
By your truth I have not tasted a blink of sleep after you,

وحقك ما استطعمت بعدك غمضة

1. By your truth I have not tasted a blink of sleep after you,
Until the star heralded the sunset.

١. وحقّك ما استطعمت بعدك غمضةً
من النوم حتى آذنَ النجم بالغروبْ

2. I faced the wind's journey and said maybe
It would bring a scent of your gentle breeze.

٢. وعارضتُ مسرى الريح قلتُ لعلَّها
تنمُّ بريّا منك عاطرةِ الهبوبْ

3. Until the face of morning appeared as if
It were your smiling face when its gloom disappears.

٣. إلى أن بدا وجهُ الصباح كأنه
مُحَيَّاك إذ يجلو بغرته الخطوبْ

4. So I said to my heart, feel the intimacy and rejoice,
For though bodies are distant, hearts are still near.

٤. فقلتُ لقلبي استشعرِ الأنس وابتهج
فإن تبعد الأجسام لم تبعد القلوبْ

5. Go safely in God's care, wherever your mount takes you.
Fear no misfortunes that may befall you.

٥. وسِرْ في ضمان الله حيث توجَهت
ركابُك لا تخشَ الحوادث أن تنوبْ