
When the mosque overseer saw his wealth

لما رأى الجامع أمواله

1. When the mosque overseer saw his wealth
Being eaten among his deputies

١. لَمّا رَأى الجامِعُ أَموالَهُ
مَأكولَةً ما بَينَ نُوّابِهِ

2. He was possessed with fear for it and so
Became epileptic at all its doors

٢. جُنَّ فَمِن خَوفٍ عَلَيهِ غَدا
مُسلسلاً مِن كُلِّ أَبوابِهِ

3. And how would madness not possess him
When he had seen the disfigurement of its masters

٣. وَكَيفَ لا تَعتادُهُ جِنَّةٌ
وَقَد رَأى المَسخَ لِأَربابِهِ

4. The monkey sitting as ruler in its niche
And the goat in the dome of its prayer-niche

٤. القِردُ في شُبّاكِهِ حاكِمٌ
وَالتَيسُ في قبَّةِ محرابِهِ