
The greeting of a distant, longing lover

تحية مشتاق بعيد مزاره

1. The greeting of a distant, longing lover
Whose longing refused to settle and abide

١. تَحِيَّةُ مُشتاقٍ بَعيدٍ مزارُهُ
أَبى شَوقُهُ أَن يَستَقِرَّ قَرارُهُ

2. Whenever a conquering breeze passed by him
It ignited a fire in his mind and heart

٢. إِذا نَفحَةٌ مَرَّت بِهِ قاهِرِيَّةٌ
ذَكَت في الحَشا بَينَ الجَوانِحِ نارُهُ

3. His eyelids never closed upon the highest summits
Except that a convoy of lightning followed continuously

٣. وَما شامَ مِن أَعلا المُقَطَّمِ جفنُهُ
سَنا بارِقٍ إِلّا تَوالَت قُطارُهُ

4. The talk of his polished cheek did not fade
Nor did its fragrance waft gently like basil

٤. حَديثُ صِقالِ الخَدِّ لَم يَذوِ وَردُهُ
وَلا دبَّ كَالريحانِ فيهِ عِذارُهُ

5. When a nearby garden and promenade intoxicated him
The rose of his cheeks grew darker red

٥. إِذا زادَهُ جَنياً وَشَماً مُتَيَّمٌ
ذَكا وَردُ خَدَّيهِ وَزادَ اِحمِرارُهُ

6. A surety over his eyes, should his arrow go astray
That the reddening of his lids would not stray

٦. ضَمانٌ على عَينَيهِ إِن طاشَ سَهمُهُ
إِذا ما رَمى أَن لا يَطيشَ اِحوِرارُهُ

7. By Allah, my friends, they are not his people
When the one he loves is absent, nor is it his home

٧. خَليلَيَّ لا وَاللَهِ ما القَومُ قَومُهُ
إِذا غابَ مَن يَهوى وَلا الدارُ دارُهُ

8. So if you two will not make me successful in love
Leave me be, for its difficulty gives me pride

٨. فَإِن أَنتُما لَم تُسعِداني عَلى الهَوى
ذَراني وَشَوقي عَزَّهُ لي وَعارُهُ

9. I yearn for Egypt, oh how I wish for myself
That whenever Egypt is mentioned, I could lend it my wings

٩. أَحِنُّ إِلى مِصرٍ وَيا لَيتَ أَنَّ لي
إِذا ذُكِرَت مِصرٌ جَناحاً أُعارُهُ

10. So I take refuge in an immense, fruitful shade
With a generous king, whose neighbor is glory

١٠. فَآوي إِلى ظِلٍّ ظَليلٍ وَنائِلٍ
جَزيلٍ وَملكٍ حالفَ العِزَّ جارُهُ