1. The trade of the son of Seth has gone awry
Since they dismissed him from his perfumery
١. قَد فَسَدَت صَنعَةُ اِبنِ شيثٍ
منذُ أَزاحوهُ عَن قُمامَه
2. His shops were for Christians
And his elixir was trash
٢. كانَت بَواتيقُهُ النَصارى
وَكانَ إِكسيرُهُ القُمامَه
3. His son has now taken over the business
How alike is the chick to the pigeon
٣. وَقَد تَوَلّى اِبنُهُ عَلَيها
ما أَشبَهَ الفَرخَ بِالحَمامَه