
A dove called out one day in the heights of al-Sughd

دعت في أعالي الصغد يوماً حمامة

1. A dove called out one day in the heights of al-Sughd
On arts in the shade of flowing water like a sea

١. دَعَت في أَعالي الصُغدِ يَوماً حَمامَةٌ
عَلى فَنَنٍ في ظِلِّ رَيانَ كَاليَمِّ

2. She stirred with yearning and provoked one enraptured
And made a stranger weep and fooled a brother of dreams

٢. فَهاجَت مَشوقاً وَاِستَفَزَّت مُتَيَّماً
وَأَبكَت غَريباً وَاِستَخَفَّت أَخا حلمِ