose opinion, ripe, is correct
And the granter of boons, his ocean fresh overflowing.

٣٣. بمَوْلى مَوالٍ رأيُه العضْبُ صائبٌ
ومُولي نوالٍ بحْرُه العَذْبُ زاخر

34. For him letters that do not cease composing
By them the religion calls to His servants and commands.

٣٤. له أَرقَمٌ ما انفَكَّ يَرقُمُ أحرُفاً
بها الدِّينُ ناهٍ للعِبادِ وآمِر

35. His breaths cure and heal always
So from his fang, the antidote and the poison pouring.

٣٥. تُداوِي وتُدْوي دائماً نفثاتُه
فمِن نابِه التِّرياقُ والسُّمُّ قاطر

36. He answers their question with a decree or wisdom
So he is not about them sluggish of eye at all.

٣٦. يُجِيبُ بفَتْوى أو بجَدْوى سؤالَهم
فما هو عنها طُرْفةَ العينِ فاتر

37. Bringing near the far with his opinion
When alone consulting a king one day.

٣٧. مَليٌّ بتَقْريبِ البعيدِ برأيِه
إذا ما خلا يوماً بَملْكٍ يُشاور

38. His cavalry without dispatching an army
Have become under this kingship armies.

٣٨. مَيامِنُه من غيرِ بعثٍ لعَسْكرٍ
غَدتْ دونَ هذا المُلْكِ وهْي عَساكر

39. When the men of time the fingers have counted
And hands have prostrated hastily to you the palms.

٣٩. إذا ما رجالَ الدّهرِ عَدَّتْ أناملُ ال
وَرى سجدَتْ عَجلَى إليك الخَناصر

40. So if a priority is intended by it then advantages,
And if magnification then the left hands.

٤٠. فإن يُنْوَ تَقديمٌ بها فأيامِنٌ
وإنْ يَنْو تَفْخيمٌ بها فالأياسر

41. Your ransom from the caprice of time every bold
Opponent who has become in war biting his fingers.

٤١. فِداؤك مِن صَرْفِ الرَّدى كُلُّ كاشحٍ
غدا وهْو عن نابِ العداوةِ كاشر

42. And a man who has risked himself, spent his night
Opposing you and in distress pondering.

٤٢. وخاطَرَ بالنَّفْسِ امْرؤٌ باتَ ليلَه
خِلافُك منه وهْو بالبالِ خاطر

43. O pillar of Islam, I watch over its pilgrimage
And my lifetime to it has been restricted and confined.

٤٣. أيا رُكنَ إسلامٍ أُراقِبُ حَجَّه
ولي عنه دَهْري مُحصَرٌ ومُحاصَر

44. Whenever my eye meets the brightness of his face
My heart to it the guide of passion flies.

٤٤. متى تَلْتَقي عيني بغُرّةِ وَجْهِه
فقلبي إليه رائدُ الشَّوقِ طائر

45. Shall I be patient from his call one day passing me by
While I am in it neither present nor discoursing?

٤٥. أأصبِرُ عن نادِيه يوماً يَمرُّ بي
وما أنا فيه حاضِرٌ ومُحاضِر

46. A man who expects from life an hour
And does not gain in it glory is at loss.

٤٦. وإنّ امرأً أرجَا من العُمْرِ ساعةً
ولم يَكْتسِبْ فيها علاءً لَخاسر

47. My soul's ransom from a generous helper
Whose successive grace has overcome me.

٤٧. فِدىً لك نَفْسي من كريمٍ وناصِرٍ
تَملَّكني إنعامُه المُتَناصر

48. To him from me new, permanent favors
And the necklace does not remain while the dove circles.

٤٨. له مِنَنٌ عندي جَديدٌ رُسومُها
وما الطَّوقُ ما عاش الحمامةُ دائر

49. And how many a smooth journey across the land speeding
Has returned with what you have made weighty and steadfast.

٤٩. وكم جاء بي نِضْوٌ طوَى الأرضَ ذارِعاً
فعاد بما أَوْقَرْتَهُ وهْو شابر

50. So O my protector, show me kindness with a glance
That has from you in the past of time like ones.

٥٠. فيا مالِكي عطفاً عليَّ بنَظْرةٍ
لها منكَ في ماضي الزَّمانِ نظائر

51. I have held myself together until I have found no composure
So here it is, the destinies have become to you my resort.

٥١. تَماسَكْتُ حتّى لم أَجِدْ لي تماسُكاً
فها هيَ صارتْ بي إليك المصائر

52. And I have a young cub of sincerity but my presence
Cannot help me, so your power and might.

٥٢. ولي شِبْلُ صِدْقٍ غيرَ أنْ ليس حاضري
فَتُنجِدُني أَنيابُه والأظافر

53. And it is difficult without happy companions of value
When some are not assisting each other and cooperating.

٥٣. وصَعْبٌ بلا إسعادِ صَحبٍ نفائسٍ
إذا لم يكنْ بعضٌ لبعضٍ يُضافر

54. My companions' plight distresses me that I see
A group where each to me a friend associating.

٥٤. وإنّي لَتُضْنيني حَوالَيَّ أنْ أرَى
معاشرَ كُلٌّ لي خليلٌ مُعاشر

55. I complain of them, they also complain of hardship
The general harm from it on the people is evident.

٥٥. فأشكوهُمُ يَشْكونَ أيضاً إضاقةً
عُمومُ الأذى منها على النّاسِ ظاهر

56. And they have emphasized the complaint with a strange narration they told
And the rare qualities of the souls reveal.

٥٦. وقد أكّدوا الشَّكْوَى بنادرةٍ حكَوا
وتُبدي خَفّياتِ النّفوسِ النَّوادر

57. They told that in Egypt was a group prayer
Attended by a Bedouin while he was present.

٥٧. حكَوا أنّ في مِصْرٍ صلاةَ جماعةٍ
رأتْ عينَ بادٍ وهْو إذْ ذاكَ حاضر

58. So he joined them until he prays, and he did not know the ritual
Of prayer, so he became standing confused.

٥٨. فخالطَهمْ حتّى يصلِّي وما درَى الصْ
صَلاةَ فأضحى واقِفاً وهْو حائر

59. They said to him, do what we have done, and do not worry
If you have not neglected anything from it.

٥٩. فقالوا له افْعَلْ ما فعَلْنا ولا تخَفْ
إذا لم تكُن منه لشَيْءٍ تُغادر

60. So when he stood behind the imam and came during the bowing
He lowered what his pants contained.

٦٠. فلمّا استَوى خلْفَ الإمام وصارَ في الرْ
رُكوعِ تَدلَّى ما حوَتْه المَآزر

61. A young man who was behind him held
His testicles to laugh at him overwhelmed.

٦١. فأَمسكَ خِصْيَيْهِ فتىً كان خلْفَه
لَيضْحكَ منه وهْو حَيرانُ سادر

62. And from some of the pillars of prayer in his ignorance
He assumed it a pillar so reached to take it.

٦٢. ومن بعضِ أركانِ الصَّلاة لجَهْلِه
تَوهَّمَهُ رُكناً فأَهوَى يُبادر

63. And he grabbed the sheikh imam in front of him
Thus did the sights for him blacken.

٦٣. وأمسَك بالشّيخ الإمامِ أمامَه
كذلك فاسودَّتْ عليهِ المَناظر

64. And the uncultured one remained clinging
From noon to afternoon grasping.

٦٤. وظلَّ البُدَيْوِيُّ المُعنَّى وماجِنٌ
من الظّهْرِ خِصْيَيْهِ إلى العَصْرِ عاصر

65. And they released the imam when they left him after
He had spoiled the communal prayer by laughing.

٦٥. وخَلَّى الإمامَ حينَ خَلّوهُ بعدَما
أضاعَتْ من الضِّحكِ الصّلاةَ المَعاشر

66. And they did not compare except the marginal notes to what they told
So the eminent lords refrained from resemblance.

٦٦. وما شَبّهوا إلاّ الحواشي بما حكَوا
فجَلَّ عن الشِّبْهِ المَوالي الأكابر

67. But the burden of nights, not the marginal notes, are my complaint
So is there someone to excuse me if he is reasonable?

٦٧. وثقْلُ اللّيالي لا الحواشي شِكايَتي
فهل عاذِلٌ لي لو تَحقّقَ عاذر

68. And far be it that the marginal notes of a master whose servant I am
To him and to them affection have described my consciousness.

٦٨. وحاشا حواشي سَيّدٍ أنا عَبْدُه
له ولهم ودّاً صفتْ لي الضمائر

69. The generous to guests in his courtyard
Their covenant from me the early rains have watered.

٦٩. مكاريمُ للأضياف في عَرصاته
سقَى عهدَهم عنّي الغُيوث البواكر

70. So they have not been miserly to me from a measure of benevolence
But I from thanking them have been deficient.

٧٠. فما قصَّروا بي عن مدىً من كرامةٍ
ولكنّني عن شُكْرِهم أنا قاصر

71. To you then, not blaming you, we end a complaint
And none complains but the oppressive nights.

٧١. إليك إذَنْ لامنكَ نُنْهي شِكايةً
ولا مُشتكَي إلاّ اللّيالي الجَوائر

72. So grant an equitable look that to you a looker cries out
The essences of our conditions and the appearances.

٧٢. فهَبْ نظرةً عَدْلاً يَصِخْ لك ناظِراً
بَواطِنُ من أَحوالنا وظَواهر

73. When the deputies are burdened they burden
Afflict me with what has harmed my companions.

٧٣. إذا ما علَى النُّوّابِ ثُقِّلَ ثَقّلوا
عَلّى فلِي ما ضّرَّ صَحْبِيَ ضائر

74. They say we are the losers so what do we have
To share with one of luxury and partner?

٧٤. يقولون نحن الغارمون فما لنا
يُساهِمُنا ذو تُرْفةٍ ويُشاطر

75. I said they are two types, a type has incurred losses
By which they deserve a share, and a type destitute.

٧٥. فقلتُ هما صِنْفانِ صِنْفٌ مَغارِمٌ
بها استَوجَبوا سَهْماً وصِنْفٌ مَفاقر

76. And the sights of a penniless one do not tear conventions
Complaining an era until ease returns.

٧٦. ولا تَخْرِقُ العاداتِ أنظارُ مُعْسِرٍ
شكا زمَناً حتّى تَعودَ مَياسر

77. And soon where a first was denied
The dawn of a new light believed another.

٧٧. وغير بعيدٍ حيثُ كُذِّبَ أَوّلٌ
لطالعِ فَجرٍ أنْ يُصَدَّقَ آخِر

78. Perhaps misfortune, if you say, will return vigorous
With your favorable decree that has stumbled.

٧٨. لعلّ لعاً إن قلتَ يَرجِعُ ناهِضاً
بإقْبالِك الجَدُّ الّذي هو عاثر

79. So order me the justification of fate and order them
With an equal division, so long as your command remains.

٧٩. فمُرْ لي بتَسْويغ القضاء ومُرْهُمُ
بقَسْمٍ سواءٍ دامَ منك الأَوامر

80. So that each the shade of your state that
Wealth from its clouds on us is pouring may gather.

٨٠. لِيجمعَ كُلاً ظِلُّ دولتِكَ التي
علينا الغِنَى من سُحْبِها مُتَقاطر

81. For you are to us the great guardian, majestic His glory,
And we are the happy servants, the young.

٨١. فأنت لنا المَولَى العظيمُ جلالُه
ونحن فأَسعِدْنا العَبيدُ الأصاغر

82. And so long as you live the rights are old
To your ocean, O son of the most generous, I neighbor.

٨٢. ومادُمْتَ حيّاً فالحقوقُ قديمةٌ
لبَحْرِك يا ابنَ الأكرمينَ أُجاور

83. For my livelihood for the remainder of my life
Is upon you so do not let excuses preoccupy you.

٨٣. فإنّ مَعاشي في بقيّةِ عيشتي
عليك فلا تَشْغَلْكَ عنّي المَعاذر

84. My loss is such a disgrace upon every companion
And far be it from you to be overcome by blames.

٨٤. ضَياعي كذا عارٌ على كُلِّ صاحبٍ
وحاشاك أن تغْشَى عُلاكَ المَعاير

85. Or else long live the open deserts that locusts cross
Camels whose pacing or the trotting.

٨٥. وإلاّ فَطَيّاً للفيافي تَجوزُ بي
عُذافِرَةٌ أَجوازَها أَو عُذافر

86. And there is no shame that I am traveling from your side
To a side for me in which ties are pastured.

٨٦. ولا عَيْبَ أنّي من جنابِكَ راحلٌ
إلى جانبٍ لي فيه تُرعَى أواصر

87. For I have feared until I have feared that you may say to me
While you over what you will, if you will, are capable:

٨٧. فقد خِفْتُ حتّى خِفْتُ أنْ ستقولُ لي
وأنت على ما شئْتَ لو شئتَ قادر

88. As Zayd the knight said the day of Hufayzah
When he captured al-Hutay'ah made him prisoner:

٨٨. كما قال زَيْدُ الخيلِ يومَ حفيظةٍ
غدا وهْو فيه للحُطَيئةِ آسر

89. I say to my slave Jarwal when I captured him:
"Ransom me and do not be fooled that you are a poet."

٨٩. أقولُ لعَبْدَيْ جَرْوَلٍ إذْ أسَرْتُه
أَثِبْني ولا يَغْرُرْكَ أنّك شاعر

90. So he said: "But I have no money, rather
My reward is fame in the ode spreading."

٩٠. فقال ألا لا مالَ عندي وإنّما
ثَوابي ثناءٌ في البسيطةِ سائر

91. So he released from his fetters his two feet speedily
And returned to his companions thanking.

٩١. فأَطلَقَ عن قَيْنَيهِ قَيْدَيهِ مُسرعاً
وعاد إلى أصحابهِ وهْو شاكر

92. O breast whose sea of generosity
The coming and thanking to it the source.

٩٢. فيا أيُّها الصّدْرُ الّذي بَحْرُ جُودِه
له الواردُ التّأميلُ والشكرُ صادر

93. Your conscience is benevolence, justice and piety
And in every breast, if we look, secrets.

٩٣. سريرتُك الإحسانُ والعَدْلُ والتُّقَى
وفي كُلِّ صَدْرٍ إن نظرنا سَرائر

94. Your shyness conceals what would benefit the reputation
But my gratitude publicizes what it conceals.

٩٤. حياؤك يَطْوِي ما يُفيدُ منَ الّلها
ولكنّ ما يَطْويِه شُكريَ ناشر

95. So increase me in bounty from you, and increase
In beauty from thanking it, so the master of bounty trades.

٩٥. فزِدْني جميلاً منك وازْدَدْ بشُكْرِه
جمالاً فَمولِيُّ الجميلِ مُتَاجر

96. And one honoring the likes of me honors himself
When the wise jurist ponders.

٩٦. ومُكْرِمُ مثْلي مُكْرِمٌ بي نفسَه
إذا أَعملَ الفِكْرَ الفقيهُ المُناظر

97. And it is equal in meaning whether a composer
Praises a generous one or a looker kisses.

٩٧. وسيّانِ معنىً أن يُنَوَّلَ ناظِمٌ
مديحَ جوادٍ أو يُقَبّلَ ناظر

98. So persist for supremacy and glory as long as
Hoping you the wildernesses and the settlements yearn for.

٩٨. فدُمْ للعُلا والمجدِ مادام دِيمةٌ
تُرَجّي البوادي صَوْبَها والحَواضر

99. And so long as a comet remains whose rise of fortune you are
And its lights to the beholders insights.

٩٩. ودام شهابٌ أنت مَطْلعُ سَعْدِه
وأَنوارُهُ للنّاظرِينَ بَواهر