
O full moon in the sky of the caliphate

يا بدر تم في سماء خلافة

1. O full moon in the sky of the caliphate
The stars of good fortune have surrounded the halo of his palace

١. يا بدرَ تِمٍّ في سماء خلافة
حفَّتْ نجومَ السعد هالةَُ قصرِه

2. You have clothed Your servant with Your clothes
His gratitude falls short of Your favors

٢. ألبست عبدكَ من ثيابك ملبَساً
قد قصّرت عنه مدارك شكره

3. And Your pleasure with him is the best dress You have put on him
For he has built with his status and righteousness

٣. ورضاك عنه خيرُ ما ألبسته
فلقد أشاد بجاهه وببرْه

4. You have clothed me, mounted me, honored me
You have granted me what I cannot enumerate

٤. ألبستني أركبتني شرّفتني
أهديتني ما لا أقوم بحصره

5. My sight is towards Your face and it is the most beautiful of sights
Outshining the sun of time and its full moon

٥. نظري بوجهك وهو أجمل نَيِّرٍ
يُزري على شمس الزمان وبدره

6. The highest and greatest blessing, especially
While I am the one favored in his noble presence

٦. أعلى وأعظم مِنَّةً لا سيما
وأنا المنعّم في الحضور ببشرِهِ

7. You remain the Master of kings, their hope
And the state of Islam takes pride in his time

٧. لا زلتَ مولّى للملوكِ مؤملاً
وحلاك للإسلام مفخر دهرِهِ