
Many a dear friend passes my nights in blame,

ورب أخ حميم بت ليلي

1. Many a dear friend passes my nights in blame,
Making me drink deep of his bitter cup.

١. وَرُبَّ أَخٍ حَميمٍ بِتُّ لَيلي
أُجَرَّعُ مِن مَلامَتِهِ الحَميما

2. He says "Why with no just cause did you defame
The wise Mowaffaq? Such fault is corrupt."

٢. يَقولُ عَلامَ مِن غَيرِ اِجتِرامٍ
هَجَوتَ موفقَ الدينِ الحَكيما

3. I said "Gently! He who blames the innocent
Himself loses his right to justice and fair trial."

٣. فَقُلتُ لَهُ تَأَنَّ فَغَيرُ عَدلٍ
إِذا ما لامَ مَن سَلِمَ السَليما

4. I complained to him of the cruel, cold winter,
And that I could not rest for its bitter squalls.

٤. شَكَوتُ إِلَيهِ مِن كانونَ قُرّاً
أَبيتُ لِضُرِّهِ أَرعى النُجوما

5. But he was not kind, and said "'Tis but a spell
That will pass when you give up meat for your meals."

٥. فَما أَلوى عَلَيَّ وَقالَ خَلطٌ
يَزولُ إِذا تَجَنَّبتَ اللُحوما

6. So I endured the winter as the gnat endures
The winter in the beard of Ibn Sima.

٦. فَقَضَّيتُ الشِتاءَ كَما تَقَضّى
شِتا البُرغوثِ في ذَقنِ اِبنِ سيما