
She returned, though if she had acted kindly, she would not have become estranged

عادت ولو قد فعلت لم تودد

1. She returned, though if she had acted kindly, she would not have become estranged
Yet she continues to toss restlessly like waves of overflowing generosity

١. عادت ولو قد فعلت لم تودد
فهي ترامى فدفدا من فدفد

2. When the time for blooming roses comes
And the time comes to transform the corrupting companion

٢. حينا فلو قد حان ورد الوّرد
وحان تحويل القرين المفسد

3. God said to her, come lean on Me
So she settled down contentedly in the institute

٣. قال لها اللَه هلمي فاسندي
فاصبحت نازلة بالمعهد

4. The true believer is the best refuge
Idle chatter of envious souls did not tempt her

٤. والمحتد المحتدّ خير محتدى
لم ترم ثرثار النفوس الحسد

5. Like the steady, supported king
When they took up the goblet with strong resolve

٥. بمثل ملك ثابت مؤيد
لما انتحوا قدحاً بزند مصلَد

6. Bent with the difficulties of mighty determination
Growing more intense in his defiance of threats

٦. يلوى بمشرون القوى مستجمد
يزداد ايغاضا على التهدد

7. So they left gently, submissively
Like silent wolves devouring rabidly

٧. فزايلو باللين والتعبد
صمامة تأكل اكل المزبد