
It is said that when the crown fell upon me

قيل إذا التاج علي خلا

1. It is said that when the crown fell upon me
Along with the perfection of the ignorant fool

١. قيلَ إِذا التاجُ عَليّ خَلا
مَع الكَمالِ الجاهِلِ الأَحمَقِ

2. It was composed of their wicked deeds
A logical proposition about them

٢. تَألفت مِن خبثِ فِعلَيهِما
قَضِيَّةٌ مِن جِهَةِ المَنطِقِ

3. Its subject is the crown, so if they tried
The path of inverse it would not prove true

٣. مَوضوعُها التاجُ فَإِن حاوَلوا
بِها طَريقَ العَكسِ لَم تَصدُقِ