
May God protect you, glory of the faith, from the eye of

وقاك الله مجد الدين عين الحسود

1. May God protect you, glory of the faith, from the eye of
The envious, you have filled my heart with joy,

١. وَقاكَ اللَهُ مَجدَ الدينِ عَينَ الـ
ـحَسودِ مَلَأتَ لي قَلبي سُرورا

2. You have been granted mastery in composing verse
And in scanning its meter a great dominion,

٢. لَقَد أوتيتَ في نَظمِ القَوافي
وَفي تَفصيلِها مُلكاً كَبيرا

3. When the daughters of thought claim you as their own
We think little of whatever adorns the temples,

٣. إِذا اِنتَسَبَت إِلَيكَ بَناتُ فِكرٍ
حَقَرنا كُلَّ ما زانَ النُحورا

4. And if their brides are revealed to us
We will credit Al-Farazdaq or Jarir,

٤. وَإِن جُلِيَت عَرائِسُها عَلَينا
نَدينُ لَها الفَرَزدَقَ أَو جَريرا

5. Meanings subtle as the new moon in darkness
And lucid words that mimic the Bedouin,

٥. مَعانٍ كَالأَهِلَّةِ في خَفاءٍ
وَلَفظٌ واضِحٌ يَحكي البُدورا

6. You have honored me and raised my worth
So that the galaxy has become for me a couch,

٦. لَقَد شَرَّفتَني وَرَفَعتَ قَدري
فَأَصبَحَتِ المجَرَّةُ لي سَريرا

7. You asked and I have answered, so if you find me
Lacking, ask again, you’ll not find one more skilled.

٧. سَأَلتَ وَقَد أَجَبتُ فَإِن تَجِدني
هَفَوتُ فَسَل تَجِد غَيري خَبيرا