
O Caliph of Allah, you are the chosen one

خليفة اللَه وانت ذاكا

1. O Caliph of Allah, you are the chosen one
Rely on Muhammad, your staff and support

١. خليفة اللَه وانت ذاكا
اسنِد الى محمد عصاكا

2. So protect the people, draw them near
Your son, you found him not enough

٢. فاحفظ الناس لها ادناكا
وابنك ما استكفيته كفاكا

3. And we're all waiting for that
If you said "Bring", you'd say "Here, here!"

٣. وكلنا منتظر لذاكا
لو قلت هاتوا قلت هاك هاكا