1. Look to the horizon of beauty
Where pitchers ascend
١. أنظر لأفق جمال
به الأباريقُ تصعدْ
2. Exquisite charm endowed
By the glorious prince
٢. حسن بديعٌ حباه
به الأمير الممجَّدْ
3. Pride of the emirate, Saad
The caliph is blissful with him
٣. فخر الإمارة سعد
به الخليفةُ يسعدْ
4. How could it not be so when his father
Is the pride of kings, Muhammad
٤. وكيف لا وأبوه
فخر الملوك محمَدْ
5. Upon him are the jewels of his favor
Renewed each day
٥. عليه حليُ رضاه
في كلِّ يومٍ يُجَدَّدْ