
Tell the son of a lady that though he possesses

قل لابن سيدة وإن أضحى له

1. Tell the son of a lady that though he possesses
Many horses that show his wealth and nobility

١. قُل لِاِبنِ سَيِّدَةٍ وَإِن أَضحى لَهُ
خَوَلٌ تُدِلُّ بِكَثرَةٍ وَخُيولُ

2. He is but like a vulture whose mother is known
Yet his father remains always unknown

٢. ما أَنتَ إِلّا كَالعُقابِ فَأُمُّهُ
مَعروفَةٌ وَلَهُ أَبٌ مَجهولُ