
O north wind, may you bear it;

ريح الشمال عساك أن تتحملي

1. O north wind, may you bear it;
Serve the most virtuous imam.

١. ريحَ الشَمالِ عَساكِ أَن تَتَحَمَّلي
خِدَمي إِلى المَولى الإِمامِ الأَفضَلِ

2. Stop in his sacred valley and look -
The light of guidance shining, never fading.

٢. وَقِفي بِواديهِ المُقَدَّسِ وَانظُري
نورَ الهُدى مُتَأَلِّقاً لا يَأتَلي

3. From a prideful, flourishing, prosperous Doha -
The roots of its glory stand firm.

٣. مِن دَوحَةٍ فَخرِيَّةٍ عُمَرِيَّةٍ
طابَت مَغارِسُ مَجدِها المُتَأَثِّلِ

4. Meccan in lineage, its origin is pure,
And its branches above the loftiest summit.

٤. مَكِيَّةِ الأَنسابِ زاكٍ أَصلُها
وَفُروعُها فَوقَ السِماكِ الأَعزَلِ

5. And seek rain from his hands, for long has he
Left the living in place of each departed year.

٥. وَاِستَمطِري جَدوى يَدَيهِ فَطالَما
خَلَفَ الحَيا في كُلِّ عامٍ مُمحِلِ

6. Good rains whose clouds return as they began;
Neither marked nor substitutes are known.

٦. نِعَمٌ سَحائِبُها تَعودُ كَما بَدَت
لا يُعرَفُ الوَسمِيُّ مِنها وَالوَلي

7. A sea who mastered knowledge, and if one saw
A sea who mastered before it in any gathering -

٧. بَحرٌ تَصَدَّرَ لِلعُلومِ وَمَن رَأى
بَحراً تَصَدَّرَ قَبلَهُ في مَحفِلِ

8. And exerting himself in God, he drags for piety
And religion the robes of decency draped.

٨. وَمُشَمَّرٌ في اللَهِ يَسحَبُ لِلتُّقى
وَالدينِ سِربالَ العَفافِ المُسبَلِ

9. With him perished heresies whose lives spanned
An age, and whose darkness did not recede.

٩. ماتَت بِهِ بِدَعٌ تَمادى عُمرُها
دَهراً وَكانَ ظَلامُها لا يَنجَلي

10. With him, Islam ascended to the highest elevation,
While all else remained in the lowest valley.

١٠. فَعَلا بِهِ الإِسلامُ أَرفَعَ هَضبةٍ
وَرَسا سِواهُ في الحَضيضِ الأَسفَلِ

11. One was mistaken about Abu Ali when comparing him -
Farfetched! Abu Ali falls short of none.

١١. غلِطَ اِمرُؤٌ بِأَبي عَلِيٍّ قاسَهُ
هَيهاتَ قَصَّرَ عَن مَداهُ أَبو عَلي

12. If Aristotle were to hear but a word
From his words, he would tremble convulsively.

١٢. لَو أَنَّ رَسطاليسَ يَسمَعُ لَفظَةً
مِن لَفظِهِ لَعَرَتهُ هزةُ أَفكَلِ

13. And Ptolemy would be dumbfounded were he
To meet any of his convincing proofs for each problem.

١٣. وَلَحارَ بطليموسُ لَو لاقاهُ مِن
بُرهانِهِ في كُلِّ شَكلٍ مُشكِلِ

14. Had they gathered before him, they would ascertain
That virtue was not for the ancients to claim.

١٤. فَلَو اَنَّهُم جَمَعوا لَدَيهِ تَيَقَّنوا
أَنَّ الفَضيلَةَ لَم تَكُن لِلأَوَّلِ

15. With him wisdom rests protected if
The winds of passion shake my abode to its foundations.

١٥. وَبِهِ يَبيتُ الحلمُ مُعتَصِماً إِذا
هَزَّت رِياحُ الشَوقِ رُكني يَذبُلِ

16. He pardons major sins in his generosity
And grants favor unasked.

١٦. يَعفو عَنِ الذَنبِ العَظيمِ تَكُرُّماً
وَيَجودُ مَسؤولاً وَإِن لَم يُسأَلِ

17. He pleased God with his deeds and defense
Of His religion, and delighted the Messenger.

١٧. أَرضى الإِلهَ بِفِعلِهِ وَدِفاعِهِ
عَن دينِهِ وَأَقَرَّ عَينَ المُرسَلِ

18. O Master, whose ranks
Aim for the sphere of fixed stars and beyond -

١٨. يا أَيُّها المَولى الَّذي دَرَجاتُهُ
تَرنو إِلى فَلكِ الثَوابِتِ مِن علِ

19. No position exists but that your worth surpasses it.
So by your sublime glory every subsequent rank is honored.

١٩. ما مَنصِبٌ إِلّا وَقَدرُكَ فَوقَهُ
فَبِمَجدِكَ السامي يُهَنَّأُ ما تَلي

20. Thus when God wants to elevate a position,
He grants it to you, attaining the noblest rank.

٢٠. فَمَتى أَرادَ اللَهُ رِفعَةَ مَنصِبٍ
أَفضى إِلَيكَ فَنالَ أَشرَفَ مَنزِلِ

21. Your courtyard remains forever a station for delegations.
Your generosity a cave for every hopeful.

٢١. لا زالَ ربعُكَ لِلوُفودِ مَحَطَّةً
أَبَداً وُجودُكَ كَهفَ كُلِّ مُؤَمّلِ