
May God protect a people in Damascus, honorable to me

رعى الله قوماً في دمشق أعزة

1. May God protect a people in Damascus, honorable to me
Even if they haven't kept the covenant of one who has been wronged

١. رَعى اللَهُ قَوماً في دِمَشقَ أَعزَّةً
عَلَيَّ وَإِن لَم يَحفَظوا عَهدَ مَن ظَعَن

2. The darlings of my heart in good times and in adversity
And the utmost desires of my soul in secret and openly

٢. أَحِبَّةَ قَلبي في الدُنُوِّ وَفي النَوي
وَأَقصى أَماني النَفسِ في السِرِّ وَالعَلَن

3. People whom I expect treachery from at my own peril
Yet meet it with loyalty and turn all their evil toward good

٣. أُناساً أَعدُ الغَدرَ مِنهُم بِذِمَّتي
وَفاءً وَأَلقى كُلَّ ما ساءَني حَسَن

4. How many arrows have they let fly at me with intent
Yet my heart was silent and I count it as a favor from them

٤. وَكَم فَوَّقوا نَحوي سِهاماً عَلى النَوى
فَأَصمت فُؤادي وَاِعتَدَدتُ بِها مِنَن

5. My soul had promised me relief from them
But when I rise on Judgment Day in a shroud

٥. وَقَد وَعَدتني النَفسُ عَنهُم بِسَلوَةٍ
وَلَكِن إِذا ما قُمتُ في الحَشرِ بِالكَفَن

6. The Levantine lightning reminds me if it glimmers
My time with you, O how blessed was that time

٦. يُذَكِّرُني البَرقُ الشَآمِيُّ إِن خَفا
زَماني بِكُم يا حَبَّذا ذَلِكَ الزَمَن

7. O how blessed were the highlands below your honored land
When it appears and the snow has blanketed the meadows

٧. وَيا حَبَّذا الهضبُ الَّذي دونَ عزَّتا
إِذا ما بَدا وَالثَلجُ قَد عَمَّمَ القُنَن

8. My loved ones, I ask no specter for a visit in vain
Alas, where are the tents of Deylam from Aden

٨. أَأَحبابَنا لا أَسأَلُ الطَيفَ زَورَةً
وَهَيهاتَ أَينَ الديلَمياتُ مِن عَدَن

9. I forgave you though suspicions are liars
With your specter, where are the eyelids from sleeplessness

٩. وَهَبكُم سَمحتُم وَالظُنونُ كَواذِبٌ
بِطَيفِكُمُ أَينَ الجُفونُ مِن الوَسَن

10. And how often was I told in the field of the earth, it has perished
And for a homeland for the soul, a leaning toward a homeland

١٠. وَكَم قيلَ لي في ساحَةِ الأَرضِ مَذهَبٌ
وَعَن وَطَنٍ لِلنَفسِ مَيلٌ إِلى وَطَن

11. And does it benefit me that many lands
I roam through while my heart is pledged to Syria

١١. وَهَل نافِعي أَنَّ البِلادَ كَثيرَةٌ
أَطوفُ بِها وَالقَلبُ بِالشامِ مُرتَهَن

12. I wouldn't be content with Sanaa as a home
Even if I attained from Ghumedan the kingdom of the son of Dhi Yazan

١٢. وَما كُنتُ بِالراضي بِصَنعاءَ مَنزِلاً
وَلَو نلتُ مِن غُمدانَ ملكَ ابنِ ذي يَزَن

13. Perhaps a friendly glance will turn intention
And I will find the delight of eyes with family and homeland.

١٣. عَسى عطفَةٌ بَدرِيَّةٌ تَعكِسُ النَوى
فَأَلفى قَريرَ العَينِ بِالأَهلِ وَالوَطَن