
If my tears did not mix with your days,

لو لم يخالط يوم بينك أدمعي

1. If my tears did not mix with your days,
my blood would have merely claimed.

١. لَو لَم يُخالِط يَومَ بَينَكَ أَدمُعي
قاني دَمي ما كُنتُ إِلّا مدَّعي

2. For you is a witness from my crying,
so ask the darkness and its stars about where I lie down.

٢. قَد صَحَّ عِندَكَ شاهِدٌ مِن عَبرَتي
فَسَلِ الدُجى وَنُجومَهُ عَن مَضجَعي

3. You punished me for a crime I did not commit,
unjustly, and how many reapers have not sown?

٣. عاقَبتَني بِجِنايَةٍ لَم أَجنِها
ظُلماً وَكَم مِن حاصِدٍ لَم يَزرَعِ

4. And you denied your apparition from visiting a lover,
you tried to destroy him yet he did not resist.

٤. وَمنعتَ طَيفكَ مِن زِيارَةِ عاشِقٍ
حاوَلتَ مُهجَتَهُ فَلَم يَتَمَنَّعِ

5. And the slanderer led you astray, were it not for folly,
the youth would not have been a reason that did not betray.

٥. وَأَمالَكَ الواشي وَلَولا غِرَّةٌ
كانَ الصِبى سَبَباً لَها لَم تخدَعِ

6. So you combined the heaviness of aloofness to yearning,
above reproach, to a heart in pain.

٦. فَجَمَعتَ أَثقالَ الصُدودِ إِلى النَوى
فَوقَ المَلامِ إِلى فُؤادٍ موجَعِ

7. Oh you who travels while the heart between its saddlebags
guides it to preserve the lost covenant.

٧. يا راحِلاً وَالقَلبُ بَينَ رِحالِهِ
يَقتادَهُ حِفظاً لِعَهدِ مُضَيّعِ

8. Why did you not stand by your lover protecting
the covenant of love in him the stance of one bidding farewell?

٨. هَلّا وَقَفتَ عَلى مُحِبِّكَ حافِظاً
عَهدَ الهَوى فيهِ وُقوفَ مُوَدِّعِ

9. How is the path to peace while you did not prepare
my mind for me nor leave my heart with me?

٩. كَيفَ السَبيلُ إِلى السُلُوِّ وَلَم تُعد
عَقلي عَلَيَّ وَلَم تَدَع قَلبي مَعي

10. So time that passed watered me with bitterness,
aiming at life and watering a long bitterness.

١٠. فَسَقى زَماناً مَرَّ لي بِطُوَيلِعٍ
صَوبُ الحَيا وَسقى عِراص طُوَيلِعِ

11. Yet I will have patience over time and its injustice,
the patience of one dignified who did not submit.

١١. فَلَأَصبِرَنَّ عَلى الزَمانِ وُجَورِهِ
صَبرَ اِمريءٍ مُتَجَمِّلٍ لَم يَخضَعِ

12. And I will wear from composure a coat
of barrenness that mocks continuous following.

١٢. وَلَأَلبسَنَّ مِنَ التَجَلُّدِ نَثرَةً
حَصداءَ تَهزَأُ مِن سَوابِغَ تُبَّعِ

13. And I will thank tribulations that threw
my possessions to the most splendid king.

١٣. وَلَأَشكُرَنَّ حَوادِثاً قَذَفَت بِآ
مالي إِلى الملكِ الهمامِ الأَروَعِ

14. So the shades of a shining white dawn draped me
adding the garb of glory, pure of intention.

١٤. فَضَفا عَلَيَّ ظِلالُ أَبلَجَ ماجِدٍ
ضافي لِباسِ المَجدِ صافي المَشرعِ

15. And I saw the best scene and experienced the most
pleasant tidings and settled the highest position.

١٥. وَرَأَيتُ أَحسَنَ مَنظَرٍ وَخبرتُ أَط
يَبَ مَخبرٍ وَحَلَلتُ أَرفَعَ مَوضِعِ

16. In the shade of lordly bright-faced Samaidha
from the lineage of lordly bright-faced Samaidha,

١٦. في ظِلِّ وَضّاحِ الجَبينِ سَمَيذَعٍ
مِن نَسلِ وَضّاحِ الجَبينِ سَميذَعِ

17. the most noble king who offers generosity
from his palm, naturally without affectation,

١٧. الأَشرَفِ المَلكِ الَّذي بَذلُ النَدى
مِن كَفِّهِ طَبعٌ بِغَيرِ تَطَبُّعِ

18. A king who has on the day of turmoil renowned
stands not claimed by pretenders,

١٨. مَلِكٌ لَهُ يَومَ الهياجِ مَواقِفٌ
مَشهورَةٌ لا يَدعيها مُدَّعي

19. Smiling on every frowning day,
brightening in every overshadowed adversity,

١٩. مُتَبَسِّمٌ في كُلِّ يَومٍ عابِسٍ
مُتَوَضِّحٌ في كُلِّ خَطبٍ أَسفَعِ

20. Quenching with his palm the heat of battle
from the heart of every armed man,

٢٠. يَروي حِرارَ السَمهَرِيِّ بِكَفِّهِ
يَومَ الوَغى مِن قَلبِ كُلِّ مَدرَّعِ

21. Swords at his right hand and his resolute
horses in war, the concerning of one defeating and masked,

٢١. سِيّانِ عِندَ يَمينِهِ وَحُسامِهِ
في الحَربِ هامَةُ حاسِرٍ وَمُقَنَّعِ

22. And he has often shattered armor with his palm
after the stuffing of the coat of mail between the ribs,

٢٢. وَلَطالَما حَطَمَ الوَشيجَ بِكَفِّهِ
مِن بَعدِ حَشوِ الدرعِ بَينَ الأَضلُعِ

23. A king, if you seek rain from the sea of his right hand,
it pours on you with a shower that does not diminish,

٢٣. مَلكٌ مَتى اِستَسقَيتَ بَحرَ يَمينِهِ
جادَت عَلَيكَ بِديمَةٍ لَم تُقلَعِ

24. Beautiful are its landmarks and how many a shower
erred so poured in a desolate plain.

٢٤. حَسَنَت مَواقِعُها وَكَم مِن ديمَةٍ
جَهَلَت فَجادَت في سَباخٍ بَلقَعِ

25. And often he overwhelmed the battle with three
in the back of a winged purebred.

٢٥. وَلَطالَما غَشِيَ الوَغى بِثَلاثَةٍ
في ظَهرِ مَنسوبٍ يَطيرُ بِأَربَعِ

26. With a deaf white spirited and soul-piercing
bright-minded one escorted.

٢٦. بِأَصَمَّ مُعتَدِلٍ وَأَبيَضَ صارِمٍ
وَجَنانِ مَضّاءِ العَزيمِ مُشَيَّعِ

27. How many a straitened stance, were it not for his patience in it
the eggs would not have had room to settle.

٢٧. كَم مَوقِفٍ ضَنكٍ فَلَولا صَبرُهُ
فيهِ لِوَقعِ البيضِ لَم يَتَوَسَّعِ

28. Of a people who enacted benevolence and guided
the meek to a clear path.

٢٨. مِن مَعشَرٍ شَرَعوا السَماحَ وَأَرشَدوا
فيهِ العُفاةَ إِلى طَريقٍ مهَيعِ

29. I came upon him while the torrent had reached perfidy in me
and the blossoms of life were dwindling.

٢٩. وافيتُهُ وَالسَيلُ قَد بَلَغَ الزُبى
عندي وَوِردُ العَمررنقِ المُشرعِ

30. So I attained from his blessings that which has no limit
to my hopes and to which my ambitions did not aspire.

٣٠. فَبَلَغتُ مِن نُعماهُ ما لا يَنتَهي
أَملي وَلَم يَطمَح إِلَيهِ مَطمَعي

31. And it made tribulations refrain from assaulting my abode
and the turns of fate from encircling my square.

٣١. وَنَهى الحَوادِثَ أَن تُلِمَّ بِمَنزِلي
وَصُروفَ دَهري أَن تَطوفَ بِمَربَعي

32. Freely bestowing before being asked
and bestowal is the bestowal of the initiator.

٣٢. مُتَبَرِّعٌ بِالجودِ قَبلَ سُؤالِهُ
وَالجودُ جودُ الباديءِ المُتَبَرِّعِ

33. So I came to recite his bestowal extolling
and his bounty is like pouring floods.

٣٣. فَغَدَوتُ أُنشِدُ جودَهُ مُتَمَثِّلاً
وَنَوالُهُ مِثلُ السُيولِ الدُفَّعِ

34. And I had called the echo of nobleness but it did not answer
so I thank an echo that answered and was not called.

٣٤. وَلَقَد دَعَوتُ نَدى الكِرامِ فَلَم يجِب
فَلَأَشكُرَنَّ نَدىً أَجابَ وَما دعي