1. I say, as a chained one wailed
At arts, and dawn made the east glow,
١. أقولُ وقد ناحَتْ مُطوَّقةٌ وَرْقا
على فَنَنٍ والصبحُ قد نَوَّر الشَّرْقا
2. Weeping, though not taking her friends far,
Like my sandgrouse, nor losing her leafy mates -
٢. بكَتْ وهْي لم تُبعِدْ بأُلاّفِها النّوى
كإلْفي ولم تَفْقِدْ قَرائنَها الوُرْقا
3. So I would weep for wandering in their presence
Till they went far from me, and weeping became real.
٣. كذا كنتُ أبكي ضلّةً في وِصالِهمْ
إلى أن نأوْا عنّي فصار البُكا حَقّا
4. So do not lightly part, said parting,
Making me find, losing loved ones, what I find.
٤. فلا تَضْرِبي قال الفِراقُ مَجانةً
فَتلقَيْ على فَقْدِ الأحبّةِ ما أَلْقى
5. Take this day joyfully with your friends, and speak
Thanking a time that joined you two, speaking.
٥. خُذي اليومَ في أنْسٍ بإلفِكِ وانْطِقي
بشكْرِ زمانٍ ضَمَّ شَملَكما نُطْقا
6. Let weeping go, while your friends are present,
Being, between their greeting and leaving, difference.
٦. وخَلّي البُكا ما دامَ إلفُكِ حاضراً
يكنْ بين لُقياه وغَيبتِه فَرْقا
7. In fate, what weeps - do not hurry,
Nor think a thing stays in one state.
٧. وفي الدّهرِ ما يُبْكي فلا تَتعَجَّلي
ولا تَحسَبي شَيئاً على حالةٍ يَبْقى