1. The cords of her affection have ensnared every supple one,
And I see the dress of the Turks has left neither
١. إِنَّ القُدودَ عَلى تَأَوُّدِها
فَتكَت بِكُلِّ مُقَوَّمٍ لَدنِ
2. A portion for the Indian nor the Yemenite.
O withholder of the poverty of your lover,
٢. وَأَرى لِحاظَ التُركِ ما تَرَكَت
قَدراً لِهِندِيٍّ وَلا يَمَني
3. From the purities of a beauty you are without need.
Follow your beauty with kindness to us,
٣. يا مانِعاً مِن فَقرِ عاشِقِهِ
زَكَواتِ حُسنٍ أَنتَ عَنهُ غَني
4. How appropriate is benevolence to beauty!
Harshness from you is a known trait
٤. أَتبع جَمالَكَ بِالجَميلِ لَنا
ما أَليَقَ الإِحسانَ بِالحُسنِ
5. Like generosity among the people of Yemen.
A people with whom wealth spends the night
٥. الصَدُّ مِنكَ سَجِيَّةٌ عُرِفَت
مِثلَ السَماحَةِ في بَني يَمَنِ
6. In estrangement, while glory is at home.
٦. قَومٌ يَبيتُ المالُ عِندَهُم
في غُربَةٍ وَالمَجدُ في وَطَنِ