
O master, though penniless, his honor remains intact,

يا سيداً عرضه عار من العار

1. O master, though penniless, his honor remains intact,
His generosity abounds wherever he may roam,

١. يا سَيِّداً عِرضُهُ عارٍ مِنَ العارِ
وَجودُهُ في البَرايا سائِرٌ ساري

2. I once had a Zanji maid, so very patient,
In my poverty and in my prosperity stayed near,

٢. قَد كانَ لي مِن بَناتِ الزِنجِ جارِيَةٌ
صَبورَةٌ عِندَ إِعساري وَإيساري

3. By her Roman children, as though fountains flowed,
Clustered between her arms throughout the long night,

٣. لَها مِنَ الرومِ أَولادٌ كَأَنَّهُمُ
قداحُ نَبعٍ أُجيلَت بَينَ أَيسارِ

4. Sheltering them, the most caring of God's creations,
I pulled them away, but they kept clinging tight,

٤. تَضُمُّهُم في حَشاها طولَ لَيلَتِها
وَأَكثَرَ اليَومِ إِشفاقاً مِنَ الباري

5. My misery grew, yet her pale skin did rescue me,
Or her dark sister's, from the one who brings harm.

٥. وَكُنتُ أَجررتهُم عَنها فَما اِمتَنَعوا
عَن حَجمِ أَخلافِها يَوماً بِإِجرارِ

٦. وَقَد شَقيتُ فَخَلّصني بِضَرَّتِها الـ
ـبَيضاءِ أَو أُختِها السَوداءِ مِن قارِ