
Your time is blessed with recurring celebrations

يهني زمانك أعياد مجددة

1. Your time is blessed with recurring celebrations
With conquests as the days cover it

١. يهني زمانك أعيادٌ مجددةٌ
من الفتوح مع الأيام تغشاهُ

2. You were angry for the sake of the religion and the world rightfully
How excellent is the anger pleasing Allah

٢. غضبتَ للدين والدنيا بحقهما
يا حبّذا غضب في الله أرضاهُ

3. You enabled the West an arrow feathered by fate
And Allah guided the arrow to the enemies

٣. فوَّقت للغرب سهماً راشه قدرٌ
وسدّد الله للأعداء مرماهُ

4. An arrow that hit and whose archer is virtuous
It has hit the farthest goal and made it deaf

٤. سهم أصاب وراميه بذي سلم
لقد رمى الغرض الأقصى فأصماهُ

5. The one whose purpose you advance, my Master
No conquest he hopes for fails him

٥. من كان بندك يا مولاي يقدمه
فليس يخلفه فتح ترجّاهُ

6. The one whose army is Allah's army supporting him
Allah granted him what he hopes for and facilitated it

٦. من كان جندك جندُ الله ينصره
أنالَهُ الله ما يرجو وسنّاهُ

7. You owned its west, you were given eternal rule
Over the west and east what it wishes

٧. ملكته غربه خُلِّدتَ من ملك
للغرب والشرق منه ما تمنّاهُ

8. And you marked your two wicked enemies with what they earned
And whoever slips into the gown of betrayal, you cast him aside

٨. وسامَ أعداءَك الأشقَيْن ما كسبوا
ومن تردّى رداء الغَدْر أرداهُ

9. Say to those whose perceptions were blinded in ignorance
So they did not see the sun, the sun of guidance, their eyes

٩. قُل للذي رمِدتْ جهلاً بصيرته
فلم تَرَ الشَّمسَ شمسَ الهُدي عيناهُ

10. Desires covered his mind until when
The guides appeared to him, he was blinded and made deaf

١٠. غطّى الهوى عقلَهُ حتى إذا ظهرت
له المراشدُ أعشاه وأعماهُ

11. Does he have, with sins that doom him, any excuses
That the one dignity clothed, it stripped naked

١١. هل عنده وذنوب العذر توبقه
أن الذي قد كساه العز أعراهُ

12. If he were thankful for the blessings I was granted
My protective refuge and deliverer would not slip

١٢. لو كان يشكر ما أوليت من نعمٍ
ما زلت ملجأه الأحمى ومنجاهُ

13. Draw Al Saud's sword and sheathe Al Bayda's
For the sword no matter how long, Saad reached its end

١٣. سُلَّ السعودَ وخَلَّ البيضَ مغمدة
فالسيف مهما مضى فالسعد أقصاهُ

14. And unfold a lightning bolt as a blade its edge sharpened
And raise from the dawn a standard its beauty perfected

١٤. واشرع من البرق نصلاً راع مُصْلتُهُ
وارفع من الصبح بنداً راق مجلاهُ

15. And the two enemies and what their rule has encompassed
Are supporters of your rule, may Allah protect its supremacy

١٥. فالعدوتان وما قد ضمَّ ملكُهما
أنصار ملكك صان الله علياهُ

16. May Allah not lonesome a country you rule
And may Allah cheer its prosperity with kindness

١٦. لا أوحش الله قطراً أنت ملكه
وآنس الله بالألطاف مَغناهُ

17. May Allah not darken a horizon you brighten
May Allah not neglect a pasture you graze

١٧. لا أظلم الله أفقاً أنت نَيِّرهُ
لا أهمل الله سرحاً أنت ترعاهُ

18. And congratulate on the month of fast that came visiting
Descending from the intense heat of Dhu al-Qi'dah, may Allah have mercy on it

١٨. واهنأ بشهر صيام جاء زائره
مستنزلاً من غله العشر رُحماهُ

19. It descended with good fortune so kindness poured unto it
And the hospitality expanded, fulfilled and enriched it

١٩. أهلَّ بالسعد فانهلَّتْ به مننٌ
وأوسعَ الصنعَ إجمالاً ووفّاهُ

20. Do you not see the blessings of the land all-encompassing?
And Allah's bounties have covered its expanse

٢٠. أما ترى بركات الأرضِ شاملةٌ
وأنعُمَ الله قد عمّت براياهُ

21. And your Eid returns, its occasions beautiful
And the reward and mercy of its prayers plenty

٢١. وعادك العيد تستحلي موارده
ويجزل الأجْرَ والرُّحْمى مُصَلاَّهُ

22. You prepared an army of supplication, lifting it
To the Owner of Ascents, its sincerity exalted

٢٢. جهَزت جيش دعاء فيه ترفعه
لذي المعارج والإخلاص رقَّاهُ

23. You poured in it the most generous of blessings
And the noblest righteousness, purified by benevolence

٢٣. أفضت فيه من النعماء أجزلها
وأشرف البر بالإحسان زَكّاهُ

24. And you granted the people what blessings you were granted
And Allah granted you what He granted and supported you

٢٤. واليتَ للخلقَِ ما أوليتَ من نعم
والى لك اللهُ ما أولى ووالاهُ