1. Let not health and comfort deceive you,
For what does not last with you is borrowed.
١. لا يَخدَعَنَّكَ صِحَّةٌ وَيَسارُ
ما لا يَدومُ عَلَيكَ فَهوَ مُعارُ
2. The youth is tempted by the love of life and the adornment of
The world, and forgets that to which he will return.
٢. يَغشى الفَتى حُبَّ الحَياةِ وَزينَةَ الـ
ـدُنيا وَيَنسى ما إِلَيهِ يُصارُ
3. And when insights are blind to the paths of guidance,
What good are eyesights?
٣. وَإِذا البَصائِرُ عَن طَرائِق رُشدِها
عَمِيَت فَماذا تَنفَعُ الأَبصارُ
4. Do not be fooled by fate, even if it meets you
In a situation that pleases you, for it is fickle.
٤. لا تَغتَرر بِالدَهرِ إِن وافاكَ في
حالٍ يَسُرُّكَ إِنَّهُ غَرّارُ
5. Look to those before you and learn a lesson,
For you will soon become what they have become.
٥. انظُر إِلى مَن كانَ قَبلكَ وَاعتَبر
سَتَصيرُ عَن كَثَبٍ إِلى ما صاروا
6. So everything given you in this world will disappear,
Even if the whole world were folded up for you.
٦. فَيَزولُ عَنكَ جَميعُ ما أوتيتَ في ال
دُنيا وَلَو زُوِيَت لَكَ الأَمصارُ
7. The generous grieve, and no tribe wails
For the one they have lost among them.
٧. تُرزا الكِرامُ ولا كَرزءِ عَشيرَةٍ
فُجِعَت بِمَن مِنهُم إِلَيهِ يُشارُ
8. O Ibn Yusuf, God watches over your grave
Where abundant rain flows.
٨. اللَهُ جارُكَ يا ابنَ يوسُفَ ثاوِياً
وَسَقى ضَريحَكَ وابِلٌ مدرارُ
9. Until the sides of your grave are a verdant meadow
Surrounded by light.
٩. حَتّى تُرى جَنَباتُ قَبرِكَ رَوضَةً
مُخضَرَّةً وَيَحُفُّهُ النوّارُ
10. I cry for you though my tears poured forth
Would make rivers marvel at their extent.
١٠. أَبكي عَلَيكَ وَلَو وَفَت لَكَ أَدمُعي
لَتَعجَّبَت مِن مَدِّها الأَنهارُ
11. You were our right hand, and what can the right hand do
When the right hand goes paralyzed?
١١. يا بَدرُ كُنتَ لَنا اليَمينَ وَما عَسى
تُغني إِذا مَضَت اليَمينُ يَسارُ
12. You were our aid against the times, but when
The aid ran dry, the rains were scarce.
١٢. كُنتَ المُعينَ عَلى الزَمانِ لَنا إِذا
غاضَ المَعينُ وَعَزَّت الأَمطارُ
13. O full moon, the grave was too narrow for you,
And the lands too cramped for your gallantry.
١٣. يا بَدرُ ضاقَ بِكَ الضَريحُ وَطالَما
ضاقَت عَلى عَزَماتِكَ الأَقطارُ
14. I take pride that the dust should cramp you
And visitors turn away from your tomb.
١٤. أَعزز عَلَيَّ بِأَن يَضيقَ بِكَ الثَرى
وَيَميلَ عَن عَرَصاتِكَ الزُوّارُ
15. You were a treasure to kings, a pillar
Of counsel your planning and spending.
١٥. قَد كُنتَ ذُخراً لِلمُلوكِ وَعُمدَةً
فَبِرَأيِكَ الإيرادُ وَالإِصدارُ
16. And many the cavalry, thanks to your planning,
Have charged on the foes like a surging sea.
١٦. وَلَكم بِرَأيِكَ مِن وَرائِكَ قَد سَرى
نَحوَ الأَعادي جَحفَلٌ جَرّارُ
17. Strange that the full moon should get accustomed
To darkness when it reaches its peak!
١٧. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَنَّ بَدراً كامِلاً
يَعتادُهُ عِندَ التَمامِ سِرارُ
18. He was generous, despite the paucity and plethora of his wealth,
The same in lean times and in plenty.
١٨. كانَ الجَوادَ بِما حَوى وَقَد استَوى
في مالِهِ الإِقلالُ وَالإِكثارُ
19. Clear and flawless his honor,
Safe from flaws, untouched by shame.
١٩. صافي أَديمِ العَرضِ لا يَنأى النَدى
عَنهُ وَلا يَدنو إِلَيهِ العارُ
20. From an Arab house he came,
Begotten of Arabs freeborn.
٢٠. مِن أُسرَةٍ عَرَبِيَّةٍ جاءَت بِهِ
عَرَبِيَّةٌ آباؤُها أَحرارُ
21. He was not fed by a nursemaid's milk,
Nor were his manners spoiled by the loose-living.
٢١. لَم يُغذَ مِن لَبَنِ الإِماءِ وَلَم تُحِل
أَخلاقَهُ عَن طَبعِها الأَظآرُ
22. If the meek showed fear of violence,
In him were dignity and composure.
٢٢. قَد كانَ إِن خَفَّت حَلومُ ذَوي النُهى
لِلهَولِ فيهِ رَزانَةٌ وَوَقارُ
23. O full moon, if after you saw our state,
It would pain you what fate has wrought.
٢٣. يا بَدرُ لَو أَبصَرتَ بَعدَكَ حالَنا
لَشَجاكَ ما جاءَت بِهِ الأَقدارُ
24. Our enemies rejoiced and an envier has had
His way with us, while helpers grew few.
٢٤. سُرَّت أَعادينا وَأَدرَكَ حاسِدٌ
فينا مُناهُ وَقَلَّتِ الأَنصارُ
25. We used to be wary, and our friends were afraid
For us, while our enemies sat snug.
٢٥. كُنّا نَخافُ وَيَرتجي إِحسانَنا
أَعداؤُنا وَيَعِزُّ فينا الجارُ
26. No life can be pleasant after you,
Nor dwelling, despite life's pleasures and roaming.
٢٦. ما العَيشُ بَعدكَ بالهَنيءِ وَلَو صَفَت
فيهِ الحَياةُ وَلا الدِيارُ دِيارُ
27. Far from me that my eyelids be delighted
By others after losing you, or my heart know
٢٧. هَيهاتَ أَن يَلتَذَّ جَفني بِالكَرى
مِن بَعدِ فَقدِكَ أَو يَقَرَّ قَرارُ
28. Any rest.
Or that I unburden complaints to anyone but you
٢٨. أَو أَرتَجي خِلّاً سِواكَ أَبُثُّهُ
الشَكوى وَتُحفَظُ عِندَهُ الأَسرارُ
29. And secrets are kept from any but you.
Fate played us false when it parted us.
٢٩. غَدَرَ الزَمانُ بِنا فَفَرَّقَ بَينَنا
إِنَّ الزَمانَ بِأَهلِهِ غَدّارُ
30. Time with its people is ever treacherous.
If Death's eyes could weep for one who perishes
٣٠. لَو أَنَّ قَلبَ المَوتِ رَقَّ لِهالِكٍ
لَشَجاهُ أَطفالٌ وَراكَ صِغارُ
31. They would weep for children left by you while still small.
Not content with your burial in the grave
٣١. لَم يَكفِ صَرفَ الدَهرِ دَفنُكَ في الثَرى
حَتّى نَأَت بِكَ عَن دِمَشقَ الدارُ
32. Have we been summoned from Damascus' abode.
Time was unfair in parting us.
٣٢. ما أَنصَفَ الدَهرُ المُفَرِّقُ بَينَنا
أَفَبَعدَ مَوتٍ نُقلَةٌ وَسِفارُ