
A guest has come to me from the Turks' abode

قد زارني من بني الأتراك مختفياً

1. A guest has come to me from the Turks' abode
A gazelle, unanticipated and unforetold

١. قَد زارَني مِن بَني الأَتراكِ مُختَفِياً
ظَبيٌ عَلى غَيرِ ميعادٍ لَهُ سَلَفا

2. Shaking from his slender figure a spear
Over shifting sands which burden it when bent

٢. يهزُّ مِن قَدِّهِ رُمحاً عَلى نَقَوَي
رَملٍ يَنوءُ بِهِ ثِقلاً إِذا اِنعَطَفا

3. His eyelids rain perennial sweetness
And his glances seed a blooming meadow

٣. سَقَت عَوارِضَهُ جَفناهُ سارِيَةً
فَأَنبَتَت عارِضاهُ رَوضَةً أُنُفا

4. As if he were a pearl the diver glimpsed
Just before seizing it in his palm

٤. كَأَنَّهُ دُرَّةُ الغَوّاصِ كادَ يَرى
مِن قَبلِ رُؤيَتِها في كَفِّهِ التَلَفا

5. No access to the honey of his lips
Until he sips from Zamzam at nightfall

٥. وَلا سَبيلَ إِلى مَعسولِ ريقَتِهِ
حَتّى يَبيتَ مِنَ الصَهباءِ مُرتَشَفا

6. So favor me with tenderness like my faith, and joy -
Your memory is sweet, and my heart is clear in its passion for you

٦. فَامنُن بِها مِثلَ ديني رِقَّةً وَشَذى
ذِكراكَ طيباً وَقَلبي في هَواكَ صَفا