
I see Yahya has treated me poorly

أرى يحيى تعرض لي بسوء

1. I see Yahya has treated me poorly
With the malice of a scorpion that stung at his throat

١. أَرى يَحيى تَعَرَّضَ لي بِسوءٍ
تَعَرُّضَ عَقرَبٍ ولعت بِحَيَّه

2. Does he hope that I will satirize him? Never!
It is enough that he's called the brother of Ruqayyah

٢. أَيَطمَعُ أَنَّني أَهجوهُ كَلّا
كَفاني أَن يُقالَ أَخو رُقَيَّه