1. When Ibn Asrun complained of fever to me,
In his lower regions a burning everywhere,
١. لَمّا تَشَكّى اِبنُ عَصرونٍ إِلَيَّ حِمىً
في سفلِهِ حارَ فيهِ كُلُّ بَيطارِ
2. And said, "A stubborn malady I have been afflicted with,
I am weary and every healer has failed,"
٢. وَقالَ داءٌ عُضالٌ قَد رُميتُ بِهِ
أَعيا وَقَصَّرَ عَنهُ كُلُّ مِسبارِ
3. I stabbed him with my sturdy straight spear,
True tubes like a gushing fountain,
٣. طَعَنتُهُ بِقَوِيِّ المَتنِ مُعتَدِلٍ
صَدقِ الأَنابيبِ كَالخَطِيِّ خَطّارِ
4. So he said when my spear began to pierce through,
"By God, your work is thanks to an ingenious skill,
٤. فَقالَ لما بَدا رُمحي يَجوبُ فَلا
أَعفاجه مُسئِداً كَالمُدلَجِ الساري
5. From a molder who tempered pain with fire."
And his belly rumbled so he drew aside, then cast
٥. لِلَّهِ دَرُّكَ شُكراً لِلصَنيعَةِ بي
مِن قابِسٍ شَيَّطَ الوَجعاءَ بِالنارِ
6. A javelin dyed with blood from his pony,
And he stood reciting in wonder, uncaring
٦. وَقَرقَرَت بَطنُهُ فَاِنحازَ ثُمَّ رَمى
بِسَلحَةٍ خضبَت بِالورسِ أَطماري
7. Of what had happened to me, fearing no shame,
"The piercer of the piercing stab, raging,
٧. وَقامَ يُنشِدُ عُجباً غَيرَ مُكتَرِثٍ
لِما عَراني وَلَمّا يَخشَ مِن عارِ
8. Repels its piercer through currents."
٨. الطاعِنُ الطَعنَةَ النَجلاءَ جائِشَةً
تَرُدُّ طاعِنَها عَنها بِتَيّارِ
9. So I rose from him with my skirts on my shoulder,
And his wife peered from a window of the house,
٩. فَقُمتُ عَنهُ وَأَذيالي عَلى كَتِفي
فَأَشرَفَت عِرسُهُ مِن شُرفَةِ الدارِ
And recited, with tears flowing down her cheeks,
١٠. وَأَنشَدَت وَدُموعُ العَينِ ساجِمَةٌ
في وَجنَتَيها سُجومَ العارِضِ الساري
11. Coursing the channels of her lovely face:
"O God's bounty, be my neighbor in our homes,
١١. يا نِعمَةَ اللَهِ حلّي في مَنازِلِنا
وَجاوِرينا فَدَتكِ النَفسُ مِن جارِ
12. I would ransom you, my soul, from any neighbor."
So I remained with him in leisure and comfort,
١٢. فَلَم أَزَل عِندَهُ جَذلانَ في دَعَةٍ
مُمَتَّعاً مِن أَياديهِ بِأَوطارِ
13. Gifted by his hands with presents,
Until my visits to him ceased, and it was clear to him
١٣. حَتّى اِنثَنَت صَعدَتي عَنهُ وَبانَ لَهُ
مِنّي الوَنى وَرَأى آثارَ إِقصاري
14. My affection had waned, and he saw signs of my drawing away.
He began to sing, and with hands joined with hands casually,
١٤. أَضحى يُغَنّي وَأَيدي في يَدَيهِ لَقىً
كَأَنَّما عَلَّ مِن صَهباءِ خَمّارِ
15. As if he had been taught by a sweet-voiced songstress:
"O Amr, no halting place in tracing out affection
١٥. يا عَمرو ما وقفَةٌ في رَسمِ مَنزِلَةٍ
أَثارَ شَوقَكَ فيها مَحوُ آثارِ