1. The virtuous sheikh yearned for me and came to me
With the sun before the sun, followed by the star
١. تَجَوَّعَ لي الشَيخُ الزَكِيُّ وَجاءَني
مَعَ الشَمسِ قَبلَ الشَمسِ يَتلوهُما النَجمُ
2. Having let down their beards and dressed
In the finest garments with ornamented hems and embroidery
٢. وَقَد سَرَّحا ذَقنَيهِما وَتَسَربلا
مِنَ الوَشيِ ما اِزدانَت حَواشيه وَالرقمُ
3. And the tribe of Abdan came galloping as though
They had a share in the eternity I gained from Aden
٣. وَجاءَت بَنو عَبدانَ طُرّاً كَأَنَّما
لَهُم في الَّذي اِستَصحَبتُ مِن عَدَنٍ قِسمُ
4. And Abu Al-Fadl the Trustworthy and his servant came
Like two wolves, emaciated and ill
٤. وَجاءَ أَبو الفَضلِ الأَمينُ وَعَبدُهُ
كَذِئبي غَضاً قَد مَسَّهُم مِن طَوىً سقمُ
5. And the sun of the faith hastened, eager
With bundles on his shoulder of Adam’s loot
٥. وَأَقبَلَ شَمسُ الدينِ يَسعى مُبادِراً
وَفي كُمهِ لِلنَّهبِ مِن أَدَمٍ كَمُّ
6. Hordes, if the dam stood against them
A tear in its wall would show from their throng
٦. جُموعٌ لَو اَنَّ السَدَّ أَعرَضَ دونَهُم
بَدا مِنهُمُ في جانِبي رتقِهِ ثَلمُ
7. They seek my bread though the stars are beyond them
Their minds have strayed far from reason and sense
٧. يَرومونَ خُبزي وَالكَواكِبُ دونَهُ
لَقَد ضَلَّ عَنهُم رَأيُهُم وَنَأى الفَهمُ
8. Do they not know that the gnat cannot see
My food, and for the mouse with me there is plenty
٨. أَما عَلِموا أَنَّ الذبابَةَ لا تَرى
طَعامي وَأَنَّ الفارَ عِندي لَها لُجمُ