
Among the wonders of days is that my intercession

ومن عجب الأيام أن شفاعتي

1. Among the wonders of days is that my intercession
Is hoped for by one with a thousand intercessors before him.

١. وَمِن عَجَبِ الأَيّامِ أَنَّ شَفاعَتي
تُرَجّى لِمَن في وَجهِهِ أَلفُ شافِعِ

2. For the eloquent youth with the refined manners,
Of amiable character and pliant disposition,

٢. لِأَبلَجَ عَسّالِ التَثَنّي مُهَذَّبِ الـ
ـخَلائِقِ مَعسولِ الثَنايا مُطاوِعِ

3. Seeks an intercessor other than me in ignorance,
Yet there is no intercessor like the beloved companion.

٣. يَرومُ شَفيعاً مِن سِواهُ جَهالَةً
وَلا شافِعٌ مِثلَ الحَبيبِ المُضاجِعِ