
O son of the generous feeders when they are munificent

يا ابن الكرام المطعمين إذا شتوا

1. O son of the generous feeders when they are munificent
In every predicament and biting cold

١. يا ابنَ الكِرامِ المُطعِمينَ إِذا شَتَوا
في كُلِّ مَخمصَةٍ وَثَلجٍ خاشِفِ

2. The protectors when souls take flight
Between the swords and the shaking commotion

٢. العاصِمينَ إِذا النُفوسُ تَطايَرَت
بَينَ الصَوارِمِ وَالوَشيجِ الراعِفِ

3. Who told the tender woman that your abode
Is a sanctuary and you a refuge for the frightened

٣. مَن نَبَّأَ الوَرقاءَ أَنَّ مَحَلكُم
حَرمٌ وَأَنَّكَ مَلجَأٌ لِلخائِفِ

4. She sacrificed herself to you when her demise drew near
So you revived her with your renewed subsistence

٤. وَفَدَت عَلَيكَ وَقَد تَدانى حَتفُها
فَحَيوتها بِبَقائِها المُستَأنفِ

5. And if she were to be gifted with money she would recoil
From your comfort with redoubled folds

٥. وَلَو انَّها تُحبى بِمالٍ لانثَنَت
مِن راحَتَيكَ بِنائِلٍ مُتَضاعفِ

6. She came to Solomon of time with her complaint
While death brandishes from the wings of the snatcher

٦. جاءَت سُلَيمانَ الزَمانِ بِشَكوِها
وَالمَوتُ يُلمَعُ مِن جَناحي خاطِفِ

7. An old man whom poverty has worn down until his shadow
Runs by his side with a desolate heart

٧. قَرِمٌ لَواهُ القوتُ حَتّى ظِلُّهُ
بِإِزائِهِ يَجري بِقَلبٍ واجِفِ