1. Longing kindles you, or is it lightning flashing from Najd
Its light illuminates whatever anguish comes from ardour
١. أَهاجَكَ شَوقٌ أَم سَنا بارِقٍ نَجدي
يُضيءُ سَناهُ ما تُجِنُّ مِنَ الوَجدِ
2. It leaned, enfeebled, while the stars were like
Lamps of monks burning from afar
٢. تَعَرَّضَ وَهناً وَالنُجومُ كَأَنَّها
مَصابيحُ رُهبانٍ تُشَبُّ عَلى بُعدِ
3. I yearned for him after my companions fell asleep
With a hermit's yearning for flowers
٣. حَنَنتُ إِلَيهِ بَعدَما نامَ صُحبَتي
حَنينَ العِشارِ الحائِماتِ إِلى الوَردِ
4. He reminds me of an age spent in sanctuaries
And our days in the banner of the single standard
٤. يُذَكِّرُني عَصراً تَقَضّى عَلى الحِمى
وَأَيّامَنا في أَيمنِ العَلَمِ الفَردِ
5. When Umm 'Amr grazed like a gazelle
In Wadi Al-Khuzama, a meadow of soft soil and tangled hair
٥. وَإِذ أُمُّ عَمروٍ كَالغَزالَةِ تَرتَعي
بِوادي الخُزامى روضَ ذاتِ ثَرىً جعدِ
6. The coquetry of her tattoo, the allurement of her sculpted form
The provocation of her hips, the allure of her slender waist
٦. غُلامِيَّةُ التَخطيطِ ريمِيَّةُ الطُلى
كَثيبِيَّةُ الأَردافِ خوطِيَّةُ القَدِّ
7. I kept the promise to her which no hardships made me break
Nor did the passage of time cause me to alter it
٧. حَفِظتُ لَها العَهدَ الَّذي ما أَضاعَهُ
صُدودٌ وَلا أَلوى بِهِ قِدَمُ العَهدِ
8. Oh breeze, from the hill of Rahat and the sanctuaries
How did you find your way to India?
٨. أَلا يا نَسيمَ الريحِ مِن تَلِ راهِطٍ
وَرَوضِ الحِمى كَيفَ اِهتَدَيتَ إِلى الهِندِ
9. You avoided us though the sea lies between you and India
With no ships protected by the harbours from storms
٩. تَسدَيتنا وَالبَحرُ دونَكَ مَعرِض
وَبيدٌ تَحاماها جَوازي المَها الرُبدِ
10. So India's perfume hides its origin
Shyly, its scent of roses and ambergris does not appear
١٠. فَأَصبَحَ طِيبُ الهِندِ يَخفى مَكانُهُ
حَياءً وَلا يَبدو شَذا العَنبَرِ الوَردِ
11. Did the people of the sanctuaries favour you with a waft
That you became, resplendent zephyr, the perfume of the chilled air?
١١. أَأَهلُ الحِمى خَصوكَ مِنهُم بِنَفحَةٍ
فَأَصبَحتَ مُعتَلَّ الصَّبا عطرَ البُردِ
12. If love reunited me with them
What grateful hand would I have for love?
١٢. لَئِن جَمَعَت بَيني وَبَينَهُمُ النوى
فَأَيُّ يَدٍ مَشكورَةٍ لِلنَوى عِندي
13. The days continue to draw their swords
And sharpen them until they uproot all I own
١٣. فَما زالَتِ الأَيّامُ تُمهي شِفارَها
وَتَشحَذُ حَتّى اِستَأصَلَت كُلَّ ما عِندي
14. So I took to wandering the lands as though
I were an irritation depriving eyes of sleep
١٤. فَأَقبَلتُ أَجتابُ البِلادَ كَأَنَّني
قَذىً حالَ دونَ النَومِ في أَعيُنٍ رُمدِ
15. No sorrow remains whose surface I did not examine
No plain remains I did not drag my cloak over
١٥. فَلَم يَبقَ حَزنٌ ما تَوَقَّلتُ متنَهُ
وَلَم يَبقَ سَهلٌ ما جَرَرتُ بِهِ بُردي
16. I struggle and time struggles against me in every ambition
Oh what misfortune is my lot, how I struggle and how time struggles!
١٦. أَكِدُّ وَيُكدي الدَهرُ في كُلِّ مَطلَبٍ
فَيا بُؤسَ حَظّي كَم أَكِدُّ وَكَم يُكدي
17. An outcast of time that found no consolation for its turmoil
Apart from the door of the noble house and its flower wreaths
١٧. طَريدُ زَمانٍ لَم يَجِد لِصُروفِهِ
بِغَيرِ ذَرا البابِ العَزيزِيِّ مِن وِردِ
18. When worries settled on its atoms
And cast their staff amidst the bustling throngs
١٨. فَلَمّا اِستَقَرَّت في ذَراهُ بِيَ النَوى
وَأَلقَت عَصاها بَينَ مُزدَحَمِ الوَفدِ
19. My life slipped away and was relieved of passion
My worries fell asleep and my brow was raised
١٩. تَنصلَ دَهري وَاِستَراحَت مِنَ الوَجى
قَلوصي وَنامَت مُقلَتي وَعَلا جَدي