
A beloved has distanced, though he's intimate and true

حبيب نأى وهو القريب المصاقب

1. A beloved has distanced, though he's intimate and true
The axis of my longing left barren, no rain anew

١. حَبيبٌ نَأى وَهوَ القَريبُ المُصاقِبُ
وَشَحطُ نَوىً لَم تُنضَ فيهِ الرَكائِبُ

2. One close is far when meeting's hopeless to pursue
Though near, he's distant, and the range is far, yet due

٢. وَإِنَّ قَريباً لا يُرَجّى لِقاؤُهُ
بَعيدٌ تَناءَى وَالمَدى مُتَقارِبُ

3. Gentle am I to his coarse soul and heart so crude
I'd blame him if he'd gently shepherd whom he spewed

٣. أَلينُ لِصَعبِ الخُلقِ قاسٍ فُؤادُهُ
وَأُعتِبُهُ لَو يَرعَوي مَن يُعاتَبُ

4. The just measure of manners is disturbed and askewed
Pearls his mouth, neck rubies that dissolve imbued

٤. مِنَ التُركِ مَيّاسُ القوامِ مُهَفهَفٌ
لَهُ الدُرُّ ثَغرٌ وَالزُمُرُّدُ شارِبُ

5. He surpasses a frowned, kohl-lined eye in his bow
Bushy his eyebrows, lashes his feathers, curved bow

٥. يُفَوّقُ سَهماً مِن كَحيلٍ مُضَيَّقٍ
لَهُ الهُدبُ ريشٌ وَالقِسِيُّ الحَواجِبُ

6. He sought excuses in flood, as though it were
Ambergris dissolved on his cheeks so fair

٦. أَسالَ عِذاراً في أَسيلٍ كَأَنَّهُ
عَبيرٌ عَلى كافورِ خَدَّيهِ ذائِبُ

7. In his temples moles grew that diminish the crescent
When it first appears, watched by gazelles pheasant

٧. وَأَنبَتَ في حِقفِ النَقاخيرُ رانَةً
تُقِلُّ هِلالاً أَطلَعَتهُ الذَوائِبُ

8. Scorpions crept to his cheeks' breadth, in that face pleasant
So they steal my heart, evilly thieving pleasant

٨. سَعَت عَقرَبا صُدغيهِ في صَحنِ خَدِّهِ
فَهُنَّ لِقَلبي سالِباتٌ لَواسِبُ

9. I marveled at his lids when his illness subdued them
They recovered, while my body by their pain subdued

٩. عَجِبتُ لِجَفنَيهِ وَقَد لَجَّ سُقمُها
فَصَحَّت وَجِسمي مِن أَذاهنَّ ذائِبُ

10. At his waist, how lithe, while his hips and shoulders feuded
As they pulled, though graceful, strongly colluded

١٠. وَمِن خَصرِهِ كَيفَ اِستَقَلَّ وَقَد غَدَت
تُجاذِبُهُ أَردافُهُ وَالمَناكِبُ

11. I pined for him until my love-songs were fashioned
And the jealous enemy arrows at me passioned

١١. ضَنَيتُ بِهِ حتّى رَثَت لي عَواذِلي
وَرَقَّ لِما أَلقى العَدوُّ المُناصِبُ

12. I wasn't one to grieve over fortunes new fashioned
But the sway of passion is never outmatched

١٢. وَما كُنتُ مِمَّن يَستَكينُ لِحادِثٍ
وَلكِنَّ سُلطانَ الهَوى لا يُغالَبُ

13. Burdens of longing, hard; chains of eyelids, chained
Loads of passion, solid; for their goals arduously gained

١٣. سَحائِبُ أَجفانٍ سِوارٍ سَوارِبُ
وَأَعباءُ أَشواقٍ رَواسٍ رَواسِبُ

14. Can I be saved from the illness of this ardent strained?
My paths are straitened; I'm painfully constrained

١٤. فَهَل لِيَ مِن داءِ الصَبابَةِ مَخلصٌ
لَعَمري لَقَد ضاقَت عَلَيَّ المَذاهِبُ

15. I've tasted life's times, easy and tribulation
I've tried until experience honed my valuation

١٥. حَلَبتُ شُطورَ الدَهرِ يُسراً وَعُسرَةً
وَجَرَّبتُ حَتّى حَنكَتني التَجارِبُ

16. How many nights alone! No moon segregated
Nor stars to illuminate those benighted

١٦. فَكَم لَيلَةٍ قَد بتُ لا البَدرُ مُشرِقٌ
يُضيءُ لِرائيهِ وَلا النَجمُ غارِبُ

17. Their darkness I split; no friend had I fated
Save my resolve, my only companion rated

١٧. شَقَقتُ دُجاها لا أَرى غَيرَ هِمَّتي
أَنيساً وَلا لي غَيرُ عَزمِيَ صاحِبُ

18. By a fire whose flames were writhing snakes mated
On the sands, trails left by them recently slithered

١٨. بِمَمغوطَةِ الأَنساعِ قَودٍ كَأَنَّها
عَلى الرَملِ مِن إِثرِ الأَفاعي مَساحِبُ

19. An ocean deep that maidens with backs reaching over
Yet they, my confidantes, their glances bend lower

١٩. وَبَحرٍ تَبَطَّنت الجَواري بِظَهرِهِ
فَجُبنَ وَهُنَّ المُقرِباتُ المَناجِبُ

20. An ocean of generosity, hands that cover
Beside it, all oceans and wonders uncover

٢٠. إِلى بَحرِ جودٍ يُخجلُ البَحرَ كَفُّهُ
فَقُل عَن أَياديهِ فَهُنَّ العَجائِبُ

21. A king who never gave but clouds rushed recover
In shyness and fear of his generous fervor

٢١. إِلى مَلكٍ ما جادَ إِلّا وَأَقلَعَت
حَياءً وَخَوفاً مِن يَدَيهِ السَحائِبُ

22. A full moon whose face shined, greeting well-wishers
When entourages came, all jubilance delivered

٢٢. إِلى أَبلَجٍ كَالبَدرِ يُشرِقُ وَجهُهُ
سَناءً إِذا اِلتَفَّت عَلَيهِ المَواكِبُ

23. He attained the highest rank, most prestigious guise
The lowest of its range, planets cannot devise

٢٣. تَسَنَّمَ مِن أَعلى المَراتِبِ رُتبَةً
تَقاصَرُ عَن أَدنى مَداها الكَواكِبُ

24. From his voice, every day, wonders so surprising
From his actions, in praise, marvels tantalizing

٢٤. لَنا مِن نَداهُ كُلَّ يَومٍ رَغائِبٌ
وَمِن فِعلِهِ في كُلِّ مَدحٍ غَرائِبُ

25. A knight whose steed is his integrity rising
Wealth poured makes lavish riders embarrassing, despising

٢٥. فَتىً حِصنُهُ ظَهرُ الحِصانِ وَنَثرَةٌ
تَكلُّ لَدَيها المُرهَفاتُ القَواضِبُ

26. Doubled and redoubled until their specks comprising
Were like the gazelles' eyes, intently comprising

٢٦. مُضاعَفَةٌ حَتّى كَأَنَّ قَتيرَها
حُبابٌ حَبتهُ بِالعُيونِ الجَنادِبُ

27. The minutiae of thought he sees, all comprising
In problems the outcomes clearly comprising

٢٧. يُريه دَقيقُ الفِكرِ في كُلِّ مُشكِلٍ
مِنَ الأَمرِ ما تُفضي إِلَيهِ العَواقِبُ

28. I came to him, while time was against me comprising
My woes, and my paths were shut comprising

٢٨. أَتَيتُ إِلَيهِ وَالزَمانُ عِنادُهُ
عِنادي وَقَد سُدَّت عَلَيَّ المَذاهِبُ

29. To raise my worth and silence those criticizing
And I would rise as they fell from grace comprising

٢٩. لِيَرفَعَ مِن قَدري وَيَجزِمَ حاسِدي
وَأُصبِحَ في خَفضٍ فَكَم أَنا ناصِبُ

30. No palm did I see condemning, from grace rising
No frown or contempt in his features comprising

٣٠. فَلَم أَرَ كَفاً عارِضاً غَيرَ كَفِّهِ
بِوَجهٍ وَلَم يَزوَرَّ لِلسخطِ حاجِبُ

31. We cut through the night toward Ibn Hurra's prize
The water-carriers gathered; he was the rich supplier

٣١. قَطَعنا نِياطَ العيسِ نَحوَ ابنِ حُرَّةٍ
صَفَت عِندَهُ لِلمُعتَفينَ المَشارِبُ

32. To the purest lineage, some ancestry undiluted
Cannot diminish the glory he contributed

٣٢. إِلى طاهِرِ الأَنسابِ ما قَعَدَت بِهِ
عَنِ المَجدِ مِن بَعضِ الجُدودِ المَناسِبُ

He summoned two stars, while the jewels embedded

٣٣. دَعا كَوكَباناً وَالنُجومُ كَأَنَّها
نِطاقٌ عَلَيهِ نَظَّمَتهُ الثَواقِبُ

34. Were like a belt round him, studded and threaded
He refused, though he wanted, like an untouched wedded

٣٤. فَرامَ اِمتِناعاً عَنهُ وَهوَ مُرادهُ
كَما اِمتَنَعَت عَن خُلوَة البَعلِ كاعِبُ

35. While some doubting minds falsely speculated

٣٥. وَلَيسَ بِراشٌ مِنهُ أَقوى قَواعِداً
وَإِن غَرَّ مَن فيهِ الظُنونُ الكَواذِبُ

36. He's not lightly shaken, however strong his base rooted
Though hosts may multiply, by his might reputed

٣٦. تَقِلُّ عَلى كُثرِ العَديدِ عُداتُهُ
وَتَكثُرُ مِنهُم في النَوادي النَوادِبُ

37. And I advise them to flee toward his reckoning suited
To safety, for advice in faith is reputed

٣٧. وَنُصحي لَهُم أَن يَهرُبوا مِن عِقابِهِ
إِلَيهِ فَإِنَّ النُصحَ في الدينِ واجِبُ

38. You remained, and how you've honored pulpits reputed
How many gained pride when you were saluted

٣٨. بَقيتَ فَكَم شَرَّفتَ بِاِسمِكَ مِنبِراً
وَكَم نالَ مِن فَخرٍ بِذِكرِكَ خاطِبُ